MovieChat Forums > Twitches (2005) Discussion > IS ANYONE ELSE ANNOYED?


Can you beleive that their making SEQUEL to that load of crap they call Twitches. Do they even realize the big errors that they made?

Karsh and Ileana are okay in the mvoies as a couple but ewwww can you beleive in the books if that were to happen?
The fact that their fourteen - sixteen in the end - is very important because they needed proitection, is there anything sadder than a spoiled rotten "I can't do anything myself except draw" 21 year-old living with her parents?
And their eyes are GRAY not BROWN (many reasons why this is important)
CAUCASIAN! (not racist)

Acutally when I saw the little ad in Teen People about this, I was so mad that I looked it up on disney and watched it and practically filled up three pages with errors.



i couldn't agree more!

and the fact that they made ileana and karsh these complete goofballs really pissed me off. ileana was always the more serious one out of the two, if you ask me, and they made her look like a dumbass.

and the way they met was RETARDED! i swear to God...if i were to EVER meet my "twin" in real life, there would be no way in thee hell that i would be all "buddy buddy" with her in ike, five minutes.

"the darkness"? wtf?



They're making a sequal to this? Ugh! Doesn't surprise me as Disney has to make a sequal to every original movie they do rather the first one was a hit or sucked. Doesn't matter to me as I don't plan to watch it ever. I haven't even seen the first one all the way through, just parts. I'm not going to even watch Disney at all this October as I know all they will show are the same 5 movies they've shown the last 5 years every day 'til November. Another reason I don't care for Halloween anymore.


haven't read the books, as I can't seem 2 find them anywhere. I'm thinking of asking my dad if i can buy the first 1 off his ebaby account. Well I liked this movie when first watching it, but i did some research on the book series and sounded really different. I don't like movies that are horrible adaptions of the book. I mean sure all movies differ from the book, but when it's just so much, that's when the book fans are gonna be disappointed. And also the twins don't meet their mother til the 6th book rite? Why did they cram it all into the 1st movie and then decide 2 make a sequel? How r they gonna follow the book series when they already gave away stuff that happened in the future books?
better idea 4 the twins 2 look like. an 4 the people that read the book is there anything that movie did get rite?

If voldemort's raising up an army, than i wanna fight
Harry Potter


i read all ten books years ago.
saw them at the bookstore when i was looking at the books for charmed.
i'm into the whole witch thing, and i thought i'd check the book out.
i loved it.
oh so wonderful.
i was so excited when i found out that disney was making a movie based on the books.
boy was i dissapointed.
i mean, i don't care if they used the mowry twins for the movie, but at least try to actually fallow the book.
i think the only reason they used the mowry twins is because they were already on disney from sister, sister and because they reuse all of the people who have done shows in the past, and because they probably figured if they use the mowry twins people would watch the movie.
wtf is "the darkness"
and karsh is supposed to be way old, not some 20-30 some year old person.
and conventry ISLAND, see that?
and the amulets... tacky... bulky... ewh.
and there was no dylan!!!
i wanted to see dylan!!!
they killed the books.
stupid movie.
no big sky either. ;[
and there's just loads of more stuff that i can't think of right now.
i'm mad.
i went off on a long rant last night to my friend about the book/movie differences.
she never read the books.
the sequel will suck butt!!

this was from wiki [i know you can't trust the site that much, but it was on some tv movie site too];

After saving their birth mother and their home land of Coventry from the Darkness (which was revealed to be the twins' uncle/stepdad Thantos in the first film), it is time for the girls to learn about each other and what it means to have magic. While Camryn embraces the royal lifestyle in Coventry with her mother, Alex is eager to begin her new life as a college student. While trying to live as normally as possible in their new surroundings, the evil darkness continues to threaten their existence. The sisters uncover evidence that their missing father, Aron, may be alive in New York.

there's just so much wrong with that plot.
and its T*Witches!!!
not "Twitches"
I've always pronounced it as "Tee Witches"
i always thought of the circle on the cover as a seperation, just like everyone else probably does.
but "Twitches"
geez, makes me think of someone haveing a spasm attack.
twitching uncontrolibly.

ok, i'm done.
no wait...
i think i'll watch the sequel, but i won't like it.
i'll watch it just so i can hate it.
compare its crappyness to the greatness of the books.
ok, i'm done.


FYI: It says "The sisters uncover evidence that their missing father, Aron, *may be alive* in New York." so for people who haven't read these books could easily still think he was dead from reading that piece you put up.

