so much hate here

If you can just treat this movie as a graphic comic novel comes to life maybe you could digest it a little better?

I'm not saying it was, like Ghost World, because I don't know, but Ghost World gets the same kind of critics that forget that.

It's just a comedy style. It wasn't trying to be hipster, it was hipster, so what?
You get a chance to make a movie go for it. I don't think any folks would have been raving about it if everyone in it was dull.

. Ephemeron.


This movie was always divisive from the beginning. The thing is that haters tend to be louder and more obnoxious than folks who liked the movie, who are pretty obviously solidly in the majority.


People are idiotic !! We are flooded by super hero nonsense and pixer crap aimed at kids and teens . When a unique well written , acted and directed film arrives people slam it . Probably as there are no car chases, explosions or fight scenes .


I know what you mean. Some people just want to get a rise out of people. I don't if they are called trolls, but there're jerks.
