It truly is unwatchable..

I know I'm relatively late to the party, but jeez... Normally shows with bad seasons I can just overlook them. If the bad seasons occur mid the shows run, and it improves. I can get past it! If a show ends on a bad note, most of the time I can get past it. How I Met Your Mother season 9, and even season 8, and especially the infamous finale have actually killed this entire show. I can't get in to it at all now, even with the earlier episodes.

Anyone else have this problem? I mean Big Bang has lost its way, and I can still enjoy the earlier seasons just as much as I did the first time. I enjoy X Files despite its lost direction. What is it with How I Met Your Mother? Anyone else just not able to see it in the same light anymore?


i dont like at all, it is terrible, unfunny.


You're nuts.

This show quickly became one of my favorites, from the very first episode; and soon thereafter become my all-time favorite sitcom.

It beat out "M*A*S*H".
It beat out The Big Bang Theory".
It beat out "Friends".
And those are just off the top of my head.

Almost every episode hits it out of the park, with the perfect blend of humor, pathos, poignancy, irreverence and character development.

If you find this creative masterpiece "truly unwatchable", the the fault lies within you, not the show.

God did not create man in his own image; man created god in his own image.


Almost every episode hits it out of the park, with the perfect blend of humor, pathos, poignancy, irreverence and character development.

I wouldn't go quite THAT far - but I agree at least around 70-80% of them do (which is A LOT for a 9-season show), and almost all of the others are at least OK to pretty good. And (most of) the characters are so likable that it holds your interest for even the very weakest episodes, which is always a plus.

It's one of my all-time favorites as well. Probably somewhere in the top 10, and not too far from the top 5. It might even go up, in time - it's only the second time I've watched it from the first episode to the last... (The earlier seasons I've seen more often than that, I think.)