And everyone else give Disney a break, they did the best they could. Probably all they could only find was Tia and Tamera Mowry, maybe they were the only twins not working on another project at that time. And yes people are being racist if the witches HAVE to be white, just because they're white on the covers.

Another thing is all books and I repeat ALL BOOKS are not the same when made into movies, first you don't exactly want to copy it, you want your own version of the same idea.

so... IF YOU HATE THE MOVIE DON'T WATCH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and stop complaining

ps: this is for all the movie haters not just you alone scandalous lies, I just wanted to point out your mistake.


I'm pissed the book talks about then being WHITE. andthe contact thing would be okay
I think they'd be better off havinmg one person play both roles and one of the twins is punk they dont show that


I'm glad that I haven't read the books so I won't be expecting things that don't happen. I guess I'll find the books and read them after I watch it. That way it's not so bad. I learned this lesson with Harry Potter. Most movies don't do books justice.

Proud member of LLL. (Let Lana Lie)
Die ho!



I would of like it if they followed the book(at all).


I meant like if the first movie stayed true to the first book. What they really should of done is make a tv series and stayed true to the books.


its called POETIC LICENSE, thats why movies and books aren't the same, and plus you cannot do everything in a movie that you read in a book.



Wow, that was uncalled for.



they can't make it just like the book..hense don't you see harry potter..its so different from the book they take out a lot of can't always let everything be from the book.

Just you and I defying gravity with you and I defying gravity, they'll never bring us down!!


completely agree
its not that your being racist, but when they but an image on the cover, thats what people adapt to their minds as the characters, its not like they changed the models from book to book
which is why its so odd that they chose who they chose because its so completely WRONG
21? 21??! thats ridiculous it completely goes against some of the plot lines
i cant even bring myself to watch the movie it'll completely ruin the book for me
i just hope sometime in the future they remake this with the correct cast...

A wedding! I love weddings. . .drinks all around! I know, “Clap him in irons” right?


I was so mad that they effed up one of my favorite book series. And then they had the nerve to film an even crappier sequel. I hope to god disney somehow releases the rights and let someone else remake it. Odds of that happening? None.


I had planned to read the book series, but after all the racism and hate on this board, will just say i loved both twitches and twitches too, and over 7 million people watched the first, and over 7 million watched the sequel, I know you want the OLSEN TWIN, but it will not happen, because DISNEY bought the rights to the series, and this is their concept, so stop the hating, and just get over it.


I don't know if you were responding to me personally but I'll answer anyway. I don't care what color they are, heck they could be Asian or Native American or whatever. Don't care. What I DO care about is keeping the plot and the essence of the characters from the book, which was not done AT ALL. They messed up the whole mythology of the book completely which is what gets me kinda pissed.
Read the book series because it's actually quite good (unless you don't like reading tween series lol). And then you can see why people had problems with this movie.

I just wanted to you know that not all of us are against this movie for petty racist reasons. And if you are, do us a favor and grow up.


if it was you that stated the OLSEN TWINS was the right color, then this is definitely for you, i restate i loved both movies, and DISNEY owns all rights to the charcters and the their images, and that's that, i am not being racist, and i still plan to read the books after the 3rd movie just to see the difference, nothing else.


I didn't say that....and will never say that cuz frankly the Olsen Twins suck beyond comparison. (Why they still have a following is beyond me.) Yes Disney owns the rights, which is basically my problem. Omg 3rd movie?!?!?!
If you do read the books you'll find that the movies and the books are two seperate entities entirely. I wouldn't have a problem with the movie if it didn't give the pretense that it was going to follow the books. But since Disney bought the rights I'll never get to see one of my favorite book series in movie form. Thank you Disney.


i will read them in order as soon as i can find the set, i checked amazon and they have some, but not the entire set


I was annoyed too. I loved the novels and this was just made for TV fluff. It was crap.


The books were amazing keeping with the traditional wiccan theme as opposed to most fantasy themed movies that go over the top with the magic (such as Harry Potter though I do love Harry Potter a lot!) If the authors had held out for a better movie deal and gotten more money for the production the Twitches movies could've been in the same leauge as Harry Potter. I don't know how the authors cannot gag whenever they see these movies. If I spent as much time on a series as they have and then saw these movies turned into the pile of crap Disney made them into I would die. I don't care who they cast as the actors/actresses black white whatever just please whenever you make a movie from a book make it for the readers who were there even before it became "famous". Or better yet just think up some new ideas for movies and stop basing them on books just because the writer's at Disney and many other film companies are running on limited budgets and also apparently limited imaginations.
