The next adult swim movie?

Which show do you think needs to be made into a movie? My top pick is The Venture Bros because the show in my opinion is the best show on adult swim.

The Simpsons movie



harvey birdman would be ace. it could be like a courtroom drama thing. it would be awesome. i still think space ghost movie would rock, but not as a talk show. maybe as space ghost going on one last adventure sort of thing, and its like a documentory following him on his last mission. and there would be cameos from EVERY SINGLE ADULT SWIM CARTOON (except family guy). that would be sooo cool. i would see that twice in a day at the ol' picturehouse

Oh no! Replicating pods! The kind that keep you up at night with their coughing!


harvey birdman would be ace. it could be like a courtroom drama thing. it would be awesome. i still think space ghost movie would rock, but not as a talk show. maybe as space ghost going on one last adventure sort of thing, and its like a documentory following him on his last mission. and there would be cameos from EVERY SINGLE ADULT SWIM CARTOON (except family guy). that would be sooo cool. i would see that twice in a day at the ol' picturehouse

These are good ideas man!

Laughter... is just a smile that explodes.


I am all for a Metalocalypse movie. That show is so awsome, I would love nothing more than to see them on the big screen.





I'd really love to see a Metalocalypse movie, but I really think that Moral Orel would be the best. They could do what The Simpsons Movie did, and create a huge disaster on Moralton. Like have his dad actually be in a lot of trouble for hitting Orel with his belt or something.



The Boondocks. Venture Bros. Home Movies. Harvey Birdman. Oh and what about The Oblongs that show was hilarious!

"Sammy thinkin' a little too much with your upstairs brain...HUH?" Dean Winchester


I agree that Venture Bros. is the most sensible choice, however I have to admit I'd like to see an ATHF 2. It will never happen.

I'd say 12 oz. mouse would be hilarious as a movie, if nothing else than for the fact that it's so cheap-looking. The idea of seeing it on the big screen cracks me up by itself. But, since they just released the whole series to DVD as an epic 3 and a half hour film, I guess that kind of takes care of that.

You thought an hour and twenty minutes of ATHF was too much? TRY THREE AND A HALF HOURS OF 12 OZ. MOUSE!!!

Laughter... is just a smile that explodes.


Well, I can tell you what I don't want... Minoriteam The Movie.
Also, Harvey Birdman is officialy over and done with. No movie possibilities.

There's so much pressure to like monkeys.


I'd definately see a Venture Bros. movie. For whoever previously suggested Oblongs, as cool as it would be, Oblongs isnt Adult Swim.

Thats one clean burning hell, I tell you what! -Hank Hill


Lucy: Daughter of the Devil. I could see that translating to the big screen really well.

I love Home Movies, but I don't think it would make a great movie. I could totally see Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law being a movie, spoofing all those courtroom drama movies like Runaway Jury and that recent one with the guy from Fantastic Four.

Sad to say I never watched more than 5 minutes of the Venture Brothers... Maybe I should give it a try?

[[Check my profile for the IMDb Bank of Milo. PM me if there's something wrong]]



Oh yeah, and the guy who said Tom Goes to the Mayor should be arrested...


tim and eric!


Dr. Steve Brule stars in "For Your Health"

"It's....It's.....Pretty much the i've....i've ever seen. Wh...Wh....Why don't you go see it, ya turkey?"

Who Is Driving?! Oh No! Bear! Bear Is Driving! How Can That Be??!!


Home Movies would be cool, but I'd rather see it come back as a show again.

The Brak Movie!


aqua teen 2 is confirmed by matt and dave. its called death fighter and has a tentative release date of march (?) 2010 :)

Autobots! Transform....and roll out!


I think it would be awesome if they made a documentary about dirtfoot


If they make another one it should be either Brak, Harvey Birdman, or Metalacolypse

Brak would be awesome where he gets into some situation thats way over the top and takes thundercleese and zorak to help him out. Also Pisto must return and save the day with one huge Fart.

Harvey Birdman is dead but they could do a prequel where he fails as a talk show host and goes to law school and so on.

Metalacolypse would only work if the show is going to end by having the world come to an end and Dethklok must fight the bad guys with their music and have a huge Star Wars homage with Mark Hammil's character.

But I'm excited about Aqua Teen 2!! The first was *beep* amazing and totally was done right!
