MovieChat Forums > Simon Says (2006) Discussion > AWEFULL MOVIE - BAD BAD BAD BAD!! PUMPED...


be extremly carefull this movie is one of those kind of bad, bad movies, that really is a waste of time!!

Its NOT one of those movies thats so bad its already good again - its just bad, bad - badness in its most pure form!!

Dont see it - dont spend a dime on it - dont even download it from the net if you get a chance!!

BTW: currently over 1/3 of the votes gave this movie a 10 - tells you sometehing right?!


I cant understand how you can choose to watch a horror movie and not appreciate the incredible traps, the hilarius dog crushing scene and the amazingly amusing performance of crispen glover. This is about as good as slasher films get. I give it 9/10


Not it's not. I just watched Shrooms and Eden Lake right before this one... 2 films that are extremely similar, especially Shrooms, but they were both far, far better than this crap. Which is saying a lot because Shrooms was pretty crap, and Eden Lake was cringe-worthy all the way through as the lead did the wrong thing over and over again. But Simon Says was just crap. And Crispen Glover was awful, even for a b-grade slasher.

You would think a mainstream director like William Dear, with over 30 titles to his name, could make something better than this craparse movie. I honestly thought it must have been a film students first full length or something.


I really like shrooms but its nothing like simon says, theres no point comparing them. shrooms is really more about suspense and mystery, simons says is all about voilence, If you dont like slasher films like simon says thats fine buts theres no need to single it out as a bad movie. Simon says is more similar to friday the 13th, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, childs play, haloween and screem.



sheeple votes. apparently when you support anything touched by the lively's in 2012 you win on the interwebz and real life.


I know a bad movie when I see it.

This movie? I don't know what it was.

You don't know me.
You only think you do.


Yeah, those involved with this disgraceful film evidently came here (and on other sites) to pump the votes up and make the board more active. Why else would this worthless movie have so much hype and a way too generous rating? Not to mention the blatant nepotism.
I was beyond astonished while watching it - how on Earth can someone come up with such a piss-poor "work"? It wasn't "so bad it's funny", just bad. Horrible experience, don't know how I managed to watch it all.

🐺 Boycott movies that involve real animal violence (& their directors) 🐾
