cheating is ok

if i am smart enough to cheat then i am ok to pass. thats how it works in life my friends. what a wuss he was for telling on them. zachary bryan wouldnt of even made this movie if it wasn't for jonathan taylor thomas anyways!!!


Well then, you will never go to a service academy will you. Granted I am not as USMA right now, I am at the Air Force Academy and we have an honor system too. Our honor oath is "We will not lie, steal, or cheat, nor tolerate among us anyone who does." During basic training and continuing thoughout the year, we have endless breifing on the honor code. It is drilled into our heads and our hearts. The most important take away, however, is that we have to live by the spirit of the code, that is, we live by the principles behind the code, not the code itself. This is what sets the military academies apart from regular colleges.


If you (craig20---) found cheating to be "okay" four and a half years ago, that's up to you. But then you can't expect any self-respecting hard-working person with honor and integrity to give you help in something you should've learned yourself already.

Thanks to all who've posted likewise.


I'm watching the movie for the first time, as I type this. Don't know who said it, exactly, but this quote would make a great tagline for the movie:

"We're training officers to lead men into battle. Who's going to follow a man if he's a liar, a cheat?"


To all:

The honor code at the USMA circa 1951 is important. The guys who turn in at the academy are the guys who are going to rat you out to the NVA guards in the prison camp in North Vietnam fifteen years later.

The guys who got thrown out for cheating went on to brilliant careers in the Central Intelligence Agency and did more to protect their country than the rest of their class combined. ;-)
