MovieChat Forums > Outlander (2008) Discussion > Three glaring flaws wrecked this film

Three glaring flaws wrecked this film

this could have been a cool pic. here's what went wrong:

the plot focused on the human alien POV. wrong. from a story angle, this is incredibly difficult because anything you put forth comes across as lame, obtuse and untenable. the focus should have been on the warring nordic tribes, with the warring aliens a sudden, unknown and unpredictable variable from the POV of the nordics. these people would never refer to themselves as "vikings" by the way. a "vikinger" (prounounced vick-uhn-GAIR) was a sea raider. viking is a verb. but i digress.

the casting sucked. a bunch of UK actors and a couple of yanks trying to portray old school red-blood nordics. lame. never works. skandinavians are the most distinctive of all caucasians, physically, intellectually and culturally. it's like having greeks play the three musketeers. i did like the kid that played erik though, he was authentic. other than the english voice, he looked and behaved every bit like a skandinavian.

the premise was beyond flawed. the human alien? come on. the odds that any alien life form would be identical to homo sapien is absurd. a time travel scenario would have played better, but even that would have sucked. the film should have been about the nordics, with a pair of warring alien life forms that emerge on the scene, with immediate physical/psychic tie-in to ancient dragon and angel myths. now THAT would have been cool, if done right. reality-to-myth is a viable premise, because it addresses ancient questions and wonderings about what really walked the earth, or visited the earth, or whatever, in previous epochs that inspired the enduring images we have today of ethereal beings and giant serpents/dragons. this film perhaps tried to engage as such, but failed badly.


it's a movie about glowing aliens battling it out on earth in 790 AD and you're concerned with cultural accuracy.

half of sci-fi and fantasy is filled with human-like races from other planets, worlds, etc. is it not?

you're an idiot.


"half of sci-fi and fantasy is filled with human-like races from other planets, worlds, etc. is it not? "

True, it's probably so we'll be able to identify better with them. BUT in this movie They weren't really aliens. Kainan and his people were just as human as the people on earth. It was no coinsidence they looked alike. Earth was according to his computer an "abandoned seed colony".


The humans being the same is explained nearly from the get go. So that's not a flaw. The cast did quite well I thought as do many others.
You're missing the big flaw. Kainen says his people are greedy for land and that's why they destroyed the moorwens for their planet. if real estate is that important to his space faring culture then why is earth nothing more than an abandoned seed colony. i would think a planet not infested by giant carnivorous monsters would be a great place to colonize.


If Kainen and his people began to colonize Earth, then this would have been an entirely different picture, but it makes sense that Kainen people must have been keeping tabs on Earth or they would have picked up their language. If you remember Kainen flash learns the local language. That information had to come from somewhere.


I think you are being too tough on this movie. I have made much more allowances on many more films that have far much more baggage that this film. The human alien has got to be the silliest complaints of all. The whole premise of the story is that he looks like everybody else; he is just from up NORTH, far, far away up NORTH. And if would be pretty hard to have a love interest when the protagonist is some crazy looking CGI alien, not to mention expense to produce.



For me the most glaring flaw is he's part of some vast empire that has no problem massacring non-human species to colonize and yet they'll just ignore planet earth? Really?

"Well your team lost, so everybody cries."


and yet they'll just ignore planet earth? Really?

Earth was a 'failed seed colony'-so presumably something was unsatisfactory.


itszombietime, this is why you'll never get laid.

Seriously, you think too much.


I don't know when I last saw a film that was so engaging up to the midpoint, then faded so badly I had trouble finishing it. In general, that is the 'glaring flaw' as far as I can see it.


There is this thing called "Suspension of disbelief" when watching movies.
It is a little something that comes in handy when absorbing "fictional stories".
You should try it.


People wanting a decent Viking related viewing just watch Vikings on the History Channel (only just shown series 2 in UK but I think the USA are on series 4. What I have seen so far has been great - brilliantly acted, well written and looks great.


The 13th Warrior (1999) Not as authentic as Vikings but less than 2 hours long and plenty entertaining!


I agree with Nemesis42. See my strapline below.

This is a strange mix of sci-fi and an ancient culture. It is NOT meant to be a factual historical story. It's just a very entertaining action movie.

<b>There is real life ... and then there are movies!</B>


The OP's points are just nitpicking on a film that's actually better thought out than 95% of other scifi films being released these days. What slips it may have made in terms of accuracy with Vikings are, let's face it, pretty irrelevant!! At least they made a movie with Vikings! In the trivia, it even mentions...

This is the first film in history to feature Old Norse, the ancestor of Modern Icelandic and several other Scandinavian languages. Howard McCain used an Icelandic professor to help translate the dialogue and to teach the actors how to speak the ancient language.
If you're going to complain about the accuracy of a science fiction film with Vikings, that still does some things more accurately than other Viking films, then you really are just nit-picking... ;-)

The OP's point that really makes me groan in despair, is this:
the premise was beyond flawed. the human alien? come on. the odds that any alien life form would be identical to homo sapien is absurd.

There's a lot of text in this thread, and I haven't read it all, but I don't think anybody's mentioned... At the very beginning of the film, when Kainan is talking to the computer, it very clearly refers to Earth as an 'abandoned seed colony'. So right from the get-go, the film very smartly explains him being human, without getting the story bogged down in the fact.

Ergo, he's not an alien, we are in fact lost descendants of his same species! He is not an alien who happens to be human. :-)
