Cass' Grace

I thought he didn't have any? Its been a few months, but I remember Cas unable to have 'angel juice' but in the recent episode he was able to smite demons..? Did I miss something?

Also, did Cas stab Lucifer with an angel blade & it didn't kill him?


I still think what we're seeing is the " Big Empty" version of Cas . Just my opinion of course
Unless Jack recharged him to full angle power?
Great question.


I thought Metatron sorted out his Grace, and Cas located it in the library and got it back around S9?


Your right. I was just thinking Cas baçk at fully charged.


I assumed the Big Empty affected Cas somehow.
I guess Jack could've "recharged" him, but no mention of it, just seems something is out of place.


I think our Cas is stuck in the Empty


So you think, 'this' Cas is an imposter?




What makes you suspect this JP?


I just have a gut feeling on this for some reason. I hope I'm wrong on the imposter feeling and Jack has fixed Cas baçk to old Cas as much as possible:)


It could go either way and would add that Supernatural twist to it. I can't seem to recall of Cas being taken over somehow except that time when he became juiced up on the demon souls to become the new God in S7. Angels are in short supply now, maybe if he's been hi-jacked could make sense. Kaia could be a shape shifter as we've seen recently so anything is possible. Hope your guess is right x


It’s as if so much that we (and Sam and Dean) see is not what it seems. Unfortunately the boys haven’t realized this yet. Other than the fact that Asmodeus can shift.

Oh I thought of another example. Ketch. Acting as his “brother” until Dean called him out on it. Working both sides which Sam and Dean just found out about that one too.


We have so many characters as Trojan horses right now - Donatello as an unsuspecting double agent, Jack as an unknown - good or evil, Asmodeus can shapeshift, Rowena and her new found power, Kaia now dead, with her Bad Place alter ego in her place... to name a few. It makes sense based on that theme that Castiel is either still in the Empty or, unbeknownst to him, has a passenger aboard. I’d like to think that the angel who once again is showing that he not only has a backbone but has reunited with his previous bad self is our guy but I will be shocked if it isn’t EntiCas that has taken his place.


As you say, either someone has taken over Cas, and the real CAS is in the empty, or a shape shifter has taken on his persona and taken his character on. If and is a big IF I am surprised that the boys haven't cottoned on to this fact as usual something is clearly wrong with one of our characters??

Its not the first time writers have put our characters in a similar situation, we are picking up on this.

