MovieChat Forums > Skinwalkers (2007) Discussion > Where is the '10 Things I Learned While ...

Where is the '10 Things I Learned While Watching 'Skinwalkers' ' Post?

Someone start it off!



55)Jason Behr and Natassia Malthe are hot.

56)Half-werewolf 13 year olds are adorable, helpful, obedient and brave...which is ironic because regular 13 year olds are real monsters.

57)It's better to be bad: bad werewolves have more sex, ride motorcycles and wear leather.

58)A female werewolf will stop you from being raped by a couple of guys in a bar, but not from being eaten by one of her friends.

59)If someone is going to shoot you in the head, one up them by stabbing yourself in the eye. That'll show 'em!

60)Grandma's got a muthafuggin gun in that Mary Poppins bag of hers.

61)There's no need to explain who or what you really are(a clan of werewolves) to your sister-in-law until there's a full-fledged gun fight in the streets and a biker gang of mutants trying to eat her son. At this point explain clamly while you are tying yourself up in a kinky-looking harness and expect her to take it well. If she doesn't, drug her.

AND something I learned from the "Skinwalkers" message boards:

-There are a disturbing number of young women out there who are extremely attracted to Matthew know, the LITTLE KID who plays Tim? To which I say, "Yuck."


Re: AND something I learned from the "Skinwalkers" message boards: -There are a disturbing number of young women out there who are extremely attracted to Matthew know, the LITTLE KID who plays Tim? To which I say, "Yuck."

I'll add an "EWWW!" That's just creepy.

What I've learned is..
62) Not even Casey from the TMNT's movie could save this movie. *sigh* But the 'bad' guy was pretty.

Oh well, back to books.

[i]Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.[/i--]Albert Einstein


88) I would watching a stupid movie if Sarah Carter is in it.


89.) I'll watch anything as long as Jason Behr is in it.

90.) If your wife and son think your dead, but you've really been hunting them and sleeping around with the group whore, all is forgivable as long as you turn back from being a killer werewolf.

91.) Jason Behr makes one sexy villain, even though he's "not human".

92.) Don't hit any birds with your windshield, it'll cause a major accident.

93.) Women are naturally fakers and liars, so if she spent the night with the enemy, chances are SHE IS the enemy.. at least now she is.

94.) Nurses like to be hit on by 12 year olds.

95.) Hospitals don't mind weird people stalking their halls while carrying guns, it makes them feel better apparently.

96.) Kids really can be obedient, especially if their life is on the line.

97.) Shoot outs can happen on the main street of any small town, just like in the old west.

98.) Don't ever enter any bar called "The Last Chance Saloon".

99.) Werewolves are very horny.

And finally :

100.) This movie wasn't as bad as most people made it out to be.



89) Werewolf in human form can strip half of its body in some leather constraint jacket with one hand, but it doesn't seem to know they can still free itself with that hand.


90) It seems someone could live for 13 years in a town full of warewolves, be married to a warewolf, and never notice that for a few nights a month EVERYBODY in your family and circle of friends (and possibly in your whole town) disappears. Where'd they go?

91) Jason Behr should always be shirtless.

92) Somehow magical curses based on Navajo legends are still dependent on western 24 hour time keeping rules...and they go for the traditional stroke of midnight to kick in. classy.

93) It's typical to get itchy feet JUST when you're about to be attacked by a band of skinwalking motorcycle gangmembers.

94) It's always good to start a movie with a set of characters that one will never see again. Especially since they have the same motivation as our other gang o'baddies but they never show up as backup.

95) Native Americans are magic. I knew it.


96) Apparently the older a werewolf gets the more bullets they can take and still get up. Seriously, Granny took like 20 body hits and got back up. But mailman wolf takes like 5 shots and falls down dead. Same thing with jock wolf, girlie wolf, and uncle wolf. Granted jock wolf was a close range chest/heart shot and possibly a silver bullet (if that even means anything) but come on.... what the super nana?


97) Firing half your ammunition into the first werewolf you see is always a good idea, especially when you know there are more out there and you have none spare.



Hahaha so glad Im not the only one that noticed. Though one does wonder if thats intentional as in other movies the elders seem to be more powerful. Was quite funny to see granny get up half a dozen times and seem unscathed yet Uncle Wolfy has a Bandage on his chest for most of the movie from a single bullet wound lol


opening a door makes the same noise as cocking your gun.


102) When you must protect a little boy, have resources and years of preparation in front of you, don't build a bunker and hide him inside; repair and old truck and take the road instead, it will be more fun...
103) with old tales, time is always east coast ( curse end at midnight, wtf??) ; no indication if dts (daylight time saving) must be taken into account
104) when a little boy is the only hope, it's likely to be kind of retard too (seriously, did he listen one time or do something not stupid ??) - this one apply to most movies too


Saying "Screw This" is the best way to end a fifteen minute gun standoff.

"Better late than.....?"
"PREGNANT!!"-Blanche Devereaux



A Desert Eagle has a multi-functioning safety. The engaged safety doesn't prevent the gun from firing, when aiming the weapon at an elderly woman from five feet away.
