MovieChat Forums > Supernatural (2005) Discussion > Winchesterland - stronger together than ...

Winchesterland - stronger together than apart - UPDATE where to now?

So guys the IMDB board is closing. Very sad news. I am very upset. I have been posting here for about 8 years I think. I will miss it.

I was about to bump this thread for the post Xmas hiatus when the news came. There are various posts running with suggestions of where we could go once this place is no more. Gonzosgirrl suggested

I have registered there and briefly checked it out. It looks promising but I am sure there are other places. Kimrey I spotted your name there. Do you have any feedback for us on what it is like particularly in terms of balance? I am guessing those of us that are members of this thread would value somewhere that isn't anti either Dean or Sam?

Any suggestions welcome. It would be good to agree somewhere to move en masse as scattering to the 4 winds would be such a shame.

If anyone is interested I am on Twitter (same name) so we can always connect that way. Is anyone else here on Twitter?

And I have registered on so the PM on there is another route if you set up an account.

This is a sad turn of events :-(

Hi all

Our other thread was full so I am starting the next one. Thanks to Kimrey for the new name suggestions. Happy posting!

Winchesterland - the land of Saving People, Hunting Things and the Family Business

If you ever thought to yourself:
Am I the only game piece on the board who doesn't underestimate those denim-wrapped nightmares?
You're either Crowley or this is the thread for you. Dean and Sam or Sam and Dean (we don't care who comes first) this is the place for all the things that we love about the Winchester brothers.


- you must love both Sam and Dean. You don't have to love them equally, but if you don't love them both, flaws and all, this isn't the squad for you.

- you must value the bond between the brothers as an important element of the show and of their characters.

- and finally, please be polite and respectful of the views of others, this is supposed to be fun!

The squad will be jointly run by Path and GG.


The Js seem to be really enjoying their hiatus and are spending a lot of time together with their families and each other. Last night they and their lovely wives attended an awards event for police officers with distinguished service.


Ha I saw one of those pics on tumblr and had no idea that Jared and his wife (Red is definitely Gen's color!) had attended since they had been cut out of said pic. Man this fandom is so weird and petty. Thanks for posting this gg. It's nice to see the guys and their wives out and about and what a nice gesture for them to attend the event. Supporting there community and enjoying hiatus. I love it.

"I knew who I was this morning, but I've changed a few times since then.”


Ugh. I just found a Twitter where they literally have cut Jared out of EVERY SINGLE picture he's in with Jensen. I went through their media page and I'm not even kidding. If he's not cut out of the picture they have blurred his face. It's seriously so sad and makes me genuniely upset. I know I shouldn't let things like this bother me, but it really does. I absolutely cannot imagine hating Jared or Jensen so much that you need to try to literally cut them out of one another's lives. They're so incredibly intertwined. That's a lot of Photoshopping you have to do considering they're together so much. Even pictures Jared posted on his own Twitter/Facebook, they have taken and cut him out of them. It's just so childish.

I saw someone once say "you can cut Jared out of pictures, but you can't cut him out of Jensen's life." Jensen loves Jared like a brother and he's never going to stop hanging out with him and posting pictures with him and attending events with him as much as you want him to.

It's stuff like this that has actually made me step back from fandom a bit lately, especially this site. I love Sam and Dean so much and it's really hard to be on a board like this where so many people cannot stand a character I love. It's kinda toxic. I like to be around to try to balance things out, but sometimes I just can't take it anymore.

Anyway! That's my rant. I hope you guys are doing well! I'm sure we're all enjoying Jared and Jensen's constant togtherness this hiatus so far. It's always good to see them together and happy and relaxed with their family. They fly to the UK this week for Asylum. I look forward to the con reports!


The same thing has been done to Jensen in photos, Misha has been cut out of photos he's in with Jensen and Jared and then there are the people who cut the wives out so it looks like Jensen and Jared are a couple. It happens throughout the fandom.


I honestly haven't seen any Twitter accounts/blogs completely dedicated to cutting Jensen out of pictures with Jared. I'm not saying there aren't any, but the Twitter account I referenced before isn't even nearly the first of its kind that I've seen.

I have seen pictures with Misha cut out, but again, I haven't seen nearly as many people do it to him as they do to Jared and usually if he is cut out of it, I see a link back to the original source. Also, just recently on tumblr I saw Misha edited out of that The End is Near picture he posted with Jared and Jensen and a bunch of fans that I know are not huge Misha fans called them out on it. That was refreshing.

In fact, I wouldn't have such a big problem with all of this if people would make their edits/manips, but link to the original source or say where the pictures came from, which is what people should be doing anyway when they post pictures that aren't theirs, just out of common curtesy.

