MovieChat Forums > Garfield: A Tale of Two Kitties (2006) Discussion > Bill Murray starring in this sequel offi...

Bill Murray starring in this sequel officially makes him a hypocrite.

While yes, I'm sure they offered him tons of cash and he agree'd to phone in his performance; this movie is officially making him out to be a complete and utter hypocrite.

Ghostbusters2 withstanding, Murray has said on numerous occasions that he'd never come back for sequels to his hit films simply because he wanted to continue on trying new things. This being one of the main reasons poor Ghobstbusters3 died in pre-production; I'm pretty pissed to see that he instead chooses a *beep* GARFIELD SEQUEL to break off his stance as an artist standing by his word.

It's a pretty big downer for me, personally. I've always loved going to the movies to see him in whatever role he's done, aside from these Garfield things I've given every movie he's done a chance. He has a fantastic lineup of work; everything from Ghostbusters to Groundhog Day, Ed Wood to Lost in Translation, Stripes to Life Aquatic. He's got an entire roster of fantastic films that could do well with sequels, and I'm just really disappointed of all the parts to play a second (or third) time, he sold out and chose this.


To be fair to him, he's not starring, is he - just lending his voice; so doing new things would essentially involve... not talking! Plus, he's already given the world ONE Ghostbusters sequel; as much as I'd like to see a third come to fruition.

... but he made himself out to be a hypocrite long ago, anyway; saying he finds it demeaning to be caught up in the race for Oscars, but at the same time being a huge grump when he doesn't get one...

Just a soul whose intentions are good. Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood


you are wrong...somewhat. Dan Akroyd and Harold Ramis have stated on numerous occasion there would be no number three unless Bill was a part of it. and for that it would have to be a perfect script. (a scripts ideas that has been thrown around for years but never specified and all usually fabricated by ambitious fans). until then they saw no reason to do so. I think if they do do a third film it would have them passing it down to younger individuals with them coming to the rescue at the end. classic, right? haha. I think with the right casting and aforementioned perfect script Bill would sign on... especially if two of the successors are his friends in Owen & Luke Wilson. Oscar and the child from Sigourney and Bill? perhaps?... we can all dream I suppose.

but dan had wrote an original script for Stiller and Farley that part is correct. but the reason it wont be made is because Bill Murray wont sign off on it. and he has rights to the movie like the rest and Columbia pictures. Akroyd re-wrote the script into a new dark Ghostbusters in Hell film that would see himself starring with Rick Moranis and Ben Stiller. Where in a parellel demension New York is in all hell. (isnt that reality? haha) anyway Bill wont sign off... and im glad. if your gonna do it. do it right.

"I have been accused of vulgarity and I say thats Bulls**t" ~MB


Bill Murray doesn't do movies for money, he's got all he needs, hence the reason he's been doing indies lately (Lost in Translation, Broken Flowers, etc.) if he did movies for money he would have gone the way of Chevy Chase and Dan Akroyd a long time ago. Bill Murray is a huge Garfield fan, he loves the character so he'll continue to make the movies.

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that he didn't exist.-Verbal Kint


an those soccer moms popping out kids like a toaster over=money


Maybe, just maybe, he changed his mind because he wanted to. Maybe he likes Garfield and liked doing the first one. Did you ever make a decision and then later change your mind? Because he is a celebrity does that mean he is not human?


I feel the EXACT same way. Shame on Bill Murry. :(

"Sometimes I think the Universe just waits for me to get Cockey" ~Egon, The Real Ghostbusters


Why though? No one knows why he did it, and I wouldn't bank it more on love of the character rather than the money. Would that make a man a hypocrite? Because if it does everybody should just stop trying completely.

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that he didn't exist.-Verbal Kint


"Hypocrite. Oppertunist."

- Radiohead.

I found that quote fitting.


So I suppose that you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Murray is doing it for money. Did you read this in an interview? I'd like to see it. Or do you have ESP, and read his mind and saw the extra digits spinning around in his head? I love how people bag on someone for doing something when they have no idea why a person did it.

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that he didn't exist.-Verbal Kint


Everyone get a grip. These films are targetted at children not adults as i seem to think you all are. Is it illegal to just let loose and have a ball with a colourful character like Garfield, he probably just needed a change or fancied another laugh or maybe, god forbid, he just thought "What the hell, why not" after all these "indie" "cult" performance driven films. Hypocrite this, hypocrite that, Ghostbusters 3 blah blah blah. Everyone take a chill pill your taking this much too seriously.


Ghostbusters2 withstanding, Murray has said on numerous occasions that he'd never come back for sequels to his hit films simply because he wanted to continue on trying new things.

Key Word: HIT films. Sure, box-office wise, it was a "hit", per se, but it was hardly a hit Quality-wise in comparison to Ghostbusters, and I LIKED the first movie. Bill Murray is NOT a Hypocrite because this was not tailored as a HIT Film. Period. End of Sentence.

Thanks for Listening.


I still like Bill Murray despite all this. i dont even care really. More power to Bill if a sequel is what he wants to do.


The first sequal to ghostbusters was bad enough, if he saved us from another one, more power too him.


Well he did do 2 Ghostbusters movies in the 80's, so doesnt that allow him two garfield movies anyhow? If he does 3 than he needs a slap.

With Ghostbusters he might just not want to revisit something that feels so long ago to him now. Like an old old rock band that comes back out for one last time looking like shrivelled prawns.

I'm sure he'll keep making boring movies that strange people watch. And I did like Life Aquatic.



We're all hypocrites, get over it.

Have you never said anything in your life that you then went against later? Or does poor Bill have to stand by everything he's ever said?

When I was about 6 I told a girl I'd marry her one day, do I have to keep this promise?

How does changing his mind make him a hypocrite anyway? If he was on tv right now saying actors that do sequels are fools then yes, he's a hypocrite, otherwise you're talking nonsense.


Well, I change my heart, he's not for the money (I see that this movie make a descent amount, but not big) so I guess that he loves garfield character and he agreed to make a sequel. I loved him in Osmosis Jones, he can pull good films for kids, that's for sure.

Obviously, you have lost possesion of your Yiddish Cup!- Neil J. Bauman


He does like Garfield. If you watch the Garfield DVD and listen to the commentary on it the director said that they were expecting him to turn down the movie but he did it cos he's been a Garfield fan his whole life. and in my opinion he makes a great Garfield, he even sounds like the guy who voiced him back in the 80's early 90's. When it was first released I thought it would suck, but I was wrong and enjoyed it and so I look forward to seeing this movie too.

"I didn't lose my mind, I sold it on ebay."


it's not like he's actually acting in this film. Just lending his voice to a children's movie. Think of it as a cartoon, and not really a movie. It'll be okay, bill will play other great roles as usual.

Take a breath and get out your old Bill flicks, and wash away the idea of this abomination.


Ah yes, but you seem to forget. "to his HIT FILMS"

The first Garfield sucked, therefore, he is not doing a sequel to a hit film.



There's also the fact that he said that it was because he wanted to keep trying new things that he wouldn't do sequels, but if he really enjoys doing the one thing, why not keep doing it? Not to mention that he can easily still try doing new things while he's recording the voice for Garfield.

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that he didn't exist.-Verbal Kint
