MovieChat Forums > Blood Diamond (2006) Discussion > Where would you rank this?

Where would you rank this?

I personally think this is one of the best, if not the best, movie I've ever seen.

I say this for a few reasons. I just finished watching it for a second time (after about 2 years) and it had the same pull and intrigue that it did the first time. This movie is simply unbelievable and this is why I think so. First of all, it has a real story that makes you wonder about real lives. Secondly, the acting is phenomenal and I honestly think that Leo is possibly the best actor ever. Third, it ends the way you would expect a movie with such connotations to end; that is, Leo dies, which is kind of in tone with the whole "blood diamond" reality.

There are so many things I can list, but this movie is simply an incredible movie and I hope this makes people worldwide think twice. I had no clue about the real story behind a good deal of diamonds in this world until I watched this movie. Obviously, the story, as depicted by Blood Diamond, isn't an exact representation of what is going on. However, it sort of gives you the feeling that it is in line with reality and represents it to a very high degree. People are getting killed, so people around the world can show a flashy ring to someone as a symbol of status, pride, etc, isn't it sickening? No matter how much money I have, I WILL NEVER BUY A DIAMOND FOR ME OR MY FUTURE WIFE. I don't care if it's a conflict diamond or not, because this movie clearly showed you something. In many ways, you don't know if the diamonds are conflict diamonds or not. I took this to be a very powerful message.

So I'll be done with my rant and lay the simple question. Where would you guys rank this movie in the grand scheme of things in comparison to ALL movies ever produced. Responses like, top 10, top 20, top 30, top 50, top 100, etc, are all cool. I rank this in the top 5 movies ever (that I've seen). If you got a specific digit, like 1st, 5th, etc, just say it.

I have no clue how this didn't win best clue at all. I just checked now and it wasn't even nominated, really???? WOW.

Where do you guys place it?


Honestly, I'm not sure I could squeeze this film into my top 3000. Leo and Djimon Hounsou were great. Everything else about the film could have been better.

My body's a cage, it's been used and abused...and I...LIKE IT!!


Top 15 for sure.

'They are shaping me into something gaudy. Something lethal'



I donĀ“t know in witch place exactly, but I would ranked it in my top 25


This is an excellent film. A favorite. I have seen thousands of movies. This ranks between the top 20-30 mark. I think it is number 26-28.


like gravity this is great documentary but crappy pretentious worthless art.


who knows if this is even worth ranking at all. aren't people tired of watching movies that constantly keep whining about the troubles of african people and the world war era jewish people. I am not saying that things that happened in the past and the ones which are happening now were/are not real. but does every other living human being on this planet is living an absolutely trouble free fulfilling life? do all the other people have absolutely nothing to worry about in their life? people watch movies for entertainment, so that during those 100 or so minutes they could forget their troubles and try to have some recreation. why would people want to sob and cry about the troubles of others when they have plenty of their own, where do they get that kind of time and energy to forget about all the troubles of themselves and their families and start worrying about someone whom they do not even know and would never even know ever. w t f


Agree with mous.....but for top 5 of all time.


My list:
The Insider
Blood Diamond
The Cider House Rules
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
A Few Good Men
The Sound of Music
Gone with the Wind
Ben Hur

I might forget some other great movies ..
