MovieChat Forums > Garfield: A Tale of Two Kitties (2006) Discussion > If Tim Curry's In It- It's Already a Flo...

If Tim Curry's In It- It's Already a Flop

Not that I don't think the movie will flop WITHOUT Tim Curry, but WITH him- it'll be an even bigger disaster.

He's the kiss of death for anything he appears in.

Gee I sure hope he plays an uptight British guy who doesn't like Garfield.

More to the point, if parents took their kids to the zoo instead of to crappy computer animated movies- we wouldn't have nearly so many of them.

Is it so hard to actually have to talk to your kids?

Or would you rather just have CGI handle it for you?


"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son."


I could seriously maim you for saying that. Tim Curry pwns.


I have to inform you that Tim Curry plays the voice of Prince the cat that Garfield is the identical twin of. So right there you people need to realize this is the first time i have ever seen Curry play a good guy part!


I don't agree I'm afraid. Tim Curry is a very talented and very underrated actor. Sure he has been in some clunkers and not so good movies(ie. Addams Family Reunion) like every actor in existence but he has also done some some great performances in some great movies(ie. Clue). Also he is very versatile, he does voice work, he sings, he does impressions and I have seen him dance very well as well. Just because Curry has been in clunkers doesn't mean he is a bad actor. I love him especially for his velvety voice, swatty laugh, witty and charismatic presence and a mischievous cheshire-cat-like smile that makes my heart melt. As for this movie, it is far from perfect being predictable with some hit and miss gags, but it is a big improvement over the first film and Tim Curry is perfect as the voice of Prince.

"Life after death is as improbable as sex after marriage"- Madeline Kahn(CLUE, 1985)


Tim Curry is the only good thing about this movie. I love him in Ferngully, Darkwing Duck, and Mattimeo.
Sure, he's done some bad movies/shows but so has every other actor.
