MovieChat Forums > Extras (2005) Discussion > Funniest moment ever?

Funniest moment ever?

When Gervais is shirking from the actor during the play as he tries to kiss him and Ian Mkellan is pushing his head back. Does anyone else think that this is the funniest comedy moment ever? Its like Monty Python, Fawlty Towers and Benny Hill all rolled into one with an extra helping of Wacky Races and a bit of Wallace and Grommit mixed in to boot. Its just brilliant visual humour.

Although, it only just beats the moment when Darren is trying to flush to no avail and then he resorts to using a kitchen utensil to mash it. Amazing.


Imagine a sitcom centred around the exploits of Darren Lamb dating. Wouldn't that also be hilarious.


- The fizzy water bottle moment
- When Darren meets Warwick Davis.. "Orp, midget!"
- Keith Chegwin not being able to get the scene right on 'When the Whistle Blows'
- Andy thinking the girl with cerebral palsy was drunk, and unknowingly telling her sister.
- Maggie telling Damon Beesley that Andy thought he was "too gay"



I'll add the graveyard scene in the Samuel L Jackson episode - hilarious!

and whenever Andy says "Oh for fu....!"




So many funny moments. Especially in the 2nd season.

One was when Andy's Hair stylist wanted his autograph with her name on it and he didn't know her name.

2nd was when Andy entered the room and his agent was masturbating to a lady printed on pen. At the end of the scene when Andy walks out of the room, Barry is also jerking off to the same pen


For me any scene with Darren Lamb but I particularly liked his exchange regarding Daniel Radcliffe. I can't remember the exact script but it goes something like this:

Darren Lamb: What would you say if I told you that you have a part with Billie Piper?
Andy Millman: What?
DL: Billie Piper
AM: What are you talking about?
DL: You know, the small wizard… with glasses.
AM: Do you mean Harry Potter?
DL: That’s the one. What did I say?
AM: Billie Piper
DL: Oh yeah I’ve heard of him


How the hell did you do that?!

It's like you saw into the future.
Darren Lamb dating = Hey ladies






From the David Bowie episode:

Darren: Barry and I were scouring the internet, and we found a glowing review of your sitcom - listen to this: "This charming story of loveable, larger than life characters will please all the family. This is a delightful woodland romp, with many of the best scenes featuring a roly poly toad."
Andy: Gimme that *looks at paper*... This is a review of Wind in the Willows(!)
Darren: What's yours called then... oh When the Wind Blows!
Andy: Whistle!
Darren: I said that was a picture of a frog, didn't I?
Barry: They've got the same throat
Darren: Well, you can see where we went wrong
Andy: I'm going to get a drink...
Barry: He's a ringer!
Maggie: Oh yeah... except he's green
Darren: Who, Andy or...? oh, the frog




The Patrick Stewart part in his trailer about his movie and the nudity is my favourite. Tied with that is the part in the Kate Winslet episode when Andy's in the group talking to the priest pretending to be Catholic. I laughed so damn hard the first time I saw that.
