
Killing someone with a carrot through his skull? Possible.
Shooting shells direcly from the fingers? Possible.
A head-on against a truck, and surviving untouched? Possible.
Falling from 20 meters or so, and don't get a broken ankle? Possible.
A man killing alone some hundred killers without spoiling his hairdress? POssible.
I've seen it happen dozens of times.
But in no way the poop of a newborn baby can look like real s4it!
As a proud father of three, I can swear it.
Now the question: is Monica Bellucci - undisputedly one of most beautiful women in the world - so bad at acting in English, as she's when she plays in Italian?
I've seen the Italian dubbed version. Oh boy, even Madonna can make better.


If you're gonna whine about movies being unrealistic, stick to documentaries, because everything else is unrealistic in some way.


Did you even read his post?

My Movies/TV/Sports Site



i wanna give the OP props and the proper shrift he deserves. first i wanna say i have "nitpicking" threads on Burn Notice, Leverage and White Collar if anyone is interested and we sometimes get into satire... since comedy is the strongest in those action shows... as it is with Shoot Out... er... Shoot 'Em Off.... no wait that's wrong...

let me address the baby poop thing too. as a single dad with three kids i've changed my share of diapers and tend to agree... babies poop generally greenish and darkish sorta diahrrea poop... and rarely with the amount seen here... but truly having the Creepy Main Bad Guy smash it in the face of his (soon to be dead as they all are) underling: priceless.

i think the carrot-fu was a bit over the top. kudos for final carrot shot to diner thug shooting his croney in the foot was a pretty tough shot... but possible.

i was disappointed that there was no carrot-fu in the sky-diving scene.

i think they should've had a fast forward to baby's first carrot during the credits (you know... one year forward).

trading food stamps for bullets: possible but damn... it's illegal... doesn't anyone respect the law anymore?

straightforward senatorial assassination with a shot between the eyes? possible but really disappointed there wasn't some carrot-fu there... i guess Mr. Smith was in a bit of a hurry.

i know this isn't about Shoot 'em Up but i just wanted to mention that when the bunny ended up dry at the end of Con Air when Nicky Cage hands a *dry bunny* to his daughter at the end: NOT POSSIBLE! it destroyed a thoroughly believable movie for me at the time.


I watched this movie for the first time a week ago, and i thought from the cover of the dvd case that it had potential, i was wrong! i started watching the movie and at first it looked kind of like another movie i had watched (sin city) which gave me hope, but as the movie went on, the plot sky dived into a pile of garbage. the main characters went from interesting to predictable, the whole idea was in it self predictable. i have to be honest i turned it off after the first hour, and wish i could have gotten that hour back. I don't know how anyone could be happy with this movie at all.


This movie was *beep* stupid. I know this was supposed to be the whole point but wtf? I thought 'Wanted' was ridiculous but it was ridiculous in kind of a 'cool' way. It still had a lot of substance, e.g. charismatic characters, entertaining action scenes, but 'shoot...' was just a shamefully disappointing film- bad acting, editing, boring plot- well i guess u can call that a plot, terrible dialogues, etc, i can go on forever. It did have one good action scene but overall just stupid, end off.


You're wrong sir, even if opinions are subjective, in my opinion you're wrong.

Shoot 'Em Up is one of the most awesome films ever along with Crank & Transformers The Movie (1986)


Even if you hate Uwe Boll, give Postal a try, be offended or entertained.


no its not, i love a good bit of cheese and gun porn, but this film is a waste and a bore.


I felt the complete opposite.
Wanted was silly because they were trying too hard to be cool with the action.
Shoot'em Up is cool because they were just being silly with the action.
I thought this movie was hilarious!



"I don't care what you believe in, just believe in something ! No matter what..."


proud father of three? what are you proud of? that you helped overpopulated the world?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
There is no god, deal with it and grow a brain


It's supposed to be unrealistic. Look at The Matrix movies, Keanu Reeves defeat a hoard of agents with a pole. That movie was awesome, Shoot Em Up was cool, I did get a Sin City/The Spirit/Matrix vibe from it though.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit' me!" Hudson in Aliens.


"grow a brain " I suggest you take your own advice. While your at it, grow up a bit. Only little kids sitting behind mommies PC make such lame comments as yours. He should be quite proud. For one he has a SENSE OF HUMOR. He also has an understanding of SATIRE.

Google them both and learn something.


""grow a brain " I suggest you take your own advice. While your at it, grow up a bit. Only little kids sitting behind mommies PC make such lame comments as yours. He should be quite proud. For one he has a SENSE OF HUMOR. He also has an understanding of SATIRE."

my signature had nothing to do with my comment, you retard.
he should be proud that he helped overpopulate the planet?


- - - - -
There is no god,deal with it & grow up.


ehm.. omfg .. saying this movie is unrealistic is like saying to alien: there are no aliens!

you know what i hate?:

ppl that go into movies and allways complain whats realistic and whats nit ITS A MOVIE YOU MORON



ehm.. omfg .. saying this movie is unrealistic is like saying to alien: there are no aliens!

you know what i hate?:

ppl that go into movies and allways complain whats realistic and whats nit ITS A MOVIE YOU MORON


Oh good lord, I've lost uncountable brain cells reading some of the replies to this thread.

People want "thumbs up" and "thumbs down" buttons for posts on forums like this and many others. I say also add a "Too stupid to be allowed to breed" button specifically for posters like the one quoted, as well as most of the others in this thread.

If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them?


It's an action movie, what the hell do you expect?! People who want realism all the time in a movie are boring and bland. You want realism? Then go walk around the city and do real things.


People reading other people's posts with comprehension? Possible.

As for Monica, I guess this was intended. I've seen it in English and here she is very artificial in a striking way and so I don't think it is accidental. Besides it suits this movie.


OK OP let me try to explain this.

Shoot 'Em Up had a substantial but none the less limited special effects budget. In the original plan, $4,000 Canadian was earmarked for baby poop special effects. Also $76,500 Canadian was planned for Monica's acting special effects. Both of these items were dropped in favor of the "bullets fired from the Hand" and the BMW head-on crash sequence.

Personnally I would have spent the money on the baby poop and dropped on bullet from the hand in the fire place.

Hope this helps
