MovieChat Forums > Blood Diamond (2006) Discussion > Anyone else think Djimon Hounsou shouldv...

Anyone else think Djimon Hounsou shouldve won oscar?

I thought his performance was better than Arkins in Little Miss Sunshine.
What about you?

"Feel Free To Change The World"


Screaming in a scene isn't really enough to be considered a good actor. He did the same thing in Amistad.


No. Absolutely not.



Djimon Hounsou should've won for Blood Dimond.
Alan Arkin should've won for Argo.


As much as I liked Arkin in Little Miss Sunshine, I think both Eddie Murphy & Djmon Hounsou were robbed, they were excellent in their performances. Something similar happened when Michael Caine managed to beat out Michael Clarke Duncan's Green Mile performance & Haley Joel Osment's Sixth Sense performance, even though their performances/films were more talked about than his film. That film was more of reward for his career than the performance, same happened with Arkin.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit me!"- Hudson in Aliens.


Of course this performance was better than Arkin in Little Miss Sunshine. DH was incredibly good. He was particularly effective with facial expressions. even when he didn't speak I could see that he was thinking.

Send lawyers,guns and money/The *beep* has hit the fan


Djimon Hounsou is extremely underrated. Love him.

The training is nothing. WILL is everything.


Perhaps. But Dicaprio definitely should have won over Whitaker.


Well that's just stupid. Leo can't do an accent. Whittaker can. Leo's was terrible in Blood Diamond. Mostly all the nominees were better after seeing all the movies except Venus.


I think Jackie Earle Haley's performance was the best. Djimon Hounsou's as well as Eddie Murphy's and Mark Wahlberg's were very good, but they over did it at times. Alan Arkin shouldn't have been nominated.


IF not Arkin --- I'd Say --- Wahlberg in The Departed
