MovieChat Forums > Star Trek: Hidden Frontier (2000) Discussion > Hidden Frontier, New Voyages in the News

Hidden Frontier, New Voyages in the News

You can find an article on "The Trinidad Guardian"

You can find another article here, on L.A. City Beat.


Frontier Channel wrote this article about webisode production on January 9th. ising-new-web-series-in-2010/

It mentions Star Trek: Hidden Frontier, Star Trek: New Voyages/Phase II, and Hidden Frontier Productions' newest effort, Frontier Guard. It also brings to light many other web-based productions I was previously unaware of. Best of luck from me to all of the new shows!



Hidden Frontier Productions has long had a tradition of offering sneak previews of its works during their weekly chat. And their first non-Star Trek offering, Frontier Guard, is no exception.

On Monday, January 25th, 2010, chat will open at (follow the link at the top to the chat room or go directly to, at 5:00 pm, PST (-8GMT). At approximately 7:30 pm, PST, the temporary download link will be given out to chat room attendees. The link expires later that same night, so if you want to see the episode before everyone else, you'll want to be there.

Introductory vignettes for the characters can be seen at

HFP's first non-Star Trek offering starts in the era of Sputnik, but rapidly moves hundreds of years forward to a sometimes tumultuous "brotherhood of intelligence" that is not always comfortable with its own past.

If you want to learn more about the Frontier Guard, you might want to visit us at








"Is there anyone here who does not know that Tony stalked the shoots?"

Well, Tony doesn't. How many times has he accused his victims of stalking HIM? I've lost count, personally.





Amanda, may I ask what your goal with Tony is?

If you just enjoy taunting him, feel free: he'll give you years of entertainment.

However, if you're hoping to get a positive response out of him, forget it. It's impossible to get Tony to respond positively to anything. Take it from someone who has been trolled and harassed by him for a decade.

If you make a neutral statement, he'll attack it. If you make a negative statement, he'll attack it. If you make a positive statement, he'll attack it. Point out that you were able to have a civil conversation with him in public: he'll attack it. Try to reason with him, and he'll attack. Tell him the truth, and he'll attack it. Leave him alone, and he'll attack the silence by claiming that you haven't responded because you can't respond. Ask him to leave you alone, and he'll attack. Agree with him about the size of a structure used to film a movie, or about the quality of a movie, and he'll attack THAT, claiming that even when you're agreeing with him that you're stalking and harassing him. Ask him why he's spent so much of his life stalking you, and he'll attack that, to.

At this late date, I'm not sure he'd stop the attacks even if I lied and said that he'd been right all along. I suspect he'd just quote that as additional support for his position while he continued to smear us with his libels.

It's been said that one definition for insanity is constantly repeating the same actions over and over again, expecting something to happen differently. Expecting anything at all positive from Tony is insane, because it simply will not happen.

But as I said, if you simply enjoy taunting him and teasing him, have fun. It will make us look as bad as he is, but several people on the net already believe that is true anyway. (The only good news is that while they find our remarks "fishy", they don't believe a word of what he is saying, either.)



Of course I don't think that I'm Tony's only victim. I strongly suspect that Tony has more people on his enemies list than most people have on their friends list.

And I'm well aware that his actions are both criminal and habitual. I've been trying to find a law enforcement agency that isn't so overworked that they'll take internet stalking seriously. He could probably even make them profitable, now that Glen Beck is losing his show.

Have fun!






If memory serves, the Red Shirt project was approved (and possibly started) before he got himself thrown out of the club. I worked on it one day at a location shoot, wrangling cables and giving firearms advice.

I wouldn't know about the quality, as I've never seen it, despite having worked on it. Tony does not follow the amateur production tradition of giving a copy of the video to everyone who worked on it. I've heard that it was swollen from a brief commercial format to about twenty minutes, but I don't think I know anyone who has seen it besides Tony himself.

But about the original thread, which does not involve Tony at all: what is your opinion of Frontier Guard? Does it truly have nothing original, as claimed? Do you have a favorite episode? What is your reaction to the news that no more episodes will be made?

Now that Tony seems to be frozen on IMDB, I think we should go back to talking about Hidden Frontier productions, rather than talking about Tony.



Oddly enough, Tony used a high-end camera; I carried the cables for it at one point. I wonder where he went wrong that the quality was so poor? [shrug] His problem, not mine.

We had better people than me designing the makeup for Frontier Guard and it shows. I'm competent, but I can't really sculpt well. Carol Crouse, OTOH, taught sculpture in high school. She did an excellent job on the prosthetics. We do need to try out softer, lighter prosthetics: several actors complained about the stiffness of the silicone prosthetics. I'm told that they've developed a foam silicone that might be considerably lighter, and there's an additive you can use to make the silicone softer and more pliant.

I'm inclined to agree about 26 year olds as skipper; even on a smaller class ship, where the "captain" might only be a lieutenant commander, the skipper tends to be older.

As for "it's not Trek", that was the point: to have an original series we could legally charge for. But yes, people in the military, especially at the lower ranks, are pretty healthy-looking people. (We admirals can afford to be fat, fortunately.)

Rob did considerably raise the production quality bar on Frontier Guard. One of the things he added was move-matching, so that we could finally move the camera around and have the CGI background moving with it. Not having a locked-down camera makes for a more realistic feeling.

I'm very proud of what Rob achieved, and the small part I played in it. I'm only sad that we won't be doing more of it in the immediate future. Guess I'd better win in the lottery so I can finance that independent studio for him . . . [grin]










The third and final season of the parallel series, Star Trek: Helena Chronicles and Star Trek: Odyssey consists of a single two-hour combined episode, to be released Saturday, September 17th, 2011.

Read about it here, on TrekWeb:

