MovieChat Forums > Life of Pi (2012) Discussion > So how many animals died during the maki...

So how many animals died during the making of this???

I honestly think a lot of animals died in this


The animals were computer generated. None died.


well the lovely tiger ate one of the plastic meercats, but spat it out after


Hundreds of animals died in this production.Countless.


Lolz, yess! Many thousands. xD


If there are, "hundreds", then they aren't, "countless".


look, I counted 3 lovely meercats eaten by the lovely tiger

as they were both lovely I don't think PETA would mind


Depends on if you count the humans as "animals" too or not? But I'd say "NONE", since they were all CGI (yes, even the fish and the whale).

Now - how many died feeding the camera crew, production crew, actors, staff members, viewing audiences etc? Probably thousands, but who cares? People want burgers for lunch and chili cheese hot dogs at the movies, whatyagonndado? :-)


Now - how many died feeding the camera crew, production crew, actors, staff members, viewing audiences etc? Probably thousands, but who cares? People want burgers for lunch and chili cheese hot dogs at the movies, whatyagonndado? :-)

Lots of people care and reflect it in their eating habits, myself included. As for lunch burgers and movie chili cheese hot dogs, that's why so many of the people stuffing their faces are complete fat-assed wastes of space.

Please, go...Stop smiling, it's not a joke. Please leave...The party's over. Get out.


So you're a vegetarian (or stricter). What about your cats, are they vegetarians, too?



Please, go...Stop smiling, it's not a joke. Please leave...The party's over. Get out.


So you pick and choose which animals get saving and protection. Cats and dogs must be protected but cows and chickens can be made into catfood.


Lol damn, you're clearly dumber than a box of hammers, and are becoming about as boring as one too. In case you didn't know it, cats are predators but if I could feed them veggies I would. I'm sure your "love" of birds means nothing when it comes to stuffing the faces of your brats as well as your own fat face with chicken and turkey, so you're in no position to judge me, twat. Besides, you're the one who hates animals and the only reason you're stalking me on IMDB is because after I answered your idiotic question honestly and everyone agreed, you're now a butt-hurt troll that we called out for being crazy. People love their pets. No one cares about your kids, breeder. Lol get over it.

Please, go...Stop smiling, it's not a joke. Please leave...The party's over. Get out.


Incapable of seeing the hypocrisy of your ways. I have no problem with eating meat, so I don't know what you mean by bringing up "my" birds - they eat meat, too.

What do you find objectionable about breeding, the resultant human child or performing the necessary act with a member of the opposite sex?

Oh, and why do you keep saying LOL when you sound angry? That's kind of mixed up.


Actually, I was pointing out the irony that you apparently find vegetarians responsible for predation in nature but you can like birds enough to care for them-yet justify eating them at the same time? It makes you a way bigger hypocrite if you want to debate choices in food. I'm only responsible for what I eat and not for the rest of the world. If and when they make vegetarian cat food, I'll buy it. And I have no problem with sex, or with parents, or with kids for that matter. I completely understand that a child is a parent's world. But you are something different, a breeder, an entitlemoo or a mombie with breeder brain...they're all the same thing so look up the definitions if you're unable to comprehend the concept. It's not my job to educate you.

At any rate, your argumentative stalker-trolling has become tiresome (anger is usually using some if not all caps, the lol was because I was laughing at your inability to connect dots.) Welcome to my ignore're the first and only person in it.

Please, go...Stop smiling, it's not a joke. Please leave...The party's over. Get out.


Sure. Be the last poster by spewing puke and then putting me on ignore. That's the only way you'll "win" any argument with me.

You have no idea what my viewpoint is and you continue to write distortions. You have the food/predation/which animals-do-I-like thing so distorted I don't even know where to begin. I don't want to bother. It's boring. You're boring.

You are a sore loser. Incidentally, not for a minute do I believe that you will ignore me forever.


Is that what it's all about?

Did you lose the arguments with your parents or caretakers when you were a kid?
Is that why you have to attack people until they don't move anymore and you finally "win"?

Funnily, you make your viewpoint very clear. We just have to look at the nice posts you made on the My cat From Hell board.

But you reall do not like to be ignored I take it. Since you make that clear in the last sentence, with a desperate way of asking her not to put you on ignore.
Did you ever consider that having a conversation based on respect and without bad words may get you further than just the Ignore List?

I am a signature. Call me George.


Lol. You got owned on your hypocrisy and decided to run away like a little coward. Don't try to claim the moral high ground while running like a little bitch.


If you honestly believe that, then you should give kudos to Ang Lee and the FX crew.


Sadly, the initial version of Richard Parker was deleted and died in the recycle bin.


My ratings:


Sadly, the initial version of Richard Parker was deleted and died in the recycle bin.


but not even BillyGate can make a tiger change his stripes


OP is asking one question and answering another unasked question. If the question is how many animals died during the MAKING of the film, who knows? Maybe the whole crew was vegetarian. If the OP really asked how many died IN the movie then the answer is none since they were all VFx. In that case, the OP probably isn't too clever to not know the difference between what is real and what is make believe,IMHO.


Around 20 in total - including several endangered species, 2 cameramen and one of the screenwriters.


In Lady in the Water Night invents his own special beastie to kill off one of his much hated critics - see below html
