This Movie is Disgusting

Is this what society has come to? Are you kidding me? There actually is a movie being made that depicts a murderer as a hero? Now, if he battered her and she just went to the police about it, fine (though I suppose that wouldn't make a good movie then). But she killed him, and got away with it too. She should have been put away for life. I don't care if it was 'provoked' or not, she killed her husband and she should face the consequences. At least she has the opportunity to improve her life, unlike her husband. All this movie is doing is supporting the notion that violence against men is ok. Now men are going to be afraid to even upset their wives/girlfriends, because they know they could be killed for it (and the murderers would get away with it too). Can you imagine what the public reaction would be if the genders had been reversed? What if a movie were being made about a 'hero' who murderered his wife because she abused him? Contrary to popular belief, all men are not stronger than all women. I know for certain he would be sent to jail for life or put on Death Row in that scenario, and justifiably so. Why should it be any different for her? She is not a 'heroine' for doing this. Her act was cowardly and she is a cold-blooded killer! Why are we praising her? This movie disgusts me. It is absolutely sickening.




An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

Mahatma Gandhi


shabanaa_82 i am very sorry that you experienced something like that:(
And you have right, men like that DESERVE to die!!!People who haven't
lived in such society ,society with violence don't even have the clue what a women goes through!!!I hope that everything is okay with you now!:)


it's called battered wife syndrome. if you are in a position where you are abused, raped, and threatened with murder every day of your life and basically held prisoner by your spouse (or parent in some cases), it can't be termed as 1st degree murder by the courts because it's likely that you believe that at any moment, for any reason, the person abusing you IS going to kill you. it's essentially self-defense. i can't speak about any UK cases, but it's been a viable defense in many US courts in recent years. if you feel that someone is going to cause harm to you that is so severe it will result in your own death, you have an unalienable right to defend your life by any means necessary...even if that results in the death of that person. period.


Its obvious your a man Bulletbill14 because a woman would never make a comment like this?

The only thing i'm going to ask you is this - if you went through 10 years of your life living with a man who beat you like a dog(and no doubt your children too), burned your face with an iron, insulted you every morning and raped you whenever he felt like it - just how long would you wait until you kill him???


What exactly do you mean by disgusting?

Disgusting a an abused woman got justice? or Disgusting that a bad husband got what he deserved?

Just to let you know I've seen the film, and I'm no feminist but I do believe in justice. No-one has the right to abuse a spouse.

She deserves praise for enduring that kind of abuse for 10 years.

You obviously have no idea what's going on in society for a start.
There are still cultures and traditions that force arranged marriages and reject the wish of women. Women don't choose that. They are made to marry some one they don't know. They are made to throw their own lives out the window just to satisfy their family who have also done it and to carry on this way of life. It's still happening as we speak and it's got to go. She was trapped, she had no-one to turn to, she was all on her own.

As a male, I would never dream of abusing any woman in such a way.

But you can't imagine what it's like being beaten, raped and threatened for ten years. Neither can I.

I don't think she tried to kill him (at least I don't think so), she just tried to get revenge. I don't wish that on anyone, but for some guy who makes his own loved one's life hell for 10 years deserves everything they get.

Equal Rights and Justice for all.


I'm not sure if any of these have been mentioned - no time to read the whole thread, but anyway...

1. Mrs Ahluwalia did not "get away with it". She was convicted of manslaughter by reason of diminished responsibility and released because she had already served several years in prison.

2. As far as it's possible to tell, she wasn't trying to kill her husband, just to hurt him in retaliation for what he'd done to her.

3. The film doesn't exactly treat her act as that of a heroine, but it does point out that her behaviour was a reaction to the abuse she suffered. The character of Kiran in the film acknowledges that she sinned and has to pay.

4. In the real world, we do not have a serious problem with women killing their husbands. However we do have a fairly serious problem with men killing their wives, and indeed men killing and abusing women generally. Although domestic violence is rather more complicated than many would acknowledge, in the main male violence is the problem that society need to address.

So outrage at (a) Mrs Ahluwalia and (b) this film would be better directed elsewhere, I reckon.

I used to want to change the world. Now I just want to leave the room with a little dignity.



Personally, in the matters of "Provoked", I say she should face her late husband's family or the nearest thing he got to a family, let him/her/they decide her fate.

