Your worst enemies.

What is the enemy you just hate fighting or scare you the most? Sometimes we have irrational fears of things and often in games there is one enemy I encounter early in the game which is hard to kill then later when I am powerful enough to cut through a dozen of them they still scare me. lol.

I hate fighting the Dread Zombies. I don't know what it is, they just seem to regenerate and it takes me forever to kill one and if there are other things attacking me it's really difficult. I also am creeped out by zombies and catching their diseses!


Those banshee creatures are awful, hard to fight and really creepy.

I also hated the gatekeepers creator in the shivering isles - i don't know what it was about her but I just hated her. I went back to kill her as soon as I was mad god.


Minotaurs and Minotaur Lords........


Didn`t have any trouble with any enemies. Everything was scaled avter my own characters level anyway.


Trolls. They are the only things that I refuse to fight haha I don't really know why. Whenever I see one I just run past them. I'll fight just about anything but I hate those damn trolls.

-- I am a traveler of both time and space, to be where I have been


Mountain Lions were the worst early on, so quick and deadly but Goblins in the long run were the toughest. I could go into the plane of Oblivion and slay Greater Demons all day long and then come back to face off against two Goblin Warlords and be in for the fight of my life! It's because they level up with you, and their leveling up seems to be better than most creatures, tons of HP.


I just hate being alone in creepy rooms. For example, the house that the Dark Brotherhood's headquarters was in (in Cheydinhal) creeped me out. I also hate when I know something is after me but I can't see it. I guess that's why I hate being alone in drafty houses filled with cobwebs. In Skyrim, when you have to investigate the murder in Windhelm, the abandoned house freaked me out. I kept thinking "what if the murderer is still lurking...". I have no problem with the Dread Zombies or any other actual threats to be honest. I mean, I'm not a fan of trolls but it's not really a fear. I get what you mean about the "irrational fear" thing. I always have them when I play video games haha mine always seems to be when I'm alone somewhere and I think that something might catch me off guard. It's so ridiculous. When I was little, the Rugrats mini golf game creeped me out because why the hell would a baby be at a damn golf course alone? They could have thrown some other people in there. Ugh.

-- I am a traveler of both time and space, to be where I have been
