MovieChat Forums > Zombie Nation (2004) Discussion > A great social commentary, and truly inn...

A great social commentary, and truly innovative for today's zombie film

Ulli Lommel has taken the zombie genre to an all new level. In this great social commentary he plays on your stereotypes and prejudices of what to expect from a Hollywood production. Plays, and then completely destroys them. The result is what is truly the most innovative zombie flick of our time.
The production value is astronomical. Obviously working with budget constraints, the film crew did an excellent job of reproducing a realistic police station complete with squad cars. The lights on set are cleverly disguised as lights at the station, and the plumbing of the warehouse they filmed in is well hidden. Rumor has it that Ulli only had a few gallons of paint for the entire set due to budgeting, but as we can clearly see Ulli prevailed.
The scariest thing about the zombies is at first you don't realize these are zombies. That is quite possibly the most innovative thing about this film, because it waits...until you think it's safe...and then it isn't safe. You will find that you are constantly asking yourself, "Is it safe?"
The actors are most definitely the driving force of this film. Gunther Ziegler is downright creepy, and gives you chills to the bone. The idea of the German born character from a southern state plays off well, as the accent is clearly discernible as southern, and gives him a plausible past. One often wonders if Ziegler himself was the son of a maniacal psychiatrist in a torture ward of the mental hospital, as you feel this man was born to play this role. And let me say this. The torture scenes in the mental hospital are unforgettable.
As tensions peak, a fight erupts between two officers of the law, both determined to get to the bottom of the matter and torn between their conflicting and apparent interests. A crew of the officers are bound together by a past bound by the blood of war, and their loyalty tested throughout. This movie connects with many on an emotional level, and you feel a deep attachment to even the most ancillary of characters.
Many would expect a Romanian immigrant to have nothing to do with practicers of Voodoo, and that is the point when you realize Lommel has you. The ties she has are feasible and the protection curse was quite realistic to someone as myself, who has never performed Voodoo professionally.
As for gore, I was quite disturbed. I do not say that about many movies. During one eating session in particular, you realize how ruthless these sexy and mostly middle aged fem-zombies are. They take no prisoners, and even though they can live off regular food, they thirst for blood.
Lommel has created one of the most scocking and disturbing zombie flicks. Ever. The social commentary is deep and thought provoking. The only challenge you have now is get off that computer chair, chum up a few dollars for that obscure rental house that seemingly has every movie, and watch this movie.


Haha, awesome review man! Did an awesome job of bashing this terrible terrible awful movie. I think this movie might even de-throne "Plan-9 From Outer Space" as the worst movie of all time. While I have never seen Plan-9, I've heard it is awful, and is at the top of a number of people and organization's "worst movies of all time" lists. I think that "Zombie Nation" at least ties with the worst movie I have ever seen, which is "Santa Claus Conquers the Martian's". I was really perplexed to see that Netflix recently added this movie, as to why they would add such a terrible movie is beyond me, and even more beyond my comprehension is why someone would even bother to make a movie like this, even if the person that made it was too stupid to see just how much it sucks, I can't understand why a production company would look at this steaming pile of crap and say "oh I want to spend several hundred thousand dollars promoting this movie and making DVD copies of it." Another thing that's sad is that this movie gets confused with "Z-Nation", which is a pretty decent show, by people that haven't seen the show.
