It truly is unwatchable..

I know I'm relatively late to the party, but jeez... Normally shows with bad seasons I can just overlook them. If the bad seasons occur mid the shows run, and it improves. I can get past it! If a show ends on a bad note, most of the time I can get past it. How I Met Your Mother season 9, and even season 8, and especially the infamous finale have actually killed this entire show. I can't get in to it at all now, even with the earlier episodes.

Anyone else have this problem? I mean Big Bang has lost its way, and I can still enjoy the earlier seasons just as much as I did the first time. I enjoy X Files despite its lost direction. What is it with How I Met Your Mother? Anyone else just not able to see it in the same light anymore?


There will definitely be people who agree with you, but I have no problem watching the show. I still love it, and it's still one of my favorite shows, and the finale affected nothing about that.

I didn't hate the finale like others, and didn't get the same message that most people got from it, but I still don't think it was perfect. I in no way think it killed the show.



I don't watch it anymore. Couldn't you tell from my post?


It depends why you were watching the show. If it was purely to see who the mother was then that's been solved so no more mystery. I never cared about the mother so the episodes are still funny. Also I was not a Barney/Robin fan so those episodes I normally FF on re watching


I'm with mjn-seifer. It's still one of my favorite shows (I'm actually watching it right now). The finale didn't bother me and I feel that it was sufficiently foreshadowed by previous episodes. As far as Barney and Robin are concerned, I did enjoy them together, but I knew they wouldn't last.


Yup, I can no longer watch it; it just feel tarnished now. The one time I tried watching it, I was sick and had gone to the hospital where I was given an IV, as I very dehydrated. I flipped through the channels and HIMYM was the only thing remotely on that I felt like watching, so I figured, what the hell; it had been about 9 months since the finale.
It turned out to be an episode from season 5, which if that wasn't bad enough, was a story I had forgotten about - the one where, in order for Marshall to fantasize about other women, he first has to imagine Lily dying of an ambiguous illness and him waiting an appropriate amount of time before moving on to the woman he wanted to fantasize about....

Yeah, they ripped off their own B-plot from a lousy season 5 episode - or who knows; since they shot the part with the kids first, I suppose they ripped off their own planned finale for a B-plot in a lousy season 5 episode....
Either way, in the context of that episode, it was supposed to be incredibly lame and stupid; and yet they still went that route in the very end - and they gave Lily's imaginary death more focus than Tracy's in-story death.

After that, I haven't been able to watch the series at all.

"I'm in it for the power and the free robes." - Harry Stone


i still watch it just fine


For me it was unwatchable from the start. Highly derivative and not at all clever. I liked Friends. HIMYM not so much.


Out of curiosity, why would you come to a board of a show you didn't watch and didn't enjoy just to say that?

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


Unwatchable and did not watch are two distinct concepts.


Nope. If it's unwatchable, then you can't watch it. The fact you'd sit through something you hated just doesn't make you look very bright.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


For me it was unwatchable from the start. Highly derivative and not at all clever. I liked Friends. HIMYM not so much.

I agree.


I've just decided that the alternate ending is the true ending, and that makes it a lot better. But yeah, the last season was kind of ridiculous.


I've just decided that the alternate ending is the true ending, and that makes it a lot better.

This. (However, I actually really like season 9 overall.)

And yes, definitely not ruined for me at all (no matter how horrible I thought the original ending was.) Still easily one of my favorite shows, and I'll watch it again, many more times...