...and believe me, I know all about manips and editing of pictures to make it look like it's something it's not. My photo op with Jared and Jensen from 2009 has been going around fandom for years with me cut out of it. I'm sure if I did a Google search for Jared and Jensen I'd find it haha

Edit - ha! Just tested the theory. Put "Jared Jensen" in the image search and it was one of the first results. Here's the original


I've seen it with Jensen cut out. Anytime Misha is in a picture with Jensen and Jared, I've seen Misha cut out. But, cutting any of the guys out isn't disturbing like all the accounts that cut the wives out and then photoshop Jensen or Jared standing in the position of the wife that was cut out.



Toxic is exactly the word I would use.


I love Sam and Dean so much and it's really hard to be on a board like this where so many people cannot stand a character I love.

I have those moments too krimey! But what I found works for me is I'm just putting threads/posters that are too negative on ignore. For May I've decided to stay out of the negative places whether it's here or on tumblr. I used to be interested in what shenanigans people got up to but really it just made me irritated and sad. So I'm trying it out this month. Really when it comes down to it we are the lucky ones. SPN is about Sam and Dean some people like it some people hate it some people love one and hate the other but the show goes on. Same thing with the Js. I've decided to enjoy the ride - I think there is a lot of personal unhappiness with someone of them and there is no need to join them.

Edit - Aww your photo with the Js is so cute - boo on anyone who cut you out of it!

"I knew who I was this morning, but I've changed a few times since then.”



Holy Crap if this isn't the cutest thing ever


Adorable. His Facebook post has a longer video!


thanks I was looking for the longer version.


So that last scene in tonight's episode is EXACTLY why I still love this show so, so much. I can't stop smiling! Brothers :)


It was perfection. I'm gonna need a while to recover.😍

I should have looked for you -S
All that's ever mattered is that we're together -D


May I seriously ask why? Is it the amulet? Because as I saw the ep, that was there not as any symbol of the brothers, but as a Godfinder--and it was God/Chuck who put it in Sam's jacket (he had it with him in the bar/diner), just so Dean and Sam could find him.

"And if anyone gets in our way, God help them."


Yes, the amulet. Chuck's quote was (I'm paraphrasing) "I should put this away. You'll never guess where it's been this whole time." Meaning, he took it from Sam's pocket to show Metatron and he should put it back because that's where it's been the whole time, in Sam's pocket. I think it's pretty clear! Also Sam did not look surprised at all when Dean pulled it out. More like "Oh man, he knows I kept it."

Plus the brothers stuff! Dean once again not leaving Sam's side. Sam confessing his fears to him. I thought that was all wonderful as well.



Hopefully they discuss it in the next episode. But if not, I'm definitely going to assume that Robbie meant for us a believe Sam had it on him this entire time. Chuck's line really makes that clear to me. I think he borrowed it for a second to show Metatron and then "put it away" in Sam's pocket...and he's right. I would have never guessed it would have been with Sam, on his person, this entire time. Kinda like it's always been there, we just didn't know it and I kinda love that.



Well, yeah. I don't think they planned for Chuck to be God back in season 4 when he was first introduced either. I don't think the trickster was always supposed to be an angel. They've done a bunch of things that I don't think they planned on back in the early seasons. The said a lot of things that don't really make sense if you stop and think about it. But does that change the fact that it's canon now?

And yes, I know Sam having the amulet is popular in fanfic. But I personally never thought the show would go there, I thought it was a lost cause. I also figured Sam had it and kept it somewhere safe. I didn't think that he would have it on him all the time it at least bring it with him on hunts.


But I can't pretend that I believe that the writers had this plan back then

Very true. But we can say that about most of SPN! But I like your idea that God changed/is changing history as well. Either way Dean is right as always God is a douche.

Loved so much of this episode - Robbie actually made me like Metatron (the world is a crazy place). Interesting call back to Croatoan but with Dean being the special one. Dean not being infected. If there are any doubts Dean is rolling into the season finale the heart of this story.

You know how Jared was talking about how much he loved this episode and people were wondering if it had something to do with Sam? I had a thought he loved this episode cause he had the opportunity to carry around that little girl. Melt my heart why don't you. Awww I wonder if wants a girl to go with his boys. Sam/Jared was so good in that scene.

this one is great as well

"I knew who I was this morning, but I've changed a few times since then.”


It's all here if you really want to know :
I believe the Js confirmed Sam had the amulet all along. I thought it was a strong possibility when I watched the episode because of Chuck's comment. Sam's surprise could also be attributed to the fact that 1. it started glowing 2. he was cured.

I should have looked for you -S
All that's ever mattered is that we're together -D


How am I going to go to sleep tonight? My mind is aglow...


So there was a lot to the episode but I want to ask - does anyone have any theories of how the season will end?

I have to wonder with actually bringing in God identifying him specifically, bringing in Lucifer does anyone think it's possible that SPN is gearing up to wipe the board of heaven/hell? I never thought they would go there but after having God in the episode not a prophet where can they go from here? It could give SPN a chance to start without some of the baggage (heaven as an apple store ick) it's been carrying the last couple of years and get off the heaven/hell merry-go-round.

