Excellent Movie

Just finished watching it and it is worth a look. I really like this movie. Great performances and interplay between two pros--Freeman and Cusak. A familiar story, but very well done and entertaining. You will enjoy it.


i gotta say, considering the few things that let this movie down (which everyone seems to be blowing way out of proportion) i thought it was an okay movie...

i really hate pointless 2-hour-waste-of-life movies and this wasnt one of them.. i suppose all the people who hated this loved films like transformers


What kind of cleaning products are you huffing? Just because people think this film is terrible MUST mean they like Transformers, which you don't like obviously.

I cared more about what happened to Bumblebee than any of the characters in this movie, I'll tell you that much.

"Bad Artists Imitate. Great Artists Steal." ~Pablo Picasso


well said pdxwill. I don't know what is with everyone and there hate for transformers. Everyone on imdb say "they must like transformer." I liked transformers. I'd give it a 7.5 out of 10. This movie was so cliche that I almost threw up. It was hard for me giving a movie a 2 when it has actors like Freeman and Cusack. Come on, the helicpoter crashes and nobody had a bruise on them!

2006: 5)The Departed,4)Apocolypto, 3)Little Miss Sunshine, 2) The Illusionist, 1)Children of Men


I'm with the GoldenWalrus and pdxwill. I liked Transformers too, but I also loved Ma Vie En Rose, Dear Frankie, and Whale Rider. Some of us actually have well-rounded taste. Also, just because I like a movie doesn't mean that I think its a good movie.

Good movies always have a good story, period. I can't even begin to figure out why the heck Cusack's character would do something so insane, and I couldn't decide if Freeman's character was a good bad guy or a bad bad guy or just a bad guy. I don't think the filmmakers decided that either.




I wasn't even really saying Transformers was good, I was just saying it was far better than this tripe.

"Bad Artists Imitate. Great Artists Steal." ~Pablo Picasso


One point I wanted to pick up on was how many people said that they rented this because it has two excellent lead actors. I mean neither Cusack or Freeman would need/want to bother making an absoloutely terrible movie would they? They're both wealthy/talented/established enough to not need to bother. Right? Wrong!

If you want to hear me ramble on about artistic integrity in more depth(who wouldn't?!) check out the thread 'Great Actors, Terrible Movies' on this board!

Please don't rent or buy this movie. The only way the studios will stop churning out this crap is if we STOP BUYING IT!



The worst film you ever saw? You must have missed "Aqua Teen Hunger Force". This film was brilliant by comparison.


Obviously, you're not a fan of absurdist humor. Aqua Teen Hunger Force is quite hilarious for what it tries to be, which has nothing to do with explaining why there would be giant food products living in New Jersey. Besides, Aqua Teen succeeds in cracking some funny jokes no matter how you look at it. All The Contract does is explore an old hat, cliched story while remaining completely un-dynamic.



Good God, what dreck is this?

I'm so glad I only rented this for 99 cents... and I still want my money back.

Waste of Morgan Freeman and Cusack. And the kid can't act.


Evolution takes no prisoners.


IMDB should require every poster to state his/her age whwn posting. Judging by the idiotic and over-the-top reviews by most of these critic-wannabes, I'd hazard a guess that most on these boards are between the ages of 11 and 17.



If you thought this movie was good I hope you were off your head when you watched it. Otherwise you should go to the hospital and have yourself checked out- go now-, seriously, stop reading IMDb posts and just leave- there could be something seriously wrong with you. This one was a stinker, I wish they cast different actors in the lead roles because then I would not have wasted 90-odd minutes of my life feeling like I had just stumbled on what might as well have been Morgan Freeman and John Cusack in a sex tape- only that could have been more embarrassing for these otherwise excellent actors.


Great Cover Graphics, Top billing Morgan Freeman and John Cusack. Gotta be good right? I shoulda logged into IMDB before renting this trash. A really poor script smelt of being written by some religious outfit who wanted to get a bit edgy with it. No one swears in this movie. Never a good sign for an action movie with so called special forces guys, who also can't hit a barn door with a rifle, Kmart scopes on the rifles come on guys special forces without Mil-Dot reticles?. Three guys in suits walking through the forest, rain starts, next they're wearing matching poncho's night vision googles. Where were they hiding those. Uranus? Naked chick in river has campy gay boyfriend looks like he's straight outta "The Blue Oyster Bar" The helicopter crash was priceless. After falling from 200 feet and smashing through a forest with the engine making noises like the Millenium Falcon, everyone walks away brushing the dust off their jackets. When Freeman shoots the guy on the ground his barrel isn't even pointing in the right location. Keystone Cops, Cheesy dialogue from teenage tv shows and robotic acting leave this movie with no redeeming features whatsoever.
Someone please drug screen the director he had to be stoned while he filmed this.


You bring up some good points about the goofs in this movie I forgot about. But I do remember saying to myself that I thought it was funny how those suits had those plastic ponchos on when it was raining. Made me stop and go back to see if they were carrying any bags that would have had them in there. But nope they weren't. But even with all those goofs, I didn't mind this movie. I think the reason was because I had seen some REALLY bad stuff lately (thanks to my Hollywood Video store closing and selling their dvds for 98cents). I got this one with all of those I bought and at least THIS one had somewhat of a storyline to it.

Thanks for laughs on this thread. Oh...and I do think I might have been stoned when I watched this because I was recovering from a medical procedure. Try watching it again stoned. You might like it better! I'll let you know if I ever watch it again straight!


I honestly enjoyed this movie. I laughed at what dialogue was written for comedic effect and overall I thought the suspenseful story, acting and stunts were good...the musical score and character situations as well. I questioned the men exiting the helicopter crash and then later wearing ponchos, but these and other blunders were so minute next to the excellence I saw in this movie's production design and art detail with usage of light & location. If it had been tweaked by maybe 20%, I think this film would've been a great offering at the movie theater.


i agree this was a solid movie. i can not help but wonder why so many people are bad mouthing this movie. there is no movie in existence without some kind of plothole. so why not focus on the story. i am getting the feeling lately that no one can enjoy a good movie without there being a twist anymore. for every movie i watch that has no twist, i come online to see everyone hating on it. it is not necessary to have a twist in every movie. while in some movies it is necessary, this movie does not require it. the contract is an entertaining movie that kept engaged to the story. freeman and cusack were just as good as i expected and it did have some visually beautiful scenes.
i give it an 8/10.


Yep, I liked it. All these haters need to get a *beep* life.

