MovieChat Forums > Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium (2007) Discussion > Hands up if you're a big kid and loved t...

Hands up if you're a big kid and loved this movie?

17 years old and absolutely adored it.

Have fun. Play loud. Live free. Die proud.


18 and i seriously loved it.
althought this 9yr old looking kid who sat infront of me
did not seem to like it, by calling the movie "kiddo movie"

mmmmmmmkay..... :S


24 yrs old and definitely one of my favorites. Loved it!


45 and loved it. I can't understand why it got bad reviews, unless of course the critics are all "mutants".

It is a movie that I will probably own someday


25 and I thought it was delightful!


33 years (no kids) and I loved it.
the scene were Eric writes HI on a paper to make friends with Henry - touched my a lot


57. I work part-time at a comic book shop & have started to answer the phone
with: "We sell comics; we don't fix car transmissions."


Hahahahahahahahaha brilliant.
I love the fact no matter how old you are, your still young at heart. I love this film and I'm 32


I thought it was awesome! It was original and well thought out, and the jokes are subtle but hilarious! "Mr. Magoriums toy imporium, we sell toys, we don't fix transmissions!"


40 years old and i saw it on HBO and make me feel so great i love it