This might be too bold for a show that seems happy to rehash old storylines but I can't help but wonder at bringing in ALL the major players perhaps we are in for a major shakeup.

"I knew who I was this morning, but I've changed a few times since then.”


Yes. Copied from

The god of Supernatural was never the God of Abraham. Kripke made pretty clear in Swan Song what was confirmed tonight. The gods of Supernatural are its writers.

Why is it a surprise or disappointment that Supernatural is continuing Kripke's conceit of God as a nebbish writer? Carver's even more nebbish wannabe god, Metatron, even said outright, "When you create stories, you become gods, of tiny, intricate dimensions unto themselves. So many worlds!"

Supernatural is the universe Kripke/Chuck created and left. Then Gamble/Naomi(?) turned heaven into a bureaucratic nightmare and was unceremoniously cast aside.

Carver/Metatron tried to play god to 'fix' Gamble's studio-suit heaven but ended up making things worse with a great big plothole just gets deeper and deeper, for example, Amara.

Tonight's episode with the extensive dialogue between two of the gods of Supernatural may have been just them owning up to the mess they've made and possibly hinting at how they plan to fix it by letting Amara wipe everything out so they can start with a 'clean slate'. Frightening, no?

If Chuck is Kripke and Metatron is Carver, who is Amara? Singer?


Wow that's a very interesting read! I don't want to get my hopes up but I am more excited to see how this plays out then I have in a very long time.

Do you think they might keep Amara for season 12?

"I knew who I was this morning, but I've changed a few times since then.”


Do you think they might keep Amara for season 12?

Possibly but if so only to resolve the climax in the finale however many episodes that takes. I think it is also possible for S12 to begin a completely clean slate with occasional flashbacks for exposition. Really have no idea what they will do.


I can't help but wonder at bringing in ALL the major players perhaps we are in for a major shakeup

I think that we may well see God/ Chuck AND Amara being locked up together as the only way of getting rid of her. I would love to think that would get rid of heaven and the angels too - not as in there is no heaven for people who die, but that angels are restricted to only looking after those who go there and can't come down to or interfere in what happens on Earth. If Cas was given a pass and allowed to stay I'd be OK with it so long as they come up with a remotely interesting, separate from the boys, story for him.


Maybe Cas could be the new death. That could be very interesting but I hope they don't go back to human. That was painful to watch. He was a millennium old warrior and shouldn't be comic relief.

"I knew who I was this morning, but I've changed a few times since then.”


How are we all feeling about Robbie Thompson's departure. I'm extremely disappointed and worried. He wrote some great eps for the brothers and their bond; Baby, Time after Time, Mea Fiction, Fan Fiction and of course Don't call me Shurley. He invented and mainly wrote the Charlie eps and he gave us Cain.

Here are all his eps

7.06 Slash Fiction
7.12 Time After Time
7.20 The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
8.04 Bitten
8.11 LARP and the Real Girl
8.17 Goodbye Stranger
8.20 Pac-Man Fever
9.04 Slumber Party
9.11 First Born
9.18 Meta Fiction
10.05 Fan Fiction
10.11 There's No Place Like Home
10.18 Book of the Damned
10.20 Angel Heart
11.04 Baby
11.11 Into the Mystic
11.16 Safe House
11.20 Don't Call Me Shurley

I'm worried because he was IMO one of our better and most experienced remaining writers. The writing team has been significantly ep weakened over recent years, losing Glass, Edlund and now Thompson in the Carver years. Before that we lost Gamble, Kripke himself and others.

What do you think? Sad loss? Good riddance?


I knew this was coming since they killed Charlie. Love her or hate her she was Robbie's character. I think he was hurt when her demise was given to Brad and Eugenie. They wrote the worse possible script and killed her in the most absurd way. Today is the one year anniversary of Charlie's death. Those that are celebrating may regret it. We are left with a significantly depleted writing staff. Carver is out and now RT. Jenny Klein only wrote one script last year, I get the feeling she is gone too. Nancy Won did ok although her last script was very uneven. Dabb and Berens are the only two left with any sense of the show and Dabb is very hit and miss. And for some reason Berens loves to bleed out Sam. The others have written unmemorable to horrible (duo) scripts.

So yes I am devastated. Robbie was a favorite of mine. He wrote so many wonderful episodes and he seemed to get the relationship between the brothers. Baby and Don't Call Me Shurley are two of the highest rated on IMDB of the series. And I know it is hard to imagine but not everyone hated Charlie.

I wonder if the J's had any sense this was coming before they renewed their contracts and agreed to S13. I am very worried about the future of the show.

edit/ #ThankYouRobbie trended all day today


Robbie like most of the writers for spn for me was hit/miss. I have to admit to being more than a little disappointed in the whole Charlie thing (I hated the instant hunter and all that post Oz episode was just bad). That whole thing seemed a little unprofessional with his very public feelings about her dying but I'm not a writer so maybe it's normal to be upset about his creation.

