MovieChat Forums > Supernatural (2005) Discussion > Are they in it for the long haul or a fe...

Are they in it for the long haul or a few episodes?

Will the God/Chuck storyline be a 3-5 episode thing. I saw a photo of them still in the Bunker, so just like the Darkness, Demon Dean, BMOL, Michael Dean and Mary/Jack going MIA, separated from the boys. Things are going to get cut short by episode 3 or so and we'll go back to Bunker days, fillers, and God in between, or possibly a new problem.


In an interview, Jensen act like it is going to be all season long, but I don't remember interviews in the past.

Was Demon Dean talked up a lot in interviews? I don't even remember if Michael!Dean was??


Demon Dean was hugely talked about which at the time was why it pissed a lot of fans off that it was cut short. Pardon me for swearing for that crap that was the 200th. Which could have been aired as a stand-a-lone and carried on with DD after and added more depth to it.

As for Michael/Dean I don't think we were on IMDb back then, so I think coverage was a bit thin on the ground. I always used to remember one lady posted every day about topics I think she was called Thefallenandthechosen. It was amazing what she did find to post on gossip. Alycat is usually good at this sort of stuff, when she comes back and posts she might be able to put some more light on it.


I miss IMDb. I had a different name on there, but boy do I miss it. I know there were "trolls" and rude people here and there, but .. whatever.

Yeah, I'm curious and a bit "nervous" the final season might finish the God thing by episode 2 and create a new problem, but I guess it all depends on what they do. I'm one that enjoyed Fan Fiction, but I can see why people didn't like it. And the rush of Demon!Dean to get to the 200th. I'm surprised Demon!Dean didn't try to adjust as a demon, but I don't know. It goes into the lost opportunities pile for Supernatural.


Just curious Sammi, what was your name on IMDb, considering our paths more than likely crossed? I took the trolls on the chin, I wouldn't let them spoil my enjoyment. The GOOD out weighed the BAD for me. It felt like my second home, it became a real family towards the end when we new it was dying. :(

DD was way too short-lived which is what tends to happen on this show with a lot of great, strong powerful stories cut short before they have really had chance to shine. And some just run and run. Soulless Sam got way more screen time, and I don't think even now they made the best out of it. Because the writers at the time didn't now how to write a soulless person? They were treading water. I remember Jensen saying neither of them new Sam was soulless when reading those scripts. When I think back to what I remember about certain scenes it makes you wonder how they ever got filmed. It will be interesting next year after the show ends, to find out what other stories about filming come out of the wood work.

I am loving the whole God thing, and am interested in how they will solve it considering the number of episodes we have left. I don't want this cutting short either. Its got loads of potential to run. The whole thing of him using Sam and Dean in his stories really has got me thinking about stuff more. What he's really capable of.


I remember when I first started watching Supernatural and I went on the boards, people weren't too friendly to me. It was like talking to a herd of bullies - no one made me feel welcomed, so I became a watcher. But I don't fully remember what was said, or what I read on there. It feels so long ago. I remember your name, but I don't remember talking to you. Mine was jayden8450 or something like that. I had another name, but it was prior to that one because I couldn't back in, but that was way before I was watching Supernatural.

I'm one that didn't mind soulless Sam, though it's rough to look back on from now. As certain people without souls didn't act the same way. I'd figure without a soul, you would be a careless person. Donatello should've just got his soul back. I still don't understand why the Darkness needed to feed on souls to grow, it sounds so Demon-Abbadony. Or why souls weren't return to heaven, or those who were still alive????? I have a more problem with that. I wrote down theories and questions I have for Supernatural while watching the entire series again and I cant believe how many I have = headache.

After watching Moriah last night. I was still disappointed with it. Not because Chuck talked about they are his favorite story and releasing hell. I was disappointed because it felt so distorted, unplanned, and forced. It was unlike any other season finale I've ever seen on this show and not in a good way. The dialogue chosen and how people acted in that one Mirror business place, was embarrassing to watch. Of course imo. The fact that people would behave in that way is again embarrassing and inappropriate over lies. Supernatural is not a slapstick comedy-of course it was penned by Dabb. That whole segment was SO unbelievable. Jack didn't say, have no souls. I didn't enjoy being frustrated. I wanted to enjoy it and have an opened mind..


