MovieChat Forums > Life of Pi (2012) Discussion > So how many animals died during the maki...

So how many animals died during the making of this???

I honestly think a lot of animals died in this


If you want to help animals, here's a worthy cause. Real wild tigers are going extinct at this moment. There is a demand for their body parts in some Asian countries for use as "medicine" and magic spells. Poachers are meeting that demand by illegally killing them off. Their numbers are decreasing.

Contribute money toward a reputable conservation group that is trying to save the tigers by fighting poachers and combating loss of their habitat. That is more important than worrying about a single tiger in a movie that is mostly CGI anyway.


According to the World Wildlife Fund, "There are as few as 3200 tigers in the wild today." That's in the whole world.

I wonder what that number will be in a year. I will post an update then.

Animal lovers would do better to focus their energies on animal-related issues like this rather than saving individuals. Adopting a shelter pet does nothing for the health of the natural world.


Animal lovers would do better to focus their energies on animal-related issues like this rather than saving individuals. Adopting a shelter pet does nothing for the health of the natural world.

Watch the film "Cow Conspiracy" :)

Being vegetarian/vegan not only saves predator's habitats, but it also saves ocean wildlife, and in someway is stopping your hand in world hunger.

So even though vegetarians and vegans own pets, they're still doing a lot more to save the planet just by their diet alone than a person who eats animals or throws 25-100 bucks at an organization. Donating money is great, but changing your diet is probably the best thing you can do for the planet and everyone that lives on it.

Btw, this in no way is me telling you to be a vegetarian or vegan, this is just me commenting on the quote above.

Good luck! :)


Someone should call PETAA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animated Animals)!


We have a winner!! LOL


I heard they were busy protesting against Tom and Jerry.


I honestly think a lot of animals died in this

That's good to hear. You're still wrong, however.


how many vegetables did you eat, monster


I seem to recall that Kimba (the 70's Anime white lion) was veg: Just like any other benevolent dictator or prophet he imposed his rather perverted philosophy on all his fellow unfortunate carnivores.

Let's all link hands & sing Kum ba Yah!