I guess what I hope for is that they are cleaning house. Do you think it would be bad to have a bunch of new writers? I would really like SPN to be taken into a new direction and I think having new blood would be very helpful. I'm tired of the same rinse/repeat heaven hell story lines we've had. Of course Casseopia is right we could end up with even worse storylines and when Robbie was good he was very good (he wrote some of my fav episodes this season).

I guess I feel lucky that we had him for some of the episodes but feel like he was ready to go onto something else so I wish him the best success. And I hope the best for spn in the coming year.

"I knew who I was this morning, but I've changed a few times since then.”


I don't mind them cleaning house if they can find writers like Berens and dump Brad and Eugenie. But it might be difficult to find quality writers for a show in it's 12th season with only 1 or 2 at the most left in it. I would just hate to see SPN hire a bunch of new writers with no sense of the show and go out with a weak whimper.

And now I have all summer to stew about it.


I wouldn't stew over it. I've found there really is no way to prepare yourself for bad news. Besides it looks like Carver's pilot isn't going anywhere so he will be around the next season steering the ship, rehashing old story lines.  After surviving Amelia and that whole mess I don't think there is anything SPN can throw at me that I can't either ignore or just find enjoyment in the Js being on screen. My low expectations help me be really thrilled when an episode is good and I have to admit to really enjoying this season so I'm cautiously not worrying.

"I knew who I was this morning, but I've changed a few times since then.”


a bunch of new writers with no sense of the show and go out with a weak whimper.
On the one hand it is worrying, but on the other.... a couple of new writers could breathe some fresh air into what has become a somewhat stale series. I'm a bit excited about the possibility of new writers TBH.

Be happy while you're living, for you're a long time dead.


I didn't want to repost this in the main thread (thanks GG for finding it!!) since the majority of it was there but there are more details in this report so from Asylum:

VIA:sammyhale (tumblr)
J2 Asylum 16 Saturday Solo Panels
*Since Jared and Jensen’s solo panels are at the same time, I combined the information as it was being tweeted into one post to make it easier.

- Jensen says that Sam had kept the Samulet the whole time, says he knew and it wasn’t a surprise to any of us but it was a surprise to Dean. Dean was touched and confused as to why Sam had kept it the whole time.

- Jared got chills reading 11x20, especially about the Samulet. He was very happy about it :)

- Jensen has a love/hate relationship with the Samulet. Says that when he runs he “catches it in his teeth” lol. He picked the Samulet out himself out of a box of jewelry at WB back in the day. He thought it was unique and cool. He liked the Samulet because it helped build Dean.

-Jared talks about Yellow Fever, had to go through intense therapy to get over the snake. Snake wrangler was forcing snake onto JP.

- Jensen said the Samulet is now in Dean’s pocket - apparently Dean won’t actually be wearing the Samulet in the upcoming eps.

- Jensen has no idea where the nickname J-Money came from.

- Jared is asked about playing different versions of Sam. Talks about how Soulless!Sam was sociopathic but logical about who he would kill. Jared says the way he approaches playing different versions of Sam is in the context of what happens in the episode.

- Jensen missed the beginning of the last episode. Fan tells him not to iron Sam’s shirt with beer. Jensen: It didn’t show me spitting beer on it did it? J2 came up with the beer thing, it wasn’t scripted.

- Jared said Sam’s vision of Hell was filmed in front of a green screen with Shackles - “That’s what I call Jensen” :P

- Jared says they put a prosthetic over his eye and then put a hook through it. It wasn’t as uncomfortable as it looked, they used a photo double for some of it.
Jensen says that FBI suits always look nice because Dean takes pride in the way he looks.

- Fan: Spoilers! Jensen: Listen, it’s gonna be a day of spoilers get over it.
Jared talks about AKF and how it helps him as much as it helps us :) Thanked everyone for being a part of it.

- Jensen gives Misha kudos on Casifer, only because Misha isn’t there

- Jared says hiatus beard can be uncomfortable but he only gets one chance a year to grow it lol.

- Jared talks about S1 Jared (regarding what advice he would give him) and talks about how back then he was restless, was a homebody and had just bought a house in LA and wanted to be at home; he thinks that translated a lot into the way Sam didn’t want to hunt. Jared would tell himself in s1 to “play the long game” and to keep going.
Jared: When I have time off I’m boring.

- Jensen says Dean has a hard time with Casifer because it’s someone he hates that is in the body of someone he sees “as a brother.”

- Jared talks about Misha crashing his panel last year with the conga line, said he wanted to join in lol. “It was good to see Misha, doing whatever Misha was doing.”

- Jared’s favorite thing about travelling to conventions is getting to meet new people and seeing the difference SPN makes to people. He finds it amazing. He says when you’re working really hard it really helps to know you’ve made a difference to people.

