Asmodeus and Season 13

Good Lord the actor that plays Asmodeus has off the chart on-screen charisma.
I could not take my eyes off him!
Got to say I am loving everything about Season 13 thus far.
I like where they are going with Jack.
I love Donatello being back.
I've not been much of a fan of Mary Winchester in the past but I actually enjoyed her being teamed up with Lucifer in the alternate universe.
I hope there is even some possible 'buddy-cop' shenanigans between them a-la Crowley and Cas.
Anyone else feeling the love for this Season?


I love all of your above comments.
I was hoping from the promo that the actor who plays Asmodeus would turn out to be a good, strong actor and those feelings haven't been diminished at all. Only complaint was I didn't get the white suit? He's not an angel he's an evil demon out for revenge?

I am loving Jack too and is a good addition to the main cast. Some elsewhere feel he's a third Winchester brother but I don't get this at all either.

Donatello was great too and tried to rack my brain as to when he was last on, was it back in S7 with Crowely when he kidnapped all the prophets?

Mary has grown on me, I have to say and both Lucifer and Mary in the mix are a good combination. I like that Lucifer is gonna use Mary as a bargaining chip to rescue his son if he follows willingly?

Sorry to burst your bubble, but Crowley isn't coming back this season. Cas is as Jared let it slip at a convention recently. However, Mark may later change his mind. But that's a long way off. I so miss him and his departure from the cast tore me apart.


Oh thank you - I'm happy you mentioned where Donatello was from as I could not remember - other than the fact that he the character 'Holtz' on Angel.

And I'm glad someone else is enjoying the season!

I must confess that Mary annoyed me much less after I purchased Season 12 and watched it a few times in a row. When the episodes first air and I am drip-fed them week by week, I found it really hard to warm to her.

Oh and I know Crowley isn't coming back, but thank you.
What I was trying to say was that I hope they do the 'buddy cop' type of pairing up with Mary and Lucifer, like they have done in the past with 'The King of Hell' and 'Feathers'!

And the white suit made me think the episode when Sam said 'yes' and became Lucifer's vessel in the alternate reality that Zachariah zapped Dean to in Season 5. The alternate future where everyone had been killed by the Croatoan virus.

It can't be a coincidence that Asmodeus, a Prince of Hell, is dressed exactly like an alternate reality Lucifer.



Donatello was great too and tried to rack my brain as to when he was last on, was it back in S7 with Crowely when he kidnapped all the prophets?

Donatello was in season 11, at the end, as the prophet activated when Amara started setting her fog loose on various small towns. He sort of specialized in her.


Oh yes that's it!
He was the University Professor who got struck by the Amara fog and lightning (and his cat got killed) and he then turned into some a kind of prophet who cold sense Amara's presence.
I'll never forget his fabulously honest reaction of screaming, "What happened?" when Chuck rescued them all from Amara by teleporting the Impala straight off the road and dropped them, car and all, to inside the M.O.L bunker.
He was hilarious!


The white suit AND the Southern accent? Were they hungry when they wrote this? I kept waiting for him to whip out a bucket of KFC with all the fixins to feed his remaining demon minions... ;)


Good to see you back AC, not sure how hungry they were, but seems wired the suit makes an appearance on a demon, not an angel? Doesn't seem to fit for me.


I love Donatello and his one liners are really funny. He has a very dry humor. I hope they keep him around for a while and (dare I say) not kill him off. Which the writers do when they run out of ideas.

I wasn't sure about Mary at first but then realized halfway through when she was distancing herself from the boys, she was wanting to change how they lived. Way back when Dean saw her as a young women she said then she wanted out. Her father kept her in the business and she resented it. Not sure which episode when she came clean as to why she was working with the Brits then I understood. I loved season 12 episode 22 when Dean finally forgave her for making the deal. Then in episode 23 when the three of them were standing up against Lucifer it was Team Winchester.

I'm not sure about the white suit that Asmodeus was wearing. Do remember when Dean went to the future and saw Sam as Lucifer, Sam was wearing a white suit then. Thought then it was strange because any time we saw either the Demons or Angels, they were wearing dark suits. Would love to hear why he is wearing white.


Yeah I think this season so far, though only 2 episodes in, is feeling real good.

Also, for you Missemd, I made a gif of Asmo:


Wow that is all kinds of amazing - thank you ever so much 'int'!

I know someone else on here yesterday said that Asmodeus sounded like a bad Colonel Sanders knock-off, (which is hilarious) but I honestly think he's magnetic on screen, not to mention, smoking hot!


He is hot!! Plus, the actor is really good. I, for one, was beyond tired of Crowley. Nothing against Mark Sheppard, but I felt Crowley needed to die seasons ago. We're getting a new spin w/Asmodeus, and I love it! He actually seems dangerous, which is something Crowley hasn't been in years.


I love him too! He was on the soap, General Hospital, playing a guy named Carlos. Loved him on GH. Love him here!! Great addition and replacement for Crowley if you ask me!
