Best/worst sequences

Name yours!


- "With a Little Help From My Friends". I love how they created a medley with the original and Joe Cocker's version. Plus, the scene is just very enjoyable, made me remember my own friends.
- "Strawberry Fields Forever". I'm not even a huge fan of the song, but the concept of the scene is just awesome, and brilliantly edited and executed.
- "Hey Jude". It was pretty obvious that this song was going to be there, but the scene is just quite emotional and clever. Specially when Max sees Jude arriving and starts shouting "Jude! Jude! Jude! Jude!"
- "Happiness is a Warm Gun". I loved the sequence because of its craziness. And its Probably Max's best singing in the movie.

- "Blackbird". It was quite pointless at the moment it came up, and the arrangement was irritating. I think the song is better suited for a man to sing.
- "Dear Prudence". The whole thing about "coming out of the closet" seemed forced while it should have been subtle.
- "Revolution". It just seemed weird and kinda pathetic.



Hold Me Tight: loved the contrast between New England and Liverpool and the voices of Wood and Sturgess.

With a Little Help From My Friends: so well choreographed (most of the film is actually) and very funny.

Dear Prudence: love the psychedelic colours in the room and all the different voices singing to Prudence at the beginning.

I Am the Walrus: Taymor comments on the dvd extras that she wanted to include the really high-chic fashion of the time and some of the dresses the women wear are amazing. Love the LSD-laced punch and the song finishing on the bus.

Because: so beautiful, cutting between the characters swimming and lying in the grass singing.

Helter Skelter: because I love the way reverse images of Sadie are fused at the climax of the song and her hair just flies everywhere. I really like Dana Fuchs's version of the song too.

Blackbird: getting too much bad press. One of my favourite Beatles' songs and so poignant as we see the fading picture Jude did for Lucy and in the background Max looks destroyed, so fitting with the lyrics.

I've Just Seen a Face: don't especially like their version of the song but the use of the bowling lanes was fun.

Least favourite:

Being for the Benefit of Mr Kite: hated the way the song was interpreted and Eddie Izzard's talking through it. As a result I didn't enjoy or appreciate the sequence that went with it.

The universe has no centre and no edges. Reality is arbitrary.




-"With A Little Help From My Friends". It's just such a fun scene full of laughs and crazy/stupid stunts that make me giggle! It was the scene that really made me like Max.
-"If I Fell". The scene itself was a little boring, but Evan Rachel did such a beautiful job at that song, I have to love it!
-"I Want You". The way the Uncle Sam poster came to life was cool, and the men carrying the Statue of Liberty was so...creative and moving and symbolic! Plus, it's really amusing, seeing all these men dance around in their underwear! And the "I'm a cross dressing homosexual pacifist with a spot on my lung" always make me laugh!
-"Dear Prudence". It was just sweet how they all sang to her, trying to get her to "come out". xD
-"I am The Walrus". Bono did a really good job and all the neon lights and really weird effects on the bus was really cool!
-"Mr. Kite". It was SO trippy and Eddie Izard as Mr. Kite was so funny!
-"Because". Their harmonies are amazing!
-"Strawberry Fields Forever". They made two people, in two completely different circumstances, sing a duet and make it work! It is such a powerful scene.
-"Across The Universe/Helter Skelter". Jim really sang with emotion and Dana sang with such power and spice and the whole scene gives me chills!
-"Hey Jude". Definitely my favorite song by The Beatles and in the film. Joe's voice is amazing and the way the little kids joined in singing was so cute! ^_^
-"All You Need Is Love". Gives me goosebumps. Every time I watch it.

-"Revolution". Jude gets pissed that his girlfriend is doing something productive and that she believes in, so he storms into the office and has a hissy fit in a song...kind of pointless. xD
-"Why Don't We Do It In The Road?". I never liked that song much anyway, so that's probably why I didn't like the scene much.
-"Hold Me Tight." No real point to that scene, if you ask me.
-"It Won't Be Long". Just a little....unimportant to me.
-"Oh! Darling". It just ticks me off so much how Jo Jo is being a total jack ass.

And...that's it! I guess a lot of the scenes are my favorite...but I just like this movie so much! <3

Screw Wizards of Waverly Place and Shake It Up. I like WALT Disney!!
