MovieChat Forums > Garfield: A Tale of Two Kitties (2006) Discussion > If Tim Curry's In It- It's Already a Flo...

If Tim Curry's In It- It's Already a Flop

Not that I don't think the movie will flop WITHOUT Tim Curry, but WITH him- it'll be an even bigger disaster.

He's the kiss of death for anything he appears in.

Gee I sure hope he plays an uptight British guy who doesn't like Garfield.

More to the point, if parents took their kids to the zoo instead of to crappy computer animated movies- we wouldn't have nearly so many of them.

Is it so hard to actually have to talk to your kids?

Or would you rather just have CGI handle it for you?


"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son."


I'm not going to argue, it never helps. But I would like to make some comments. Keep in mind this is entirely my opinion.

When I was a kid I hated going to the zoo. It was just boring.

This isn't a "crappy computer animated movie." Technology is getting better and better.

So anyone that lets their kid see a silly movie, is right away, stereotyped. I have to say, I can't wait to see how bad this world is in 20 years.

CGI in this case isn't "handling" anything.

By the way, everyone, don't give me any reply as pointless "Yes it does," or "No it doesn't," please. In fact, don't reply if you are only here to argue.


Without looking him up, isn't Tim Curry the guy from Rocky Horror Picture Show? One of the most successful movies ever? Thought so.

Ma'am, if you don't calm down, your panties will turn into a bunch.


Not to mention he played a very good role in the movie, Clue. And he also did very well in the musical Spamalot in which he even showcases a decent singing voice. Guess some people are just insatiable. How miserable they will be entrenched in such bitterness.


Tim Curry is God!! Not to mention one of the most under rated actors of all time. I have never seen him give a bad performance. He is always the character.


Rocky Horror Picture Show? One of the most successful movies ever? uhhhh no, but it has a huge audience that love the film. Tim Curry just has been in some bad movies, but has been in a lot of (non-flop) movies as well, home alone 2 made a gross amount of money as well as him being in Spamalot which is one of the hardest shows on broadway to get into. So yes this movie is crap and should had never been made, but leave the Curry alone!


Originally, when the play, The Rocky Horror Show (which the film is based on) was released in London on the theater circuit, it did astounding. They then brought the play over to the US and it still did fairly well. Then plans were made to make a film of it.
Now technically, when the Rocky Horror Picture Show was released, it WAS indeed a flop. People really didn't like it, and started coming to make fun of it, and throw various food items at the screen, hence the birth of the audience participation started. However, as more people heard about it, more had to go to see how bad it was, which made it ever so in creasingly popular. But this was back in 1974 or 1975. To this day, it is THE ONLY film that has CONTINUOUSLY ran since its debut, at LEAST every weekend somewhere in the world. There is a Germaan theater that plays it EVERY DAY. And there are many a theaters that play it at least 1-4 times a month. To help prove my point, visit I know its mostly a US list, but it does have some other shows there as well listed.


As far as I'm concerned the one exception to the "Tim Curry kiss of death" rule is The Hunt for Red October. In fact, that movie had both Tim Curry AND Alec Baldwin in it and it STILL turned out to be a darn good movie. Miracles can happen!



Tim Curry's indeed been in some of the best and some of the worst films of all time.

I'm not going to label which ones I think are great, but I think some are pretty obvious.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Hunt For The Red October
Loaded Weapon 1
Scary Movie 2 (I wonder if that's a "best" or a "worst" moment... ahe)
Oscar (I don't care what anybody says, but this is one of the best movies of all time!)
The Three Musketeers (The Oliver Platt/Keifer Sutherland/Chris O'Donnell/Charlie Sheen one from Disney)
Charlies Angels (The first of the recent ones)
EDIT: Oh yeah, and "Annie"... Can't say I'm a fan, but there are those who are.

I'm sure this is enough.

And as such, I like Tim Curry. Although he's done bad movies, he's always been great in them

Though disturbing dressed up as a girlscout in Loaded Weapon 1 (Which was cheaply ripped off in Corky Romano)


A little off subject, but I wanted to let you know that I and my whole family agree with you that Oscar is a fantastic movie.
Don't forget his performance as Long John Silver in the "Muppet Treasure Island"! which also has its good and bad points.


I too agree with you on the Oscar comment. That movie is hillarious (even with Stallone in it)!

Don't forget Tim Curry was The Lord of Darkness in Legend.

- jeffsterz©


You forgot Kinsey, he was good in that one


Well, if Tim Curry is God then apparently he doesn't choose to utilize his devine powers very often to make a decent movie.


His family movies are great:
Home Alone 2 (one of the biggest sequals ever)
Muppet Treasure Island

and he's also sparked phoebias into millions by playing "IT"

Long live Frank N Furter!!!!!!


Also Tim is only voicing a part not appearing.

I would say most of Tim's cartoon/voice work has done well and won awards etc.

I think Tim likes to keep working and takes anything and everything that comes in. His list of project is really long.




Don't leave out "IT" One of his best performances.


ok, tim curry probably has the best voice in the acting business. look how he was being pennywise the clown on IT, and every second of singing in the rocky horror picture show. IMO ive always thought he shouldve been a singer, but hes still a great actor.

dont forget legend on the list, he was a great devil.


Actually he was a singer, I have his 2 LPs. They're pretty horrid.

He isn't a pop singer, he's a showtunes singer!

All his music in Rocky was great, "When You're a Pirate" from Muppet Treasure Island was great... what other songs am I missing?



tim does the voice of the spoiled prince that is a cat like garfield.. they switch places.




Eh. To each his own. I personally love RHPS. And not all fans are alike, thank you.


