MovieChat Forums > Garfield: A Tale of Two Kitties (2006) Discussion > Bill Murray starring in this sequel offi...

Bill Murray starring in this sequel officially makes him a hypocrite.

While yes, I'm sure they offered him tons of cash and he agree'd to phone in his performance; this movie is officially making him out to be a complete and utter hypocrite.

Ghostbusters2 withstanding, Murray has said on numerous occasions that he'd never come back for sequels to his hit films simply because he wanted to continue on trying new things. This being one of the main reasons poor Ghobstbusters3 died in pre-production; I'm pretty pissed to see that he instead chooses a *beep* GARFIELD SEQUEL to break off his stance as an artist standing by his word.

It's a pretty big downer for me, personally. I've always loved going to the movies to see him in whatever role he's done, aside from these Garfield things I've given every movie he's done a chance. He has a fantastic lineup of work; everything from Ghostbusters to Groundhog Day, Ed Wood to Lost in Translation, Stripes to Life Aquatic. He's got an entire roster of fantastic films that could do well with sequels, and I'm just really disappointed of all the parts to play a second (or third) time, he sold out and chose this.


Who cares, the two garfield films are only small forgettable parts of Bills career. Simply dont view these films, they'll only get you down. why not concentrate on the long list of hit films featuring Bill.


Did you even read my post? I'm never going to watch these movies, and I never said I was. I DID concentrate on a list of his good movies, and I listed them in my post for Christ sakes.

I could care less how bad or good these Garfield movies are, I'm pissed because he took back his word on not doing sequels when he has plenty of other movies that would do great with sequels.


It's only a voice over. It's not like he has to strain himself physically or emotionally acting in a live action film.


Relax. Why do you care so much about a word from an actor? Hell you dont know why he did this again, maybe his kids wanted it, who knows? I understand your point of view, but to rage a personal vendetta on it is kinda far fetched. It doesnt do you any good to vent on spoken words by actors, hell they get married and divorced in months. Oh you forgot the movies Stripes and Caddy Shack by the way.


I agree. Nobody can take the word of an actor seriously, especially when they talk about sequels. The actor's mood, feelings on the film and the audience's reaction to him playing that role change things.


He didn't forget Stripes.

In Heaven, everything is fine


Caddyshack doesn't count. He wasn't in Caddyshack 2.

Why the hell am I posting on the Garfield 2 forum?

Dude, you got some crap right about here
Oh no, that's just my face


friday: You sound like a complete moron, so I'll keep this simple. HE wanted money and hollywood is where liars are born. DEAL WITH IT.


Sean Connery played James Bond in Never Say Never Again. Why is the movie titled that?

The revolution will now be televised. Sundays @ 11 on Adult Swim


i agree


Sequels to his hit films? Since when was Garfield a hit film? ;)


I cant really think of a Single Bill Murray movie that would actually Deserve a sequel. So who cares. Or is it just one of those wishes for a Ghostbusters 3? Which would suck.

Everything I need to know I learned from booze.


Well it did earn a total of 200 mil in US and abroad. And it cost only 85 to priduce and market... It aint that bad..
See here:


I think that you're taking this stuff WAY too seriously. Its a free country...the guy can do whatever the hell he wants. Besides, he may have said that he doesn't like doing sequels, but didn't it ever don on you that maybe, just maybe, he might have, like, CHANGED HIS MIND. You know, people like you make these celebrities out to be gods and you believe they have these words of wisdom, and when they do one little thing that goes against what YOU expect of them, YOU GO CRAZY!

Leave the dude alone. Why don't you just be a TRUE Bill Murray fan and give the movie a chance.



I was under the impression the main reason that Ghostbusters 3 didn't happen was because they had planned to cast Chris Farley as another "recruit" to the Ghostbusters team, then he died, and they said they had nobody who would fill the role - so they abandoned it. Correct me if I'm wrong.
