MovieChat Forums > Wonder Showzen (2005) Discussion > Nothing but left wing propaganda

Nothing but left wing propaganda

The whole show is an excuse for them to try and push socialism to the teens and 20 something of this country. this show isnt even that funny maybe they should watch mind of mencia if they want to ever learn how to be funny



yeah the guy with the "blue collar tv" sig knows anything about funny.


My (His) 10 Favorite Comedians Of All Time

1.Larry The Cable Guy

2.Carlos Mencia

3.Joe Dirt

4.Pauly Shore

5.Carrot Top

6.Margaret Cho

7.Dave Coullier

8.Joe Rogan

9.Dat Phan

10.Colin Quinn

you're one o' dem I-ronics ain't cha?


sorry people dont like sucking on bill oreilley's tit all day long, some shows need to say what no one else will


LOL!!!! nice.. I love this one.

So many people are so brainwashed by that ass clown that they actually believe his 'No Spin' BS tagline... More like 'No Facts' to be honest. Anytime he 'answers' his mail, he will go on and on and kiss ass to anybody who kissed his ass, however anybody who dissents with his 'Holy' (lofl!) view, he simply responds with something along the lines of 'no, don't buy it' but NEVER EVER actually will go into any detail.

FYI Neocons, no I'm not in the 'other' party... so just take it like adults and don't try to throw out silly names since I don't felch your hero. Bill O'R is a slime who kisses his OWN ass.



"Mind of Mencia is by far the worst show on television"

You clearly haven't ever paused for a second on the tooth pulling horror that is known as the 700 Club then... not to mention all the reality shows out there.

At least Carlos does occasionally have a few good jokes... but then again most racist cracker mofos wouldn't get the jokes, because they're the same exact set of culturally ignorant racist cracker mofos that Carlos is laughing at when he's not telling a 'beaner' joke.

Hey I speak Spanish... more than just a little bit versed in the culture... and although soemtimes Carlos tries too hard, sometimes he's right on and hillarious.



Hey what can I say.. you replied to my post yet had absolutely nothing to say related to my post...

Since you don't seem to be able to use a message board correctly, I was actually being quite nice.

You speak in absolutes... that Mind of Mencia is the absolute worst show, when I guarantee you don't get 1/2 of the fricking jokes he says. That's why I mentioned speaking Spanish...

It's not a show for YOU... that's why you don't get the humor... you're too culturally ignorant apparently to get it. If you can understand what he's saying, he's often pretty damn funny.

And as far as him 'stealing from Chappele' that somebody else mentioned - that's just asinine... they all steal jokes and concepts from each other. Instead of trying to assert that Carols stole jokes from Dave, the better thing may be to find out who Dave stole his ideas from...



"Oh, wow. You didn't get that the first part of my post, the part where I was apologizing to you, was sarcastic. Oh, man, you are one dumb kid."

Umm... yeah I did... your point is?

You are seriously a *beep* to even try to make such an assertion. As far as kid... I probably have nut hairs older than you are, so BTFU.

"How does realizing Mencia is not funny make one culturally ignorant?"

Because of the very simple fact that although he's had MANY MANY episodes air so far, all you can do is assert that because he told a 'gamble and lost' joke once, that he's suddenly a leper who must be avoided at all costs.

*beep* man... like I said, you don't even GET 1/2 of the jokes he tells, so your opinion doesn't matter pinche huero cabron.

You say he's terrible when it's quite clear that he's not even TRYING to make YOU laugh... just change the channel and go watch some inbred redneck tell pickup truck jokes... I bet that's more your style.

Ahh, so high brow...



"Wait, did the person who wrote these have the gall to snip about me being high brow?"

Once again you act like you pwn when all you're doing is showing how sad you are. YOU are the one who brought the whole 'high brow' comment in, yet you cry like a baby when, oh dear lord, the simple fact that you cannot understand what you were bashing conclusively shows how low you are.

Enjoy the satisfaction of 'thinking' you're right yet again... but sadly your eyes are too closed to have a clue what is right and what is wrong. Plus head in nice warm cavity makes it hard too...

You may want to pull it out and look around sometime.



you are so *beep* hilarious.


phishman this a no laugh zone you clearly did not get my talking points memo


oh my god i love you.


are you trying to trick me with reverse psychology

No signature needed


Firstly: Socialism? How paranoid are you? Do you believe that Karl Marx was evil because he hates individuality? Do you think the Cold War isn't over or something? Wow. Seriously, man. Socialism? Wow. I'm just going to make a guess here, but you also think Happy Feet should have never been made because it was left wing propaganda, too, right? Wow, man. Just wow.
Second: Mind of Mencia? WOW. Carlos Mencia stopped being funny after his first couple of stand-up tours. You think Mind of effing Mencia is funny and think Wonder Showzen is crap? Wow.
Third: You have "Git-R-Done" as your signature. Holy crap. I rest my case. That coupled with number four (your horrible grasp of grammar and punctuation) completely invalidates anything you have to say about anything. Comedy, politics, anything.

I mean, holy crap, you agree with Ann *beep* Coulter and actively defended her.
You have no taste and your opinion is worthless.


Mind of mencia is no were near as funny as this show


I guess if Mencia bashed the American way of life like your left leaning muppets you would think he is a laugh riot like it is sad the only non leftist you people like is patriotic America loving newsman Stephen Colbert

No signature needed



No signature needed


So you've adapted the Colbert schtick to imdb message boards, how clever. What's so dissapointing is all these people fell for it. Oh well, I guess I'll give you props, but don't think you are original, and you do have too much time on your hands.


"Nothing but left wing propaganda"

That's not true. They poke fun and comment on both the left wing/liberals and the right wing/conservatives, they all have thier flaws.


I'm an ultra-conservative, and I think the show is absolutely hilarious even though it does tend to make fun of people who lean to the right. You have to see where the creators are coming from, (San Francisco State U.) and take what the skits with a grain of salt. Noone can watch this show and not expect to be offended. It's Brilliant.

There's always a siren singing you to shipwreck -Thom Yorke


or they could just learn from you.. because that post is hilarious.

it is a joke, right?