Excuse me? Are you the moderator here? If not, you cannot tell anyone what they can and can't say! It appears to me that most people here loved Rocky Horror.

So go retch if you want. No one cares.


demento57: Rock.

-MattsGirl6093, Girlfriend to Matt H. since 12 June 2002


Tim Curry was absolutely dreadful in Spamalot.

Now I don't pretend to know about movies, but I'm a very avid theatre goer and I did NOT enjoy Spamelot and one of the main reasons was Tim Curry.

David Hyde Pierce was fantastic, however.


Just a quick fact check on Curry and singing...he originated the role of Frank N Furter for Rocky Horror, did all his own singing for that, and released three albums in the late 70's, even scoring a minor hit with "I Do the Rock." I have way too much time on my hands.



You know what? I love Tim Curry. He is NO WHERE NEAR as bad as you say he is. But like I told that other guy, to each his own, but you know, to only be fair, this movie would be crap with or without him. Face it guys, making Garfield into a live action movie was a BAD ENOUGH idea alone. Making a sequel to it was an even worse idea. My god, it's Baby Geniuses all over again. Another horrible movie that didn't deserve the money for a sequel. *thud*



He was in The Wild Thornberrys Movie, and that wasn't bad...


If you notice, Tim Curry is simply a VOICE in this movie. Look at his credits on imdb, he has done more voice work than anything in a long time. It has been a while since he's been in a successfull live action movie. My Favorites are Rocky Horror (got a tattoo from it), Clue, and Legend (even if you didn't like it, watch the director's cut dvd, vast difference). Voice actors aren't as particular about picking parts, as their faces aren't identified with it. You'd be surprised at how many successfull tings he's been in as a voice actor. But yeah, the Garfield movies suck. I'm a huge fan of the cartoon series, and liked the comic strip when i was younger (its a little repetitive now, been around so long). I've bought 3 of the DVD sets of that show, but have no desire to see this movie (or the first one). For one thing his mouth moves, in the comic strip his dialouge is in thought bubbles, on the cartoon you just hear his thoughts, which other animals, but not humans could hear (John sometimes seems to hear, but I always take it as him simply picking up on Garfield's attitude). It would have been cheaper to not animate his mouth. This is along the lines of showing Dr. Claw's face in the Inspector Gadget movie. (not to mention turning his gauntlet into a pincer).



Tim Curry rules. He's made a few bad movies, but he's good in every role he's been in. He's also got a couple of Tonys under his belt. Kiss of death? Pshh you're dumb he's fantastic.


Tim Curry is the best, well one of the best actors there is anyway.


I'd say the plot- or even the fact that someone would even attempt to make a sequel to "Garfield"- is the kiss of death in this film. Why, why must we continually rape, pillage, and burn the masterpieces of the late Charles Dickens? Also, as a fan of musical theatre, and as a person who has personally seen Tim Curry on Broadway giving an excellent performance as King Arthur, how dare you!

My humble opinion.




Tim Curry is a great actor! He's made a lot of great film-not just Rocky Horror.


Every movie I've seen with Tim Currry in it, he was phenominal. He is certianlly not a "Kiss of Death" for the movies he appears in, more the opposite actually. I find his acting to be the best part of those movies.

Dr. Frank-N-Furter - Rocky Horror Picture Show
Wadsworth - Clue (Nearly died laughing at his comedic genius)
Hexxus - Ferngully : The Last Rainforest (One word - Creepy)
Pennywise the Dancing Clown/IT - Stephen King's IT (Creepy beyond all reason)
Mr. Hector, The Concierge - Home Alone 2 (The trembly lip after Kevin's mom slaps him was hillairous)
Major Vladikov - McHale's Navy (Another great comedic role)
Dr. Petrov - The Hunt for Red October
Gomez Addams - The Addams Family Reunion

All of these characters were brilliantly played by Mr. Curry, and certainly weren't any kind of "kiss of death" for these movies. They were in fact the best parts of these movies.

I realize, of course, that you might not like Tim Curry's acting, but that doesn't make him a bad actor. Nor does it mean any bad movie he happens to appear in is his fault.

And as for this Garfield sequal, Tim Curry will probably be the ONLY reason I watch it.


No Offense to anybody, but every movie I saw with Tim Curry in it SUCKED. Like the movie "IT", that scared the crap out of me. And what about "Clue"? He even sucks in the crappy T.V. show, "The Wild Thornberrys". That was one of the worst shows on Nick EVER. I think that he is just a bad actor. Nothing more, nothing less.



I agree with whiteronin83, did you forget that he was in Spamalot? That was hit, even when he was in the show, just because you don't like him doesn't mean everybody else should. And besides, how would you like it, if you were an actor/actress, and somebody wrote the same message that you were like in, you wouldn't like it would you, if you just happen to surf into this site. It is gkind of early to know that. I know that it is not getting good reviews from the movie critics, and I bet that they would say that there is a much better family movie to take the kids to, and that would be Cars, or at least the most of them that liked it.


who cares about what these people say about "kiss of death," tim curry has been in wondeful movies, and wonderful stage shows alike. Even if some of the movies curry was in were not smash hits, the characters he played were great. Not to mention the numerous awards he has won over the years.


2.35 opening day, it's a flop. Tim Curry has another failure added to his resume. Then again, why the hell was this even made?


I used to throw temper tantrums when I would see clowns because I was scared out of my mind of the movie IT, more with Pennywise. If you want to say that Tim Curry makes every movie he is in flop, then watch IT, watch Muppet Treaure Island, Clue. He has had some dumb parts, but not bad enough to make everything flop.

To be honest though the first Garfield wasn't really too big of a hit either though was it?


