MovieChat Forums > Wonder Woman (2017) Discussion > Shameless romanticizing of war

Shameless romanticizing of war

While the movie will probably follow the comics, I don't know them, the trailer made me sick to my stomach. First world war was dark and especially brutal. Naked chick running around, rebutting bullets ... oh, my.


I'm a liberal, but this sounds like something a whiny liberal would say.


Oh come on! It's just a fantastic movie with fantastical elements that just happen to be in a historical context.

By your logic Indiana Jones should be accused of making the nazis happy globetrotters in search of treasures. Or worse... The Godfather should be neglected because of its romanticizing of the word they wouldn't even be allowed because it happens to be that that organization is not so romantic after all...


um diana knows full well world war 1 was brutal. in fact it disgusted her so much she turned away from the entirety of mankind for a hundred years.


A naked chick running around? which trailer did you watch?


Don't watch! simple solution.


WW2 had the Holocaust and Captain America: The First Avenger had a dude dressed like a Time Square peddler running around.

What's missing in movies is same as in society: a good sense of work ethic and living up to ideals.


You haven't seen the movie yet so you don't know if war is romanticized or not. Beat it troll.



It's interesting to point that most shameless war mongering and torture apologetic movies these days are directed by women. You have this movie from Patty Jenkins and Kathryn Bigelow who made Hurt Locker romanticizing the Iraq war and Zero Dark Thirthy which is simply the official propaganda from the Pentagon. I get that there is a deliberate agenda here. Women aren't pro-war as much as men, Hollywood wants to convert them.
