
I was totally unmoved either way by this film. It wasn't as terrible as some have said, but not really great either.
But SERIOUSLY!!! Can somebody, anybody please explain how in the hell a deformed Phillipino guy comes to live in an African village immediately after WWII? They should have also had a Hispanic character and maybe an old Inuit woman or something so we could get a real feeling for the multicultural melting pot that was Colonial Africa.




Wow! you sound like you are REALLY, REALLY, FRIGHTENINGLY dedicated to this movie. I hope you won't put a Satan curse on me for questioning the ancestry of your good friend Cheche.

But at the risk of sounding serious for a minute, I was simply pointing out that if I were making a film with a half-British, half-native African character, I would probably cast a light-skinned person of African descent rather than a Phillipino. But I'm just crazy like that. I'm also the type (IF ... I may be so bold) who prefers to see real African actors in African roles instead of an American faking a native accent.

Insane, I know...




"let's stick to the topic without it getting unduly personal; complete strangers have no need to make discussions personal. "

Excuse me??? The only "jab" i made at you was accusing you of being a huge fan of this movie (which is true). If you found that to be "unduly personal," then I don't know what to say other than I'm sorry (I thought I made it clear I was joking, even from my initial post).

On the other hand, you accused me of "...spew(ing) speculation like an unhappy child in knee-jerk reaction," called me "Mr. High Horse," (NOT my real name) and asserted that I am an "unhappy child," and back up that assertion with another assertion, that I was "whining." Furthermore, you say "I hope you're still in high school," which is a terrible thing to wish upon even your worst enemy.

And by the way, I didn't ask any question. I stated my personal opinion that I thought a poor casting decision had been made. I even pointed out that it didn't ruin the movie for me.

I think you have made it very clear who's maturity should be questioned in this conversation.

So good luck to you, and thank you so very much for granting me your forgiveness in this matter. That's what's really important.



Let me put it this way:

In the days of the Globe Theater, female roles were portrayed by young boys. Actors in makeup. The audience was able to suspend its disbelief and the casting decisions did not ruin the evening's entertainment. However, somewhere along the way, directors and producers realized that the stories were more convincing and compelling if they actually used actresses to portray the female roles. They could cast pretty ones for heroines, not-so-pretty ones as witches, and so on.

I think that was an enlightened decision and that the wisdom of such a precedent should not be ignored without good reason. And I can't think of a good reason to cast Cheche with an Asian actor unless a competent African-American or, better yet, African actor could not be found (which is a TOTALLY PREPOSTEROUS suggestion).



The guy that played Cheche sung that pokemon theme lol weird connection LMAO



I don't see any flaw with a mulatto character in Africa. After all, there were lots of Caucasian 'tourists', lol. So why can't we have a migrant half-breed throwing his hat in the ring?



OK Thanx for the info!


my thought was... "why this guy is white?!?" Then I remember a program I saw on discovery channel a while a go regarding African Albinos, they are not as rare as a Caucasian albinos and in some villages are demonise and treated very badly by the rest of the tribe population. I supposed if you add all he's facial and body's malformation you could see why the tribe consider him cursed.


I think the idea is not that he's "white", but that his skin color is part of his general oddity, and one more reason why his own people won't take care of him. For what we know/don't know, perhaps the condition that cripples him and deforms his face also has the affect of altering his natural pigmentation...?


He has dark straight hair and dark eyes, clearly not an albino though.


I found it confusing that Cheche seems white. If the character is of mixed race, I wish the film had mentioned this to clear up the confusion.

I've seen the future and I've left it behind.
