MovieChat Forums > Across the Universe (2007) Discussion > Beatles fans should be ashamed

Beatles fans should be ashamed

The standard line on this movie seems to be that if you're a fan of the music you'll love this movie, but I have to say that nothing could be further from the truth. What offends me most is that this movie could be put forth as a worthy addition to the Beatles' cultural legacy. To be honest, I saw nothing of the spirit of the Beatles in this movie--none of the intelligence, wit, childlike wonder, or trenchant humor that made the Beatles so appealing in the first place. The renditions of Beatles' songs bring nothing new to the table, and retain none of the spirit of the originals. Sure the songs themselves are great, but a cover needs to be particularly inspired in arrangement or performance to ever really rival a Beatles original. And none of these versions were particularly inspired. Much of the time, in fact, they were downright embarassing. If you love the songs so much go and listen to one of their 14 albums. Or go watch Help!, A Hard Day's Night, Let It Be, etc.

As anyone who takes them seriously as a band knows, songwriting was only half the genius of the Beatles. The other half was how they played together as musicians, and their boundless creativity and curiosity in the studio. Taking away the latter elements and replacing them with lackluster performances does a disservice to the music and is an insult to anyone who holds these songs in high regard.

And don't even get me started on the characters or the "story," both of which lacked any semblance of consistency as they were only there to set up the musical sequences, and as such, were completely devoid of appeal or any possibility of emotional investment. You could tell me you liked the song versions and I actually might believe you, but if you say you cared about the characters or the story, you're lying through your teeth.


I believe you have simply misinterpreted this outstanding movie. After watching it several times I finally was able to watch the making of this film. It IS NOT a documentary about the Beatles, nor is ti trying to rivive their songs. It is simply a love story. Just using the songs to help dramatize and help us get into the film. The songs were purposly changed dramatically, due to copy right laws. And in my opinion(not saying the Beatles songs are bad, I like) the songs were genious, and all of the actors/actresses voices were amazing, for this being their first films. This coming from a musical point of view, and someone who loves music more than life itself, not to mention I sing as well. When watching I felt something for each character and their stories in this horrible time. The story line is tramendous, and I have personally heard nothing but good about this movie.


I'm a little hurt by the title of your post. Because as far as I heard, I believe it was from IMDB, the surviving beatles, and yoko ono all approved the script, the movie, and were at the premire. So how can beatles fans be ashamed of themselves, when the beatles aren't ashamed of themselves for liking this movie? The beatles approved it, I loved it. It was the spirit of the 60's love, peace, and rock and roll. With a love story too.

"I'm goin to make out in the coatroom. Don't eat my chicken."



Did Paul really like the film? The only thing I heard was that he attended a screening with the director, at the end she asked him if he liked it and he just said "what's not to like" and left.

To me, that's not exactly an energetic endorsement. And it's not like he could say he didn't like it to the director.

But maybe he does like it. I would think he likes it because it keeps the music going and introduces more young people to it, which he sees as good. It's all good. But I wonder if he really thought the movie itself was well put together. No one can know what he really thinks but Paul himself.



"What's not to like" is NOT an endorsement. It seems to ma a polite way to say he DIDN'T like. Paul is a polite man, he wouldn't say he didn't like it to the film's DIRECTOR. I really don't know if he like it or not, but if he was as enthusiastic as some people here say he was, he would at least have suggested people to watch it on his website, where he posts at least once in a month.



I'm sure he found the film stylish and some versions of the songs good. But it is a shallow and unoriginal story. What it bothers me most is not what the film is, is that it could be MUCH better. It is an ok but forggetable film.



Anybody that watches a movie because they like the music before it was REMADE and doesn't bother to find out what the actual movie is about deserves to have a terrible experience.


Beatles fans have no reason to be ashamed if they enjoyed "Across the Universe." Honestly, you should rethink whether or not YOU are a true Beatles fan. If you were, you would recognize that "Across the Universe" held true to a lot of the back stories and meanings of the songs that they used. Do some research and learn about this band you're such a "fan" of before passing judgment. Maybe it will open your eyes a little bit.


