I don't understand

Why did Paquin want to frame Ruffalo? I thought she wanted to tell the truth to the police so she could take all the blame as the fatal accident was primarily her fault.

But suddenly in the middle of the film, she goes 180 and wants him fired and sued. I don't understand why?
And the way she acted, like intriguing Damon and other people in her environment - what was up with that?

At first she seemed as a nice girl but suddenly she goes full equipped psycho bitch.


Yes, you don't understand.

Her mother encouraged her not to get involved in the bus accident, so she lied to to the police as a witness. She later felt guioty about it, and decided to tell the police the truth.

In her grief and turmoil, she became needy for love and started pursuing gratuitous sex.


Also, it's not really her fault. He was the one driving the vehicle. He should have been paying attention to the road, not her.
