MovieChat Forums > Criminal Minds (2005) Discussion > Paget Brewster shows her true colors

Paget Brewster shows her true colors

Last night on Twitter Paget Brewster made one of the most jealous and petty comments when Julia Louise Dreyfus won her Emmy....

paget brewster
I'm not trying to be a a bitch and I bet Julia Louise Dreyfuss is lovely but after your 3rd Emmy maybe let someone else win one ?

I think this show's the caliber of Paget's character. There's nothing there that even remotely comes across as being 'funny' or 'silly'... it comes across as Jealous and Petty loud and clear though.


She's always been a bitch. So I'm not surprised at her comments and why people should be surprised as well. Her coming back this year doesn't make me want to watch. She's never been my favorite. To me she will always remembered as the chick who got Gibson fired from the show.

Erica wants to take this show to Charlie Angel's territory and that's fine by me, to each their own, but I'm not going to watch this disaster unfold from the start. Hotch, Morgan, Reid and Rossi have always been my favorite characters, but with the two of them gone, I'm out!


To me she will always remembered as the chick who got Gibson fired from the show.

Um, no, that would be Erica Messer and her puppet Virgil Williams.

Someone made a 'mess'


Oh no, I agree she did not directly get Gibson fired. I was speaking metaphorically. But you can't deny the events that transpired to his firing had a lot to do with PB.

Her show gets axed on Fox, so how do you convince her to come back full time? Throw Gibson into the Lion's Den, a.k.a, Virgil Williams! Gibson fired, Paget back full-time and Erica has her wet dream come true!


PB's return for a few episodes was announced a month before Gibson was fired. Your sequence of evevnts is out. PB had nothing to do with it. Besides, seeing how she was treated I can see PB being happy to come back periodically, but never full time. I thhink she likes filming with her friends, but working for the producers and studio that treated her like crap? Nah, that I'd imagine she can do without


Paget is back full time now


Mark me corrected, timeline is still wrong though, she was coming back before Gibson was fired and bringing her back full time is really the only option they've got that the audience will like - the audience has reacted pretty poorly to every new agent brought it because the dynamic has just been ruined, but with Paget, the dynamic is already in place, they don't have to waste time with intro-ing a new character (which they're super weak at, the writers do that very poorly) and they know the audience like her, especially after a lot of people were unhappy that Gibson went from suspended to fired.

I'm genuinely surprised she returned full time. I'm delighted they're replacing Gibson with someone known as opposed to the revolving door of agents that never seem tto hit it off, but I'm not convinced how well it'll do without Hotch. I'll be happy to be wrong, but while Gibson has never been a specific reason I watch, I did appreciate the stolid backing Hotch provided for his team. with the way Criminal Minds either can't hold onto cast, treats them like crap or just makes terrible cast decisions (at least Blake was just beige-blah but Callahan was awful) having Paget back is probably their best bet. Replacing two members of the team with new people might have been too much and that sort of cast upset has ended shows before


Mark me corrected, timeline is still wrong though, she was coming back before Gibson was fired and bringing her back full time is really the only option they've got that the audience will like - the audience has reacted pretty poorly to every new agent brought it because the dynamic has just been ruined, but with Paget, the dynamic is already in place, they don't have to waste time with intro-ing a new character (which they're super weak at, the writers do that very poorly) and they know the audience like her, especially after a lot of people were unhappy that Gibson went from suspended to fired.

Surprised or not, you had to see it coming from a mile away as soon they announced that she would guest star for a "couple" of episodes, before the Gibson firing. They wanted to force Gibson out, no matter what the cost, to bring her in as UC of the BAU. Anything less than the UC would destroy her credibility with the show, since they announced her departure from the show at the finale of the 7th Season by saying her character would run the Interpol Office at London.

Not to mention that she herself had to remain mute about the announcement afterwards. The line in sand was drawn for Gibson once they made the "special guest" announcement would be Paget for a couple of episodes.

I'm genuinely surprised she returned full time.

Then you must be living under a rock. Like I said before, I hate this bitch. I hope she falls of a cliff or something.


Get a life, nutjob.


Good god, look at the the angry virgin nutjob telling somebody to get a life.


LOL You are so frustrated, Wabbit. No better way than letting people you never got laid than trying to bring up one's sex life as an insult... just jump off the bridge already, LOL.


You've already admitted your great struggles.  Those evil evil ladies that just don't properly appreciate the angry pervs.


LOL If you want to see an angry pervert, just look in a mirror, Wabbit. Because your projection is so transparent. You are the most pathetic person ever, actually craving for attention like that, and constantly rambling over the same things over and over again. It's hillarious how anyone can have that little self-respect and be that blatantly desperate LOL If you had a life, you could at least do better than acting like a five year old for everyone to see... it never worked for you and it will not work here, you'll just get beaten down even worse than during your past attempts at trolling. 


😆 You should put some more angry "LOL"s in there, little virgin dude.