- Jensen thanks a fan for making him laugh so much.

- Jared: “I can always use some T. Swift in the morning.”

- Jensen teasing a fan: “You need to say ‘*beep* this *beep* I’m out’ and walk away.” Fan: I can’t because my mum’s here.

- Kim Manners put the idea of directing into Jensen’s head.

- Fan asks why Sam didn’t keep Thor’s hammer? Jared thinks Sam’s just a fan of Chris Hemsworth ;) Says that ep was a lot of fun. Jared tries to think of the Sam/Thor ship name. Tham? Sor?

- The first time Jensen directed a scene with him in it, he forgot to memorize his lines. He was too busy thinking about camera angles.

- About Twitter “stalking” - Jared: You’re allowed to watch me on Twitter, that’s “why I Twit…Tweet?” :P

- Jared: Me and Sam are homies.

- Jensen on Jared: “There’s probably no one who lives a life as close as mine.” If he could be a shapeshifter Jensen would not be Jared because they’re already so close in real life.

- Jensen would be somebody who lives on a beach if he could be a shapeshifter for a day.

- Jensen: If you can keep your head in a safe place, there’s a lot of things you can do. Says that there are a lot of things he would like to try but he’s pretty happy with his life. “I’m pretty happy with who I am.”

- Jared: Seeing what Jensen did (Red Meat) was a joy…is always a joy. Says filming that ep was fun but tiring to film, was happy he got to do a “Revenant scene.” Enjoyed watching Jensen’s scenes because he wasn’t there when Jensen was filming them and loves watching those scenes as a fan.

- Jared says his kids were both birthed with help from a mid-wife. Has a lot of respect for that.

- Jared says the awkward Sam/Cas non-hug after Sam gets his soul back wasn’t scripted, he and Misha added it on the day and it was kept in.

- Jensen: “The studio has basically said that Supernatural will continue until we want to tap out - but not anytime soon.”

- Jared is asked about tips to love yourself. Jared: I’ve worked really hard on this, myself and with professionals. I still find it really hard. Go easy on yourself, and forgive yourself for the hard times. Mistakes make you who you are.

- Jensen is asked if he can describe himself in one song. Jensen: “One song?! What, can you? There’s not even an album!”

- Jensen said ‘trolling’ then said that Kathryn Newton will hate that he just said that.

- Jensen on negativity: There are naysayers who have an agenda of being hurtful. But there is so much positivity, amazing community. We need to either help the haters or ignore them. Jensen says that when people say hurtful things in fandom: “90% of that is people wanting attention or needing help.”

- Fan: Shake it off. Jensen: That’s my song.

- Best advice for those taking exams? Jared: Do your best, put your all into it, it will work out.

- Jensen on what he learned about Dean this season: That he can fight three people in the Impala.

- Jensen said he and Jared talk about how they’re part of a family because of the show.

- Jared and Jensen play the best pranks, some good stuff with Rob that will probably be on the gag reel.

- Spoilers - Dean confronts Chuck in the next episode. The writers are happy with the unusual choice Jensen made about a scene in the next ep. Dean cries when he’s talking to Chuck.

- Jared is stumped by a fan’s Scottish accent. “I need Ruth!”

- Jensen about if Danneel had been in The French Mistake: “I have a hot wife. Jared, wait outside.”

- Jared says that filming comedy eps takes some of the weight off of the heavier episodes, like with Swap Meat.

- Jared says if Sam and Dean did a body switching ep it would have to be really well rehearsed. Does a Jensen/Dean blue steel.

- Jensen’s favorite dinosaur is a gorgosaurus. “Look it up!”

- Jared is asked how he’d feel if Sam was LGBT. He thinks Sam is straight based on history, but if the writers write it, he’d be happy to do it. He’s about equality and if the writers wrote Sam as bi he’d be okay with it. Jared: “Just to be clear, Jared is 100% pro-LGBT positive. I am all for love equality.”

"I knew who I was this morning, but I've changed a few times since then.”


Thanks so much pathwayss 

Be happy while you're living, for you're a long time dead.


NP! I hope it wasn't to redundant a post but I'm just greedy. Give me all the details and hey Jared said it was ok to stalk them on twitter *cough only twitter??*

Wish I was there. Looks like everyone is having a blast. different vibe when they get outside of Creation cons.

"I knew who I was this morning, but I've changed a few times since then.”


Do you have a link to these posts? I want to repost for others. And thanks so much for posting these comments. I live for convention coverage.


I think the tumblr post cited her sources:
"I knew who I was this morning, but I've changed a few times since then.”


Thank you


Some more info from the Asylum 16 con

J2 panel

Jared and Jensen sit the way they sit onstage because it's where they sit in the Impala!

Jensen "Jared has this problem where he's trying to tell a joke and can't stop laughing so you can't understand what he's saying!"

