Time Travel Is Impossible

It is impossible. It always was, and always will be. People say we just haven't invented it yet. If time travel was ever a possibility, time would not be, nor ever be linear. If it were invented 10,000 years from now, we would know in the past. It's not something that can be contained.


If you COULD build a working time travel machine, wouldn't it only be able to transport you within the timeline when it is first completed and forward in time from then? You can't arrive in the past if the machine doesn't already exist for you to arrive in.

You're forgetting one thing- I just started using laser cats again!


Stupid *beep*, because you don't know *beep* about science (which has already proven time travel to be possible and potentially already happening) doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


Simply suspend your disbelief for 2 hours. The book' author devised a unique protagonist to make this romance story unique.