LOL This is more pathetic than funny. You are rambling about things that even you can't make sense or point of, in order to hide the fact that you just got your ass handed back to you, again. No wonder you'd like more LOLs, so it would look like somebody finally laughs with you, rather than at you. Your virginity and bunch of other little issues must be taking a toll on you, Wabbit.


😄 If only you could be more sanguine about your condition.


LOL At least we all know you are pretty clear about your conditions, Wabbit. One could only have trouble counting them all.


😆 "LOL" away, angry little virgin "get a life" dude.


Sigh... one more time...

by wqxyzcj » 4 days ago (Sun Sep 25 2016 06:49:31)
IMDb member since February 2013

Get a life, nutjob.

That post was a legitimate response to another poster commenting on Criminal Minds.

Everything after that, between wqxyzcj and YouMightRabbitYouMight, has had nothing to do with Criminal Minds.

Could you guys take your personal flame war back over to The Big Bang Theory board, please?

Someone made a 'mess'


Get a life, nutjob.


LOL this is so sad. You are actually repeating the same childlish taunts over and over again in an effort to fake confidence, Wabbit. But the saddest thing is that you actually use this as a substitute for a social life. Maybe you should "LOL away" already, kid :)



😄 Tell you what, angry little virgin "get a life" dude, you keep up with the fresh angry prose and I'll just enjoy it.


LOL You don't even bother to hide your pathetic character, pained Wabbit. I guess enjoyment is hard to find for someone like you. No wonder your posts are getting deleted.


😄 Report all you like, my angry "get a life, nutjob" little virgin dude, it will just keep it more current. There's nothing in the terms against pointing it out when you baby wail. 


LOL You can change your soiled underwear now, Wabbit. I wouldn't ruin the displays of your tantrums that hold your life together. It just shows that other people can't even stand to witness your displays of self-pity and a lack of coherency. Anyway, you can keep on wailing, bitter nutjob :)


😄 I knew you'd get back on poop again at some point, angry little virgin dude.


LOL Kinda difficult not to see bs in your replies, Wabbit. Interesting to see you recognize it too. But denial will once again lead you nowhere.


😆 I suppose it's better than you going on about "licking urine" again, angry little virgin dude.



😄 I do remember the things that come out of that brain of yours, angry little virgin dude.


LOL I guess such things fascinate you due to your aforementioned lack of certain things, Wabbit. Your posts do come out of somewhere, but not your brain...


😆 Angry little virgin dudes compensating for life by barking on message boards does fascinate me, angry little virgin dude.


LOL You now try to deal with your delusions by projecting your problems onto the others and copying other people's posts, Wabbit. No wonder you don't have a life :)


Except you're the one constantly compensating for your inabilities by barking at people and raging at female characters because they're too hard on you pervs, angry little virgin dude. 


LOL Now you pull out the same desperate retorts you tried using before, Wabbit, and once again fail to conceal your shortcomings. You should go back to raging at your imaginary wife.


😆 You try so hard, but your posts tell the story, angry little virgin dude.


LOL You try so hard, but you can't even hide your lack of life, let alone your virginity, or any of your disorders, Wabbit. No wonder nobody takes you seriously.  Go find some imaginary friends.


😄 Good God, and you were yapping about copying, angry little virgin babble-bot dude?


LOL You don't even see a chance to notice the delusion that your replies display, and you already ran out of the original lines quicker than that bottle of antidepressants per day, Wabbit,  As long as your projection is as severe, you could count yourself lucky for resorting to mere sobs at such replies only. No wonder you yap-yap like a scared puppy.


😄 Such beautiful composition, angry little virgin dude.


LOL And now you resort to fail sarcasm and self-loathing, Wabbit. So predictable.


😄 Who's predictable, angry little virgin dude?


LOL Keep burying yourself into a denial, Wabbit. Maybe that will erase the trail of your despetation.


😄 Help me erase it, angry little virgin dude!


LOL You flat out admit that you can't stand your own rambling and that your only source of self-confidence is spreading idiotism over IMDb, Wabbit. No wonder you can't lose your virginity.


😆 I so can't stand it, angry little virgin dude!


LOL You even fail at living in denial, Wabbit. In case you still haven't realized, your childlish attempts at sarcasm aren't hillarious, just sad.


I'm sorry you're feeling blue, angry little virgin dude. 😞


LOL You are once again re-using your failed insults and fail at sarcasm at the same time, Wabbit. No wonder your virginity keeps weighing you down.


😆 Angry little virgin dude, the truth is what it is. Still crazy-funny that you yap about "re-using" though.


LOL No wonder getting a life is too difficult for you when you can't even write a legit response, Wabbit. And you should dare to look yourself in the mirror before preaching of truth.


😆 Babble on angry little virgin dude!


Oh, okay, so this thread really ISN'T about Paget after all?!




😆 If only! You don't know what you'd be in for if you could just stop wallowing in anger all the time.


You guys need to get a room! I keep thinking this thread has been updated with a relevant post and you are STILL throwing the same crap at each other!