Jared ran out of deodorant so Jared and Jensen went to ASDA to get some. For those not from UK, ASDA is our equivalent of Walmart. Not at all the kind of place you would expect to see a famous actor. Surreal

For Jared "Red Meat" was the most challenging episode of season 11 because he takes each death seriously. For Jensen it was "Baby". It was technically challenging, plus fight in car with 3 people

Reading a script where Dean or Sam dies gets to Jared as much as the fans. Jared tried v hard to make Sam's death in Red Meat have emotional weight to it. Jensen said "whenever you're emoting pain, it's very physical so those episodes are very exhausting!"

Jared joked that Dean, Cas, Rowena and basically everyone dies at end of s11

Jensen "We're forced to hang out together 9 months out of the year... But even when we're not forced to, we still hangout"

Misha called Jensen yesterday to ask his opinion on a personal issue

Fan: what makes Sam and Dean's bond so special? Jensen: ...They're brothers.....Brothers have reached breaking points and have chosen to carry on together with each other - and that's what makes them stronger. Sam and Dean chose to fight for each other.

"Sam and Dean... They don't have a lot. Most people would use that as an excuse to give up but they continue to keep fighting." Sam and Dean have each other when everyone else is dying around them.. You have to find something to fight for.

Sam and Dean are each other's reason to continue- Jensen

There was a pro snowboarder who was an AD in season 1, went off, got married and had a baby girl. She was the 2yr old in last week's ep!

And from the M&Gs (Not much at all yet from Jensen's. A bit more from Jared's)

Jensen M&G The "CLOSE YOUR EYES... SAMMY, CLOSE YOUR EYES" line wasn't scripted. Jensen said he and Jared threw that one in.

Jensen couldn't make the Jason Manns concert as he was too jet lagged.

Jared M&G: J2 & Family have family playnights for JJ & the two Boys. They play with new toys they got & the parents watch movies together. When the kids are older they'll have family game nights.

Jared M&G Asked if Sam had the Samulet the whole time. Jared said "yes"

Jared still thinks the show should ends with Sam and Dean going out together. Needs to be finality.

Got told they had 5 more minutes and Jensen walked in. Told Jared they had to go. Jensen picked someone to ask 'Sam' a question - he was asked what his fave 'set' is. Jared answered with 'the bunker' and Jensen put his hand on Jared's shoulder, looked down at him and said 'his home'.


YUM at how good the guys look!!

and Jensen Ackles the original founder of bibros everywhere:

Seriously has there every been a more charming,gracious,fun cast? Damn we are sooo lucky.

"I knew who I was this morning, but I've changed a few times since then.”


Seriously has there every been a more charming,gracious,fun cast? Damn we are sooo lucky.



Loved the last episode. Here are some of my thoughts.

I’ve been looking from my new perfect 10 since “The Werther Project” and it looks like season 11 delivered with “Don’t Call Me Shurley”. I think this episode should have been called “Do You Believe in Miracles” because honey, it had things this fangirl has been praying for since season 5. It was, dare I say… Heaven sent. Truly, a miracle from God.


One of my favorite moments was hearing Chuck say, “You know I love those guys.” Came out and flowed, easy like water, but I was in shock. I’ve strongly identified with Dean’s stance that SPN’s God doesn’t give a flying fig about his children, Winchesters included, and hearing that he loves them floored me. I couldn’t stop imagining Sam’s face if he heard the words, he who always searched for God, and Dean’s face, the abandoned Host of Heaven who had tears in his eyes when Joshua told him that God didn’t think the apocalypse was his “problem”.

My heart popped out of my chest when Chuck whipped out the amulet. As someone who’s felt its absence keenly, I never truly believed I’d see it again. I don’t have the words to express what this means to me, and even Metatron saying that he didn’t care about that “ugly old thing” couldn’t ruin the moment. He doesn’t like “Home”, “All Hell Breaks Loose” and he burned “Tall Tales”. His opinion couldn’t be less relevant if he called Sam a midget.

About the the apple of my eye, and the apple of his eye, Dean and Sam were everything I want them to be in an episode. In the “The Chitters” Report, I said that the episode was lacking in Winchester, and I explained that them being physically present didn’t mean the focus was on them. Here they had to share the stage with God and his scribe, but every moment we got with them was meaningful, and their brotherly love was front and center. We start with Domestic!Winchesters in their bunker habitat, Dean ironing Sam’s shirt and finding a way to amuse himself by using beer, which he seems to do a lot based on the way Sam reacted.

Then the brothers move into action and we’re back where this amazing season started. Out of the Darkness…” in Amara’s cloud. We revisit some of the series greatest hits. Our heroes shift to military mode inside the station, and it’s “Jus In Bello” with everybody on lock-down while monsters are trying to get in. Then we get to the really good stuff, that “Red Meat” and “Croatoan” “He won’t leave you”’ type love. This time, Sam is infected, again, but here, it’s Dean who’s immune, and he wishes he weren’t. He refuses to leave, and he INHALES the fog, hoping to get infected so he can go with Sam. Seriously, this is the codependent Supernatural Vee lives for. The “I’m not leaving you, ever” that can’t be repeated enough and the “I’m here” that started way before “Swan Song”. This episode also has something in common with the last episode I gave a perfect grade to. My fellow brobond junkies know what really takes an episode to the top is a copious amount of hair stroking. Oh yeah, the broments kept coming.

