MovieChat Forums > Gwoemul (2007) Discussion > HOW DID THIS GET SUCH A HIGH RATING???


wow, i was so pumped about this movie and i havent been this let down in a while. i wanted some comedy with alot of action and i got subpar cgi, a retarded plot(not even funny just stupid)and horrible acting and a bad taste left in my mouth.. wtf is wrong with you people...jesus rottentomatoes gave it a 93% who paid these people off??? im speechless.


I know, dude. How can there be so many people in the world who disagree with you about something? I'm as shocked as you are.


I thought it was a good film, but I didn't think it was that good, the monster never seemed that menacing either honestly it didn't seem like something the police couldn't handle, let alone a swat team, let alone the army.

I also agree with what one poster said, if this movie was Hollywood people wouldn't give a rats ass.

"The stuff that dreams are made of."


I agree. I rated it a 1. Deserved a zero. Couldn't even finish it. Can't understand why everyone loves it.


It's not you. It's everyone else.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


It`s awesome hands down.You are just not used with the korean cinema.


If Korean Cinema is usually garbage movies with stupid plot holes and annoying characters, then yes one who is used to watching good films wouldn't be used to Korean Cinema.


I`ve watched over 2500 films and I`m only 22 so I guess I can speak a little about what a good movie means.


I absolutely agree.
This is a very poorly done 'monster in the house'-type movie, with a messed up plot, really poor monster (like in Lake Placid, this monster is no threat to anyone and should be really easy to kill), and pretty much every element of the film, from cinematography to cgi to acting to music.. very low quality.
7.0 on imdb usually means either.. a very good film, or a very small number of votes.. This is a very poor film with a large number of votes. Why is it not rated 3.0?



It's such a shame that people don't understand that this is not a "monster movie", it's a movie with so much more. The monster is just the catalyst for the plot.

And I can see that most of the people who are bashing this film are Americans, not to suprising haha

I LOVED this movie.



Same feelings here. Why on Earth does it have such high ratings? This movie was atrocious.

Boycott movies that involve real animal violence! (and their directors too)


Honestly ??/

I had this movie downloaded FOR AGES... and i felt it was way too boring to watch... One day my sis was doing my nails and i had nothing to do so i started the movie, didnt give it any importance till the first time that monster got out of water... i literally yelled... and i am a hardcore horror fan, i play most horrifying games, and i hardly ever yelled ( maybe only playing Amnesia the Dark descent ).. This movie is AWESOME, when u watch it without any expectations... anything would seem not too cool if u watch it with high expectations...

This movie is my most fav horror movie of all time, and monster movies are wat i love most... yet this movie for me was 100 times better then cloverfield, (which also is my fav movie and even more then aliens XD )