I still don't understand Chuck's behavior in the finale. It makes no sense. Though, him being a villain and created chaos for the final season is a decent idea, especially for the final season. Like if that was my very first episode of Supernatural, I would think it was a bit strange, too over the top in some places, but I think I would've liked the ending. However, this finale does not deserve a 10/10, again my opinion.

What I really don't understand about Chuck was if he's been lying this whole time, why act like you are super high on drug right now? Not act along with it. Like in season 5 when he was the "prophet" - he portrayed as a scared guy who had "this curse" or when he was in the future and still acted as Chuck. Now, granted at this point the writers probably only had him as the prophet, Chuck. But, writers, you need to explain this stuff and give us development. You cant just say, oh this is it, the past doesn't matter. Then you don't know what you're doing. Or in Season 11 when he was weak and continued to not know that Gabriel was still alive. Again, it was written later in (retcon), but why wouldn't God know one of his sons was still alive...?????????? Now, in the finale he's SO different. How could I and some dude on YouTube be the only two that notice this? Is our age, being in our 30s. Or does everyone like-love the idea so much of God/Chuck being a dick, that you don't think about it..

I don't like how rattled I am about this, but it doesn't make sense. Why act now? So, I wonder did they decide to end the show before they filmed the finale? Was that the intended written finale for season 14? Because the Chuck story seems added in imo. Is something wrong with Chuck, could he be sick? Jack can apparently get sick and die from it, so why not God too? From my other side, Chuck's obsession with story does make sense, tho it wasn't fully developed. He was very confident in the finale was loving the show.


Thanks for revealing your name. It seems to ring a sort of bell. IMDb in some parts wasn't over friendly and some were way more vocal than others and in my early days if I am totally honest found it a bit bitchy in places towards one another. They were often fighting and trying to score points off one another which I hated. But on the flip side once those guys got to know one another it seemed to settle down a bit. We were heavy with trolls and one in particular I remember when it did get nasty, was. Friends I loved got hurt, in a cruel way. But I tried to block it out and find my place as a friend said to me, shine. It made me feel a bit more confident, and in those early days started my blog which is still running. I stayed with IMDb for my original reason, that I found myself really getting into posters writing and found them to be an intelligent, knowledgeable bunch for the most part which intrigued me and still to this day think it helped me with my own writing, which I love to do.

I think this is possibly a reason why SPN has decided to pack up, because the actors maybe feel that the stories are not as strong as they used to be. Clearly when you go back and watch Eric's years you cannot beat them, and Andrew was part of those days and find it hard that he's lost his way a bit. He was such a good writer at his best and you can see a change. Its a shame that SPN has slipped, and think its now time to go whilst its still on a bit of a high, because I don't think they can go any further once God has been bought into the story telling. Deep down, I know myself its not as strong as it once was, and we don't want it getting cheesy and slapstick as you point out.

We will have to wait and see what ending we get


I don't mean to get "worked up" - I just get so connected to shows that I watch. I mean, my feelings on Criminal Minds has gotten so rough because on how bad I believe their writing has become and I've been watching that show for over 10 years. It's become a love/hate viewing/relationship.

I agree about Dabb, he did take part in writing some of my favorite episodes, I dont know if it's because he wrote with Daniel Loflin and he kept him grounded. But even after he started writing "solo" he seemed to take grip of the show and did well. Maybe it's because he wasn't a showrunner at the time?

The first episode he wrote that raised my eyebrow was the season 11 Finale. It wasn't horrible, but it also wasn't great. I'm not sure when Carver left during Season 11, but Dabb did take over at some point during that season. While watching Season 11, things seem to shift and I don't know if it was Dabb alone, or it was intended along. From then on I thought his episodes were just OK, but a lot over the top at times. I cant imagine being showrunner, it could be tough, but it's being in control of the show.

