Alt Cas or Reg Cas?

This seems to be a hot topic right now. What do you think?


I prefer Alt Cas - because it's a clean slate.


Same here, which is why I don't think it's happening lol.


^This is what I'm thinking.


Writers don't have much imagination. I personally am pretty sure Jack is going to bring Cas back in the first 5 minutes of Season 13. It's there go to way of solving people dying they don't want to. I actually found no shock value in Cas's death. I think Crowley is gone for good though.


I actually found no shock value in Cas's death. I think Crowley is gone for good though.

I am not shocked by Cas either Idaho but I am so very sad, with mixed emotions regarding Crowley. I knew I would always be if they killed him off. I am gutted at the loss of both Crowley and Rowena in one blow.


I think Mark wanted gone, anyway I hope he did. I also have mixed feeling. The writing for Crowley has been atrocious lately but I prefer Crowley to Lucifer by a mile. I think Mark S is a really good actor. IMO, only second to Jensen on the show cast.
And the treatment of Ruth is appalling.



I think that our Cas might be gone. He got his big goodbye speech in 12.12. They made a big deal out of showing how much he's changed in the Lily Sunder episode. He went out trying to get a win to make up for his wrongs. I don't know how long he'll stay dead, but it does make a compelling story if they bring in an AU!Cas for a while before he comes back. It'd also tie in with Alicia being Twig!Alicia now. She may look and sound the same, but she's not the same Alicia that Max has known his whole life.

It's a storyline that would be more interesting than Cas has gotten in a while. The AU!Cas would probably be darker, and he wouldn't have any kind of bond with the brothers at first. He may be similar to season 4 Cas with an evil twist and have further to go to become anything like our Cas. That doesn't necessarily mean that we won't ever get our Cas back, because I'm guessing there will be too big of a fan backlash, but I think it could be interesting. More interesting than just having Jack bring our Cas back at the start of the next season (which is probably what they'll do).


Some of the boards have been dissecting the death scene. Some think Cas's wings look different and are calling them Dragon wings. I think it is giving the writers too much credit. I think it will be an easy nephilim resurrection.


Yeah, I'm not buying the head of a dragon wings-rorschach test = that's really AU!Cas, not our Cas. Like I said, I think they've been giving our Cas a final goodbye all season.


Always knew Castiel was coming back but I like the idea of an AU!Castiel better than resuscitating the old version.


Me too. I think there's been a lot of talk in recent years about how Cas's story hasn't been all that interesting to watch, and I think an AU!Castiel might be. If our Cas is dead though, they should really tell us, because I think the character and his hardcore fans deserve that. It'd give those fans a chance to get used to the idea before October too.


I agree with you Clue, it's a big shock for his hardcore fans. They need to explain it in a way we understand. Yes, we've seen a dead body, but then on this show as the boys have said Death is never final.

I think AU Cas is much more interesting as in earlier years they've never written Cas that well, never really known what to do with him. With AU Cas the storytelling appears endless with much potential also in bringing old cast members back if J2 still want time off. I hope the AU World stays longer on the screen than Purgatory did. They did a good job with Purgatory but should have lasted so much longer at least half a season. Hope we get that with the AU world.


It's a storyline that would be more interesting than Cas has gotten in a while.

That's what I think too. They really haven't had any idea what to do with Cas since they de-powered him. So an "AU Cas" offers a whole truckload of intrigue and suspense. He will be different - but the same I guess. An 'evil twist' as Clueless suggests.

I hope they go with this.


I think God cas is the closet we've got.
