MovieChat Forums > The Pursuit of Happyness (2006) Discussion > The greatest 60 seconds of acting ever? ...

The greatest 60 seconds of acting ever? (SPOILERS)

...when he's told he's got the job, and he tears up in the office til he goes nuts in the street. It's the most emotional piece of acting I've seen for ages.

But is it, as the subject line says, "The greatest 60 seconds of acting ever?"

There are some more famous, more memorable 60 seconds from some legendary actors.

- "I coulda been a contender..." Al Pacino, Raging Bull
- "'Do I feel lucky?' Well, DO you, punk?" Clint Eastwood, Dirty Harry
- "Take it off. Take it off." Brad Davis, Midnight Express
- "As God is my witness, I'll never go hungry again!" Vivien Leigh, Gone with the Wind

BUT are they great examples of ACTING, or are they just SHOUTING and GESTURING wildly? Something any of us could do.

I invite you to submit your favourite 60 seconds of acting.

- It must be a SHORT SCENE (around 60 seconds or less)
- The excellent acting must come from ONE ACTOR, not an ensemble. If there are many excellent examples of acting in one scene, choose only one actor you feel performed the best.
- It is the ACTING that we're assessing, not the popularity of the scene.

Let's give it a go then.


Will Smith, in Pursuit of Happyness, when he gets the job
Mel Gibson, in Braveheart, when he finds out that Bruce has betrayed him.
Liam Neeson, in Schindler's list, his last scene.





I'm still wondering how everyone has glossed over Oskar Schindler's (Liam Neeson's) "I could have done more" speech. Maybe more than 60 seconds, but it brings me to tears everytime!




In The Departed, when Dicaprio is sitting there looking at the painkillers and he tears up. That part gets me everytime.

Big gulps huh? Well, cya later


When the wonderful Christopher Walken is asked what his last name is at the military hospital in "The Deer Hunter" and begins to weep when thinking of home and his family. That's the most effortlessly beautiful crying scene I've ever witnessed. I choke up everytime and I very seldom cry under any circumstance. What a brilliant performance.

MOST RECENT as of 10/15/09:

Paranormal Activity-4/4


Let's see.

The movie WIT is the saddest thing I have ever seen by miles. I get moved but I never cry, I cried when I watched WIT.

Scrubs has some really good stuff.

The scene where Dr. cox loses the third patient is amazingly moving and his acting is perfect.
But I think the best acting was when Dr. Kelso retires, his joy is palpable but it is also a really poiniant moment.
One more, another good bit of Dr. Kelso acting is when he steps out of the hospital but doesn't feel fine, the facial expression is just perfect.




My top five:

Robin Williams in Dead Poets Society when they are out walking

Sam Riley in Control when he quotes that Wordsworth(spelling?) poem

Pete Sellers in Dr. Stranglove the last scene

Jim Carrey in Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind when they're are in the house and he says that he wish that he'd stayed

Ethan Hawke in Before Sunset when he talks about his next project, the "moments happening simultaneously" speech.

Sorry for grammar or spelling mistakes, but I'm from Sweden so go easy on me:)

"We shaped the streets, and the streets shaped us"


To OdanUrr...

I think people forget about Jim Carry's serious stuff because people generally associate him with comedies.

I was dead impressed with the last few minutes of 'The Truman Show' (I'm not gonna SPOIL it), and Philip Glass' score rang beautifully with his performance.

Another thing I've been thinking about recently is the emotion a performance can elicit is enormously affected by other factors, like character development.

This is the youngest actress to ever to reduce me to tears, but out of context, it might not've had the same effect. (1:30-3:18 - I know it's longer than 60 seconds)

Here's another tearful performance that wouldn't touch you unless you'd seen the rest of the series. (6:00-6:30) (1:35-2:25 and 3:37-5:27)


Yeah I see what you're saying, and also(maybe it's just here in Sweden) people doesn't seem to know that the movie Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind even exists.

"We shaped the streets, and the streets shaped us"


"You wanna see a magic trick?" Heath Leger the Joker... Or
"You complete me." Also Heath as the Joker or maybe
The whole scene in "Glory" when D. Washington is getting whipped and is crying... and one tear roles down his face... Now thats best actor preformance right there!


Absolutety frightening!

-Goodnight, mother of six!
-Goodnight, father of two!
