The Future Question?

When Kelly took her own life Lucifer's baby saved her?

YET, when we come to the finale the baby ends her? Maybe not physically but just being born ends Kelly's life. So why did he save Kelly? Was Kelly just a vessel for a means to an end? Did the child have any feeling for her, so why would he save her if he didn't?

I know this topic doesn't interest many but it was just something that struck me when re-watching S12 from my VCR. Thoughts, please ....

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Dagon said that the baby only saved Kelly because it needed her in order to survive. A Nephilim is half human; I think that human part was not developed enough to survive at that stage of Kelly's pregnancy so the angel part "healed" Kelly- not for her sake but as self-preservation.

I'm getting ready to start re-watching S12. While I didn't love the BMoL's, I enjoyed this season MUCH more than S11. I know it wasn't a big hit with folks on this board. I'll see if I have a different opinion after re-watch.