Best Dean moments

1. “I’m not leaving you, ever.” For those who don’t know, that whole mess of words strung together is Dean’s middle name, and I worship him for it. What can I say? I love a man who’s not afraid of commitment.

2. Is he really inhaling that fog so he can go with Sam? The man did warn us in “Swan Song”, “Well I ain’t gonna let him die alone.” And then there was that whole OD situation in “Red Meat”. Someone has to say it and I will. Sam, you lucky sumbitch.

3. Domestic!Dean ironing his brother’s shirt with beer.

He cooks, he cleans, and he will slays all the dragons for you. If I didn’t love Sam so much, I’d be bitterly jealous of him.

Best Sam moments

1. Sam admitting his fear that Dean will choose Amara over him.

I loved that moment, because Sam always hides his insecurities when it comes to Dean, which is why Dean is often shocked to hear some of what’s really going on in his brother’s head. Sam acts stoic. Back in the day he could even come across as cold and dismissive all the while insecurities were eating him up inside.
That’s why I appreciate moments like “Sacrifice” when he’s too physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted to go on pretending, and tells Dean that he’s hurt that Dean’s turning to others instead of him (Dean had valid reasons to do it, and nothing in Sam’s behavior indicated that he was bothered by it, and yet, he was quietly planning to remove himself from the board because he couldn’t stand the fact that he’d committed a “sin” that caused him to lose Dean’s trust). In this case, he’s been incredibly understanding of Dean’s Amara issues, understanding that Dean doesn’t have control over them, but deep down, the boy who’s used to be chosen first (“nothing I put in front of you”) isn’t dealing well with the fact that Amara might become number one. Oh, brothers…

2. Sam helping the little girl, and generally running towards danger to help because he meant it when he said that he wanted to save people in the beginning of the season . The cutest part is that the little girl starts reaching towards him when he gets infected and falls. Me too sweet girl, I love that gentle giant too.

Best Broments

1. The grabbing, the stroking, the drama, the “I’m here”. These are a few of my favorite things…

2.Is too! Dean finding the amulet in Sam’s pocket absolutely qualifies.
The amulet had meaning for the brothers and it symbolized something. When Dean threw it away, his gesture had a lot more to do with his feelings about Sam than anything to do with the amulet not “working”. Season 11 is a season of rebuilding for the brotherly bond. It’s no coincidence that the amulet reappears now, in Sam’s pocket, and back inside the hands of its rightful owner. It’s also now a symbol of hope and the power of faith. It signaled to them that they were saved, at a moment of utter despair, and it led them both to God, whom Sam had been searching for, and whom Dean gave up on, tired of being hurt and abandoned. This was big for each of the brothers and for the both of them.

3. That combination of a Baywatch moment/a L’Oréal moment/a brother grabbing moment.
Listen, I make no bones about the fact that I find J2 smoking hot, especially in motion, that I enjoy Sam’s hair whipping back and forth, that I adore Protective!Dean and that brother grabbing is the spice of my SPN life. That moment has everything, you feel me?

Final verdict

What a ride! I’ve watched this episode 4 times already. 10, 10, 10. My first 10 since “Werther”. The brotherly love, I was swimming in it, praise Chuck, hallelujah. I also declare this season, Most Tactile Winchester Season ever. They had four hugs in season 8 but the 11 is where it’s at!
I’m drunk in love, now that the amulet is back. “You’ll never guess where this thing has been the entire time.” Is this an indication that Sam had it all along? The writers will let us know in due time. What I know for sure, it was a long time coming. Like Dean, I lost hope that the Supernatural God was listening to my prayers and I still can’t believe my eyes. I’m ecstatic. Whether Dean wears it or not, I know it’s there.

To Robbie Thompson, Chapeau, Monsieur. Hats off, Sir. And thank you. For the miracles, and for the "good vibrations". Whoo!

UPDATE: J2 confirmed at Asylum 16 that Sam always had the amulet (see geordiegirl1967's thread:

Full recap/review/gif credits @

I should have looked for you -S
All that's ever mattered is that we're together -D



Your reviews - just wow me VM. Thank you so much for the work you put into them, the passion for the show you articulate so well and just all of it.

"I knew who I was this morning, but I've changed a few times since then.”


OMG, thank you, Path. I love working on the reviews because I'm so passionate about the brothers and the show, but comments like these are what make it all worthwhile!