Exactly. Does anyone even remember what this thread was about before Dumb & Dumber turned it into a grade school insult contest?


LOL Your day-long obsession only amounts to a single line, or two, Wabbit. No wonder that none of your resumes go through. At least you know in what pile you are in.


😆 Babble on angry little virgin dude!


LOL You literally reposted the same whining that you had reposted before, Wabbit. Interesting to witness your further descend to madness.


😆 Of course you think babbling the same thing jumbled a little differently is a virtue, angry little virgin dude.


LOL You should work on not sounding like a second grader every time and writing the same thing every other time before projecting your flaws onto the others, Wabbit. To be fair, it's not like your level of stupidity can be thoroughly analyzed.


What is your ratio of replies to me to your overall IMDB activty, angry little virgin dude? 😝


You guys need to get a room! I keep thinking this thread has been updated with a relevant post and you are STILL throwing the same crap at each other!
I suggest you put them both on Ignore. That way vital comments will be seen. If you don't feed the trolls they eventually crawl back under the bridge.



LOL You are obviously trapped in an endless circle of your own stupidity and denial, Wabbit. Maybe whining on here can heal that burn of yours, though there is still a never ending problem of your virginity.


You sound serious, little dude. 😄

What is your ratio of replies to me to your overall IMDB activty, angry little virgin dude? 😝


One or the other needs to utilize the Ignore feature in their profile. Or maybe readers should as you two seem to enjoy spending gobs of time here insulting each other which leads others to think their is actual comments about the topic taking place!



You'll likely survive the ordeal.


... with your and your sparring partner's abuse to each other on Ignore, yes.
Doesn't it get wearisome realizing you can't alter anyone over the internet by bantering back and forth with them like school-yard bullies to each other? Time to grow up or stick to topic which would shame the other person more. Think about it... or not.

who hopes you don't reply because you BOTH have been put on Ignore


I suppose you should self-apply your advice, at least sooner.

who hopes you don't reply because you BOTH have been put on Ignore
If you didn't want a reply, you probably shouldn't have given a post. Crazy how that works.


LOL It isn't surprising that you have a hard time understanding the concept of "serious", Wabbit. Despite all those school dictionaroes.


Looks like you could have used one, silver tongue. 😆

What is your ratio of replies to me to your overall IMDB activty, angry little virgin dude? 😝




LOL Your day-long obsession only amounts to a single line, or two, Wabbit. No wonder that none of your resumes go through. At least you know in what pile you are in.
If you don't stop and the other, too, I'm flagging you both. Grow the muck up.



by wqxyzcj » 4 days ago (Sun Sep 25 2016 06:49:31)
IMDb member since February 2013

Get a life, nutjob.

That post was a legitimate response to another poster commenting on Criminal Minds.

Everything after that, between wqxyzcj and YouMightRabbitYouMight, has had nothing to do with Criminal Minds.

Could you guys take your personal flame war back over to The Big Bang Theory board, please?

Someone made a 'mess'


I, too, am surprised that she came back full time, given how she and AJ Cook were treated previously. Her agent must have negotiated one heck of a deal. And now, seeing how they treated Thomas...

Someone made a 'mess'


And MGG.


LOL You are so pathetic. You actually think anyone would get Gibson fired so Paget could return, after having been gone for four seasons already? And deliberately fire him in the midst of shooting the second episode of season twelve? Grow up.


Paget didn't even have her facts straight...JLD has won 5 consecutive Emmys for Veep, not 3.



I think Hollywood makes such a BIG deal over Julia Louise Dreyfus - I only liked her on Seinfeld and that's about it, her other show she had wasn't all that great. Hollywood is ONE BIG clique and it always will be like that and if you are not in that "circle" you can forget about ever being noticed. I don't think what Paget said was out of jealousy I think what she said was the truth; I mean look at how many times Helen Hunt won for that comedy "Mad About You", and Paul Reiser who was the "mastermind writer" of the show NEVER got nominated. WTF is up w/that?


How many times has Claire Danes won awards for Homeland?


She's only good at playing a crazy nutjob


No wonder Thomas Gibson doesn't seem all that upset about being fired, it seems like 90% of the people he had to work with were little children.



That reads as pure snarky humor to me.

If you don't get the joke you are likely a bit autistic.

There's nothing of real jealously in that comment.

Just a humorous ribbing.

I'm sorry you weren't smart enough to understand the joke.


She was clearly joking. If you've followed her for any amount of time you would know how she words things. This screams of someone reading more into something than is there to justify hate toward someone that had nothing to do with your favorite actor getting fired.

You were never anti-Paget before and said nothing negative about her returning to the show part time when it was announced. TG gets fired and all of a sudden PB is a job stealing bitch and the rest of the cast and crew were plotting TG's demise.

There is nothing wrong with being upset at the loss of TG and there is nothing wrong with no longer wanting to watch the show because your favorite is gone. You come across as petty when you spend all of your time attacking those who remain with the show.


Maybe the Emmy's should just give out participation ribbons to non-winners like they do with every other activity for children these days.
