Too much cleavage

Was anyone else bothered by the excessive cleavage at the beginning of the movie? I left the movie so I don't know if it continued after that point. I'm so tired of running into this sexualized media content. I expected it least from a Mormon movie. Maybe Mormons are getting desensitized by the media just like everyone else. I'm writing the people responsible for this and I invite you to do the same if you agree:

Producer: Jeff T. Miller, Larry H. Miller, Scott Swofford
Director: Sterling Van Wagenen


I think they were just trying to be historically accurate, but I see your point. I wouldn't care too much about this if it wasn't an LDS film, I would just figure, "well they don't know." I am kind of torn on this because sometimes I think immodesty in an LDS film COULD possibly serve a purpose if, say, a girl was rebellious at first, but then she became more faithful and her wardrobe changed along with that. It would be showing that immodesty is not the right way. But then, after I read what you wrote about pornography, I'm not sure...but I'm a girl and I don't feel like seeing someone immodestly dressed really has a huge affect on me, I'm not sure how big of a deal it is for guys. Or in the movie "Taken", girls are shown scantily clad, but it's about the sex trade in Europe and they are doing it to be accurate and show what the girls are forced to do. For a reason like one of these I could see a purpose in it, but if it's just there in an LDS film for no real reason other than to try to appeal to the rest of the world, I don't I said, I'm not sure what I think about this issue. As someone said, yes, as mormons we do think sexuality in a marriage is a great and our bodies are sacred,'s more of a private thing, not something to just be displayed for everyone to see. But good for you for standing up for something, I know what it's like to try to express a different or more conservative opinion on these boards and have everyone lash out at you.