I should have looked for you -S
All that's ever mattered is that we're together -D


Awesome review, Vee! Thank you! 👏


Thank you, Plum. Glad you liked 😊

I should have looked for you -S
All that's ever mattered is that we're together -D


Outstanding review! For me, 11.20 was a slower boil (2 watches) then exploding into a perfect 10 after another 2 watches. One thing stood out on the second watch - there were no extraneous words, nor drawn out scenes and the direction by Robert Singer was flawless. I knew I loved the episode when I still can't get the song 'Fare thee Well' out of my head or the thrilling scene when the amulet starts to glow in Sam's pocket, stunned Dean lifts it out and Sam and everyone infected or killed by the Fog is cured or resurrected.

Fantastic 'Swan Song' Robbie Thompson!


Outstanding review!

Thank you so much, Cyana 

For me, 11.20 was a slower boil (2 watches) then exploding into a perfect 10 after another 2 watches. One thing stood out on the second watch - there were no extraneous words, nor drawn out scenes and the direction by Robert Singer was flawless. I knew I loved the episode when I still can't get the song 'Fare thee Well' out of my head or the thrilling scene when the amulet starts to glow in Sam's pocket, stunned Dean lifts it out and Sam and everyone infected or killed by the Fog is cured or resurrected.
I agree. Everything just floowed, Metatron and Chuck's conversation, Sam and Dean in the fog... Every time the amulet appeared was a delightful surprise. First in Chuck's hand early in the episode, and then in Sam's pocket. There was something reverent about the way Dean was holding it. It was really special, considering that the last time he saw it, he called it worthless and dumped it in the trash. And I love Chuck healing the world with his song.

Fantastic 'Swan Song' Robbie Thompson!

He outdid himself on this one. That's one hell of a parting gift. I'm grateful to him.

I should have looked for you -S
All that's ever mattered is that we're together -D


Thanks for the *POSITIVE* review, Vee!
And Congratulations on Grad School! (What was your thesis about?)


Thanks for the *POSITIVE* review, Vee!

 My pleasure. It was so easy to be positive. I genuinely loved the episode!

And Congratulations on Grad School! (What was your thesis about?)

Thank you . I feel like a new woman:FREEEEEEEEE!

The thesis called “Les fans de télévision et la co-création: l’exemple de Supernatural”.

Yes you read that well, lol. It’s about consumer co-creation (the consum’actor who tries to create the product with the firm) and tensions (the tensions that occur when the consumer tries to “interfere” with the production process).

I chose an industry that’s been affected by the digital revolution, the TV industry (piracy, fragmented consumer base, brutal decline in live viewership which affects ad revenues, production budgets, etc.), a situation that, coupled with the rise of social media has increased consumer’s bargaining power (within reason). Of course since I was looking at the TV sector, I decided to pick the series with a notoriously active, involved and opinionated fandom. Now who could that possibly be?

I talked about it on IMDb a while ago. I have a list of fellow board members who asked me to inform them when it's published and ready for consumption. I just deposited a few days ago so it won’t be available online for a while until my thesis director gives the final grade. I’ll post about it on my blog when it’s ready. Like I said to a friend fellow SPN blogger, it’s in French, and it can probably be translated (imperfectly) with a software but I’ll be here to answer any question for those who are interested 

I should have looked for you -S
All that's ever mattered is that we're together -D


And you seriously couldn't have chosen a better show. Supernatural is très appropié/parfait for the topic. (I tried. 😉)


And you seriously couldn't have chosen a better show.
Thank you. As a fan, I already had a bird's eye view and I wasn't going to choose a different show. SPN is fascinating and it's no surprise there are quite a few academic studies about the series/fandom. We're just interesting lol.

Supernatural is très appropié/parfait for the topic. (I tried.😉)
Aww, I don't get to see much French around these parts and I appreciate it. That was good too. Merci beaucoup. J'apprécie 

I should have looked for you -S
All that's ever mattered is that we're together -D


New episode 11.21

Much better than the previous one IMO. (I still have to click on the review link here. I hope it will make me see the episode in a different light. IDK)


Episode 11.21

The interaction among the three characters was brilliant in more ways than one.

The awed and intimidated Sam babbling - and angry, frustrated and emotional Dean making some hard hitting statements about Chuck's absence - they gave another dimension to Chuck altogether.

The previous episode belonged to Curtis Armstrong - great actor. But the writing was inferior and so the concept of God as a character was just a writer-insert. Nothing more than that. Whatever was RT's purpose there, Chuck as a character IMO, suffered.

The way some of the other characters have been introduced in the series - most notably Castiel, Death and Amara - left a very strong impression. Chuck as God needed to do the same - even if he is going to be there for 2-3 more episodes. RT failed to do that.

Having said that, the way Jensen and Jared acted in the scene in the present episode, IMO, gave the much needed credibility to this scene and to the character of Chuck.

Specially Jensen - he was brilliant. He was awed and yet confronted God with some home truths.
