Why not...

... Call the damned parents and tell thenm to get their assets home? Why not use your cell and whisper to 911. Why not effing hide in that huge house?

It's almost like the parents set her up. Who doesn't at least let the babysitter peek at the kids? Did she even know which freaking rooms they were in?


Coz Jill had a stalker fetish?

Or a victim complex?

In my opinion.


I watched this yesterday and she called the restaurant where they were and they had left already. At the beginning the mother says they may go a movie after supper. So they had already left. The mother never said what theater they’d go to and since Jill had called the restaurant it’s clear the parents didn’t have a cell phone. Back in 2006 many didn’t have them even rich people. I didn’t get a cell phone till 3 years ago.


Uhhh she did. Did you watch the movie?

In the original 1979 version there was no cell phones, so in the original she called the restaurant and they said the Mandrakasas (Don't know how to spell it) left 40 minutes ago...

Remake- Same thing; EXCEPT. she Called the parents first....the mom did not pick up and she left a voicemail, then she Called the restaurant, they left 40 minutes ago.... And obviously went to a movie...

She called the restaurant, her ex, the parents, her own father (Who was at a jazz concert), sons guest house (Where the stranger was at the time of her voice mail), non emergency police....No one could help her until the police traced the call and realized the guy was in the house...At that point it was a major emergency, but like the police and her father said....House was out in the middle of no where and would take a solid 20 minutes to get there from the nearest town, but the police on patrol might of been on the opposite side of town so minimum time even if they were speeding high fast would be 20 minutes and higher end would of been 35 minutes.