I'm a Beatles fan, and I found many Beatles fan who hated this film. Others love it. For me, it has great visuals, but the love story is weak (actually, I found the love story between Lucy and her first boyfriend more sweet and believable), Lucy's involvment with war prostest seems like a 2000's view of the 60's prostest, and Jude's character... ugh! And some plot elements are so obvious and unoriginal. The Beatles song are beyond the borders of the 60's, why set a film in the 60's? Why not the 80's, 90's, 2000's, why not the future? Why Jude HAS to come from Liverpool? Why so unispiring love story?

I have to agree with the OP. Except from Max, I couldn't care less for ANY of these characters or story. But there is a thing a did love. The last scene of the film, "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" with "She Loves You".


"As anyone who takes them seriously as a band knows, songwriting was only half the genius of the Beatles. The other half was how they played together as musicians, and their boundless creativity and curiosity in the studio. Taking away the latter elements and replacing them with lackluster performances does a disservice to the music and is an insult to anyone who holds these songs in high regard."

Holy hell, I get that they are the most genious pop musicians ever, but you make it sound as though Demetri Shostakovich's 5th was used for a Disney movie. This movie stayed true to the heart of the Beatles music, and did a respectable job covering these POP songs. Get over yourself, because I'm not sure if you knew this or not, but several Beatles band members helped supervise and create this movie. So if they liked it, since they did write all the songs, what the hell does that say about you and your pretentious views about what people should like????


I really don't think there is anything to be ashamed of if you are beatles fan. I am a die hard fan of The Beatles and absolutely loved the movie. This movie is so very incomplete without the music. I think this is a tribute to the greatest band of the history. They have the power to make anything rock. The movie seemed to just flow and just because of one thing "The Beatles".


I'm glad I like the reinditions better. I can't even listen to the originals, their voices hurt my ears.

Rule #1: Never see George Clooney Films


This is not a movie about the Beetles. This is a love story, set in one of the most turbulent times in American history; set to the movie of the most culturally relevant band of that time (if not ever). So what is to hate?

There was no intention of making this a documentary or an homage to the Beetles lives. I am a life-long Beetles fan, and I was more than happy to see a new generation of people exposed to the greatness and relevance of their music. I liked the characters and I honestly couldn't care less if you believe me. Even the smaller players (i.e. the young black child in Detroit who sang "Let It Be") demonstrated not only culturally significant events, but also, I felt, remained true to the spirit of the songs.

Those songs...and the Beetles themselves...mean something to a lot of people. Just because it doesn't match your interpretation or memories doesn't mean it is the same for the rest of us.


Maybe people took the movie a little bit too seriously. It's just a movie, a thing that is meant to be entertaining and not a biopic or whatever.
I loved the movie, I love Beatles'music even though I'm not a huge fan. The movie was sweet and I love the romance between the two main characters. So what ? Some fans didn't like the movie it's not the end of the world, Beatles' music will not be ruined because of the movie. It's just a movie.

Le bonheur c'est d'avoir beaucoup de passions et beaucoup de moyen pour les satisfaire


it was better than mama mia


Not ashamed at all. Actually amazed at how good this movie was. I came to it with very low expectations as most musicals are very contrived affairs and linking an artists songs together with a lose plot line can really be an empty experience when it's not done correctly (looking at you Bill Joel's "Movin out" - - oy!)

But this was a wonderful movie. It had me laughing out loud (Eddie Izzard), feeling warm and fuzzy inside (Dear Prudence, Because), overwhelmed (I Want You) and crying like a baby (Let It Be).

It wasn't a movie about the Beatles and anyone who goes to it hoping that it is, is going to be disappointed. The movie actually struck me as a mythologizing of the 60's experience from one point of view. It tells a lot of history through a story about these characters and settings. For anyone who lived through that time I think the film is very moving. What's more, the lyrics are sung as if spoken by the characters in real time about what is happening to them and what they are thinking, with genuine emotion and there is nothing awkward about when they transition from speaking to singing which is amazing. For a movie set in the 60's the music of the Beatles sets the mood perfectly (how could it not?)