If a woman murdered your son/brother/etc, I think you got more right on deciding her fate than any court.

Personally, if a woman can get away of doing terrible things, a few men might be affraid to commit to any relationship toward a woman in fear that she can hurt him in any way she likes, in the end, the woman will become a victim of a loneliness of being without a man.

As for the whole thing.

I think it's agreeable on several things:

An abuse shouldn't be repaid with a murder.

A murderer shouldn't be let off the hook.

It's not okay to give someone who suffered a lot a blank check to do anything he/she/it like.


....she didn't "get away with it". She was convicted of manslaughter and served serious jail time.

Some gentlemen here seem to be letting their hatred of women interfere not just with their judgement but with their ability to perceive actual facts.


-first and foremost i would just like to say this a very heated disscussion.
-second i would like to agree with the fact that ing her husband was wrong, BUT.....what would u do if u were her? If u were constantly battered, d, put down all the time, would u not have done the same thing? its just a food for thought.
i also agree that not only women get abused, but men get abused as well.
we are discussing an abused woman here, not man. OH and just to let u know there was a movie about a battered man. where his wife would physically, emotionally, and verbally abused him. He WAS physically strong enough to make his wife stop, but he just didnt want to hurt her.
-thirdly, i am really disgusted by the original posters comments. it was downright ignorant and ridiculous. You dont even know Kiranjit personally, so why judge her.
-fourthly NONE(except for the people who have been abused) of us have the right to say that she should have gone to the police or defend herself OR she should have ran away......when we havent gone through any abuse. If i can recall someone said in the book that she had tried seeking for help from the police and her familly, but nobody would even help her.......and another thing to the people who said she should have defended herself, i just want to say you guys are IGNORANT. it is not that easy to defend urself, when the person who is attacking you is much stronger than u are (such is the case with Kiran and her husband)....and to the rest of u who said she should of just ran away, you too are very IGNORANT. do u think it was easy for her to run away from her husband. No. her husband found her and would just beat her to the pulp for it and even if she were successful at running away who would she run to.....
1)the police- whom she had repeatedly asked for help, but they did NOTHING about it.
2)her "so-called" family- who u would think would at least support her and protect her, but only sent her back to her abusive husband.
3)her mother in law- who u would think would be like another motherly figure, who not only lied in court about not seeing her son abuse his wife, but REFUSED to let her see her children while she was in prison. She not only did this, but didnt have the decency to teach her own son how to treat a woman properly.
i mean you guys have to think about this. Before u judging this woman, ask urself have u ever been in this situation.......if NOT, you have no right to judge.
-fifthly, i think someone on this board said this movie isnt very an accurate portrayl of the real life incident b/c apparently there were many things in the book that could have been brought up in the movie, but the writer failed to do so........which also makes the message of the movie or even the life of Kiranjit to be somewhat misleading. The movie did not give enough justification as to why she would burn her husband and it doesnt make it apparent that her husband may be the only way to get the freedom she wanted( or truly deserved for that matter). Which is why i think some people, especially those who have never read the book, made the comments they made.


In the circumstances that were given on this movie, I would have one the same. Whoever you are have no idea what you are talking about, a man like that has no space to improve, he did deserve to die, thats harsh comment but you know what sometimes that is the only justice a person like him can get, he might as well be dead before he does the same to another woman. I loved this movie its anything BUT disgusting, and it is just too bad people don't think like you or else this world would be seriously screwed up place.

Other than that: aishwarya you were very impressive, the movie seemed low budget but it was still very strong I give it 8/10



You are a *beep* moron


This is what's wrong with our society, started by the story of Adam and Eve, and now to this. Firstly you claim you hate feminists, does that mean that you don't believe in equality and that women are naturally inferior? A society that marginalizes woman is one that will never function.

This is not a Hollywood film, I can't stress that enough, you don't have Jean Claude Van Dam killing an army and the audience praising him!! On the contrary this film does not glorify muders but gives a voice to millions of women who are victims of domestic abuse. Men are biologically stronger than women, I do believe that a woman can psychologically abuse a woman, but not physically. Rai's character kills her husband, (because as it has been posted here I'm sure many times) he would have killed her. It's refreshing to see a Bollywood film actually raise awareness on how women are still treated in marriage.

A great film!