I don't think it's been said, not going to happen, or being kept hush-hush. But I wonder if Kripke is going to take part in writing an episode. Even after Season 5 it looked like he took part in being a executive consultant, but his last credit for that was Season 13 finale. It's just if I was a creator of a show, I'd like to have say, or take part in how it would end..though I don't think I would ever step down, but I think he's owed that "honor". Also, Jensen said how he called an "old friend" with the shows ending and during press interviews it was revealed to be Kripke. So, I'm assuming Kripke did take part in the shows ending. Singer is directing the series finale, it would be cool if Kripke co wrote the finale, even if it's with Dabb.


It's okay to get worked up, we're entitled too, this show can do it to us sometimes ;)

I didn't realise that Eric had been back? I really want him to write the finale it just feels right. He knows his characters and their back stories. It wouldn't take him long to pick up where he left off.

I hate to say this, but Dabb is co-writer with Bob Singer? So its not entirely all to his credit. Bob still over sees what Andrew does. I do feel sometimes that becoming a show-runner can sometimes go to their heads. We know Andrew was a far better writer before he became a runner. Same goes with Carver and Gamble. In some ways, I wish Andrew hadn't become a runner, because he would maybe still write those gobsmacking stories we know he can write.


I don’t think Bob Singer co writes with Dabb.

I also don’t think she means Eric is back. Let’s face it, he’s a busy dude. Jensen called him to bounce the way the show was ending off him as it wasn’t setting well. The fact that Jensen had to be convinced (for want of a better word) is a little unsettling. Kripke just gave his two cents. Another fresh set of eyes. I seem to remember reading somewhere that someone asked Kripke in an interview (?) if he was going to have any input or influence in the final season and he said no. Or maybe I imagined it. Or I was possessed. ;)


Bob Singer is a director, writer and executive producer on Supernatural. Singer has been working on the show in a co-showrunner capacity since season 1.

Bob Singer is a director, writer and executive producer on Supernatural. Singer has been working on the show in a co-showrunner capacity since season 1. For season 11, Singer took a step back from the show, taking on a consulting producer position. With season 12, Singer returned to executive producer/showrunner duties alongside Andrew Dabb.

Just found what Bob Singer's role is on Google. I also found the second quote on Super-wiki which states he took a break and returned as producer/showrunner duties alongside Dabb. So I was correct in thinking he works along side him.

I appreciate Eric is busy with 'The Boys' but, had hoped he could spare a couple of weeks to pen what was original his first big baby on TV and give it a good, strong farewell since its his creation. Now that dream I think has been diminished and flown out of the window. I think Jensen just wants to be reassured that the boss who started the show, might find it in his power to help finish it. Its nice to think that one of the lead actors had the nerve to go and ask the boss and at least get some sort of reaction. I can imagine Jensen when he wants to be is a very forward young man.


So what has Singer written for Supernatural?


I think Singer and Dabb wrote a most holy man in s12.

Singer is a co showrunner with Dabb, so that means he does have say in the stories. Also, he directs, so he has say during filming too.


Agree with your last paragraph. The Mirror business scenes didn’t feel as if they belonged. And poorly written. I sometimes get the feeling that When Dabb comes up with an idea he likes that he will include it come Hell or highwater regardless of how others may view it. I still think the idea of Chuck pitching a tantrum and having controlled so much of the Winchesters world to be lame. I hope there’s more to it than that. I’m curious as to how Amara is going to fit into it as well. As I said, I anticipate being one of the %er’s that will not be happy with the end. Supernatural deserved so much better than Dabb for a final Showrunner.


Don’t you remember during hiatus when the promos started proclaiming it the “Year of the Deamon” or something like that? I guess the Three Episodes of the Deanmon just didn’t have quite the ring to it. Why they couldn’t have had just a few more episodes with the cat and mouse chase between Sam and Demon Dean is beyond me. Oh yeah. I remember why now. Because it was just starting to get interesting and suspenseful. Can’t have that during Dabbs reign (Example: Cain). Mark of Cain (heh) my words - Dabb will do EXACTLY the same thing this year.
