MovieChat Forums > Margaret (2012) Discussion > Since I saw the sex scene, I began to ha...

Since I saw the sex scene, I began to hate having sex with women

I'm afraid I became gay after seeing this crap of scene XD. The whole story and the movie are good, but that scene...Is the first time i know about such a antipathetic girl during sex. And all words she said during sex with Paul simply turned me off.


That's a shame. You sound like such a sensitive lover.

We're not laughing at you, we're laughing with you.
But I'm not laughing.


That's a shame. You sound like such a sensitive lover.

lmao *post of the day*

You should change your name to TrollSlayer

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco



The "first time" reaction is nothing at all like more mature motivations. In this case I agree what she said was more turn-off than turn-on. But I don't expect that to have anything at all to do with her attitudes about sex a couple years later.

(Such an obvious point I feel silly responding, but...)




Sex isn't "sexy", I thought they did a good job of portraying an inexperienced teenager losing her virginity. It's awkward the first time.


LOL really? Sounds like you never had sex before...


can't outrun your own shadow


And all words she said during sex with Paul simply turned me off.

That must be why Paul shot his wad prematurely.


I think you were gay BEFORE you saw this movie. I don't think any straight guy really cares what a girl who looks like Anna Paquin says while he's deflowering her. . .


Maybe it's better for the female population that you become gay, you know..I don't see what it is you find so "antipathetic" about the girl behavior during this sex scene, it obviously has nothing to do about you feeling empathy, as the only thing that matters for you is that she's uttering words and speaking her mind, which is what seems to kill your boner. You must be the silent type.
I did find their talk very cool because usually during sex in Hollywood movies -and even life- people often simply don't talk, they don't ask each other what they like or don't like, they just assume how they should act during sex. It never cease to amaze me, there must be some mind-reading involved. Like, "ok I'm not gonna say I don't like this or I don't really am into that, or I'm gonna spoil the "fun". Porn doesn't help, now everyone thinks he or she knows the scenario (or they must). Too bad that there is not more communication as in this movie, or respecting you partner when he or she is saying that something is making him or her uncomfortable. Not thinking "How dare she questions my technique, such a boner-killer !" You should take it as a proof of honesty ,your partner is not here to perform a role, to be someone else than he or she is.
In a sense it is very much the intend of this movie to show how people don't talk to each other, and often just pretend and want you to pretend all the same.(or else they resent you, as most people resent Lisa for speaking her mind)


You're out of your mind. Despite her awkward comments, the actual sex scene was incredibly hot. It was absurd how fast he came, though.
