MovieChat Forums > Supernatural (2005) Discussion > Wayward Sisters Question

Wayward Sisters Question

Since they were not picked up as a spin off I'm wondering if they will resolve in season 14 the issue of the being that came through the rift. I know it was Kaia Nieves character from the other world and there were a few other nasty types also.


I've read that "their (Wayward Sisters) story" will continue in Supernatural, season 14.
Jody and "Kaia" are listed of characters for Episode 3, The Scar.


No offense but I so hope they keep the “Waywards” to a minimum. There’s a reason that the pilot was never picked up. They should take a hint. And if I never see Claire again it will be too soon.


I enjoy seeing Jody and Donna, I've never enjoyed seeing Claire. When they promoted Wayward, they made it seem like it was going to be a "women/sister" series and follow Jody/Donna, but I only saw, the Claire spinoff. I've never wanted a SPN spinoff, for the same reason I don't want it for other series I watch.

I doubt it's going to be a full arc of episodes to center front the Waywards, I was hoping for just 1.


We’ll never be that lucky. ;). I keep hoping that the questionably talented Kathryns acting career will take off and she will be too busy or cost prohibitive for Supernatural. Claire’s Sister is fine tho dull/boring and as far as all the other Waywards go I pray we never see them again. I consider it cruel and unusual punishment if I have to deal with both the Waywards AND AUBobby/Mary love connection.
