Best/worst sequences

Name yours!


- "With a Little Help From My Friends". I love how they created a medley with the original and Joe Cocker's version. Plus, the scene is just very enjoyable, made me remember my own friends.
- "Strawberry Fields Forever". I'm not even a huge fan of the song, but the concept of the scene is just awesome, and brilliantly edited and executed.
- "Hey Jude". It was pretty obvious that this song was going to be there, but the scene is just quite emotional and clever. Specially when Max sees Jude arriving and starts shouting "Jude! Jude! Jude! Jude!"
- "Happiness is a Warm Gun". I loved the sequence because of its craziness. And its Probably Max's best singing in the movie.

- "Blackbird". It was quite pointless at the moment it came up, and the arrangement was irritating. I think the song is better suited for a man to sing.
- "Dear Prudence". The whole thing about "coming out of the closet" seemed forced while it should have been subtle.
- "Revolution". It just seemed weird and kinda pathetic.


My fave would be the opening with 'Girl'.

That and Strawberry Fields.

Worst for me would probably be Mr. Kite.


-Helter Skelter: Probably one of the most intense scenes within the film. The song itself is loud and wild so it was definitely well placed. And a phenomenal cover version of the song.
-Strawberry Fields Forever: Just really gorgeous imagery I remember seeing this and being in complete awe.
-I've just seen a face: One of the first bright and colorful sequences. I LOVED the bowling scene sliding.

-Girl: It was short and slightly pointless.
-Oh Darling!: Just kind of a boring scene for me.


Best Sequences (Covers AND Visuals):

-Strawberry Fields Forever (not a favorite Beatles song, but this was the one scene they achieved brilliance in)
-Happiness is a Warm Gun
-Dear Prudence
-Let it Be


-Mr. Kite
-I Want You (She's So Heavy)
-Helter Skelter

And in all actuality the way Taymor staged "I Want to Hold Your Hand" with the Broadway-esque football choreography is really laughable. It should be the fourth on my worst list, except that the actress singing that arrangement was so soulful and moving she saved it from being completely maudlin so I had to put this quid pro quo on it.



I agree that "Strawberry Fields Forever" was executed brilliantly. A very creative use of the song.

I thought the choreography of "I Want You (She's so Heavy)" was well done, though I never cared for that song either.

And honestly, I was absolutely thrilled that they did "A Day in the Life" as an instrumental. Thrilled!

Some days, you just can't get rid of a bomb! (Batman 1966)


My favourites:

I want you (she's so heavy) - amazing choreography
Strawberry Fields forever - really great imagery and clever
Mr Kite - Eddie Izzard - need I say more?
Revolution - a lot of people seem to dislike this but I love it
Hey Jude - Poignant and then awesome when Maz is yelling "Judie, Judie Judie"
Because - Just a gorgeous song and beautiful
Across the Universe/Helter Skelter - amazingly intense
A little help from my friends - IMHO the first truly good song of the movie
Come Together - I LOVE this song and thought it was done really well
Let it be - Just gorgeous and evocative with the scenes that are playing at the time

My least favourites

Most of the songs with Prudence (I thought that the whole character of Prudence was dining out on the two jokes (she came in through the bathroom window and the fact that she was literally in the closet.) I kinda thought those scenes could have been cut with great improvement to the plot and pace (and I adore this film)
I didn't enjoy a lot of the earlier ones as I feel the beauty of this film is the gorgeous imagery that goes along with the songs which were missing with the earlier songs
I love the song Blackbird, but it was a little thrown in and unecessary.


The Good:

1.) Because - My favorite.

2.) I Am the Walrus - SO trippy and bizarre. I felt like I was falling the whole time.

3.) Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite - even MORE trippy and bizzare.

4.) Strawberry Fields Forever - All those images jumbled together + bleeding strawberries = epicness

**I loved the movie (and all the songs) but I prefer some over the others**

Not My Faves:

1.) Revolution - It was just Jude messing up an office. Sung well but a boring presentation.

2.) Something - Sung well. Boring to watch.

3.) With a Little Help from my Friends - I was OK with it but then the waitresses joined in! I found it cheesier because of that.



- Strawberry Fields Forever
- Something
- Hey Jude
- All You Need is Love
- Revolution
- I Want You (She's so Heavy) [such a moving scene and the context it was used it was truly brilliant]

Least Favorites:
- Happiness is a Warm Gun (Even though I enjoyed the choreography)
- Hold me Tight
- I Wanna Hold Your Hand

I wish we heard more of "Girl."

Cram it with walnuts, Ugly!


something and blackbird were really boring to watch, it was just the actors singing with nothing else going on.

Never Forget. Never Forgive.
