MovieChat Forums > 1408 (2007) Discussion > "But this fire... it gotta be real"

"But this fire... it gotta be real"

What kind of nonsensical logic is that???

I own you.


But it isn't nonsensical if you consider, at least in the theatrical ending in which he lives, he never really left the room.

Death must be a nice place, no one comes back.


Yeah, but what difference does it make if he lived or died? The question is why did he think this particular thing (fire) was real out of all other (seemingly real to him) things previously.

I own you.


Maybe because he knew he started the fire himself?


OP's comment makes sense and I agree it was a nonsensical thing for the character to say.
Everything that has happened to him thus far seems to blur reality or be "virtual" in some way.
How does he know that the things he's interacting with is actually real? Or in't actually something fake that the room itself has created to make him THINK that he's actually interacting with it??

It's ridiculous that out of everything he's tried to interact with so far that has not actually been real, that the bottle of wine he's holding and the materials he's using to make a fire with it and the fire itself are all REAL and not something that the room itself has created to make him think he's doing all those things when in fact everything in the room might be something created by the room INCLUDING the fire, to make him think that he's interacting wit those objects.

by MeanKitty86 ยป 5 days ago (Thu Nov 26 2015 09:25:09)
IMDb member since January 2001
Maybe because he knew he started the fire himself?

What kind of dumbass logic is that?

There were many things he tried to do BY HIMSELF prior to setting the fire and none of it worked, because the room controlled everything everything that he tried to interact with.
ie, he tried to escape out the window - BY HIMSELF and he ended up being back in the room. He tries to escape via the air vent - BY HIMSELF and that put him back in the same place.

I don't see how doing anything himself gives any real proof that it's real.


What kind of dumbass logic is that

Probably a more intelligent thing to say than that comment.


I guess because the lighter and the booze came from outside the room and he knows it. The room definitely has no power outside the room.


I agree. The window and the air vents are part of the room. The things he brought from inside the room, or interacted with, are not controlled by the room. Even his tape recorder continued to work inside the room.


It did but did anyone notice the recordings were being changed? Enslin was playing things back and got frustrated and angry when he realized the things he had said were being altered
