Time Travel Is Impossible

It is impossible. It always was, and always will be. People say we just haven't invented it yet. If time travel was ever a possibility, time would not be, nor ever be linear. If it were invented 10,000 years from now, we would know in the past. It's not something that can be contained.


Time travel is not only possible. It's happening all of the time. Every moment. Einstein proved that there is no such thing as time and space. However, under the illusion of time, you are constantly moving through it. Time doesn't move. You do.

However, in the strict Reality sense, there is no time. There is only Now.

It's true that I never read responses.


Says the guy that doesn't have a Delorean.

Utah! Get me two.


Hahaha... that's the best comeback line on this thread... hahahaha...


I guess I missed the part in the credits that said, "Based on a true story".

You're forgetting one thing- I just started using laser cats again!


Men will be never able to fly, either.

Wait, what year is this?


And we will never walk on the moon. ..


Maybe it's not possible to travel back (or further) in this timeline but all of your arguments don't count when you could travel back to another timeline. Because then we wouldn't notice the difference now.

I'm not saying it is for sure possible to travel back in time but it is definitely not for sure impossible. Although the way it happens in the movie is indeed not possible.


''If we can't live together, we're going to die alone!''


As someone mentioned above, forward time travel via Einstein's Theory of Relativity is indeed possible and does actually happen. However Einstein did show that backwards time travel isnt possible, buy certainly if one could move through space fast enough, a day to them would be a week for everyone else.


If you live in a 2 dimensional world, you would say it is impossible to ever stand up, because you have no conception of height. Time/Space is the 4th dimension. Moving through time/space is really no different than moving through a room.


Correct. In a 4D universe we all travel through time in the same direction. However, and being a 5D or higher universe (scientists hypothesize there are at least 11) could see time from "the outside" and jump around to various points. This is a theory for "supernatural" things such as ghosts, demons and angels. A vision of an event from another time may be communication across time.


Watch the episode about Time in the Morgan Freeman narrated series "Through The Wormhole". Very interesting.
