MovieChat Forums > The Illusionist (2006) Discussion > Who else solved the movie's twist, Befor...

Who else solved the movie's twist, Before the film ended??



I figured out the twist right away when Edward Norton asks Biel "Do you really want to leave with me?" after they've had sex in his lodge. I mean, it's obvious that he had a plan and even though I didn't EXACTLY get the plan, I think it was pretty obvious that he was doing everything on purpose since that scene.

I enjoyed the movie, but I was (very) disappointed that it was so easy to see through. I wish I would have had that "a-ha" feeling and being surprised by the twist in the end. Didn't happen, though. :( Am I the only one who thinks this movie was waaaay too easy to figure out?


Figured it out early on; didn't diminish my enjoyment of the movie a bit.


Yeah for me too. Often even though you know the end result of a story, the journey there is just as interesting.


If predictable endings ruined entire stories, the Lord of the Rings trilogy would never have been as highly regarded as it is. Fortunately, the journey was enthralling.


Agreed. The only part I didn't like was the too didactic ending.


Dude don't kid yourself seriously... Most of us "got" it when he took a serious look at her and said "do you really want to leave with me". Because this is a guy who can make that happen. Nobody pinpointed all of his moves and tricks and half of them were setup in such a way that there would have to be an insurmountable amount of luck involved in the plan as well. And this death/revival potion? Ghosts? We don't even have holograms to that level of sophistication today.

This did not diminish my enjoyment of the film I was actually quite glad to see her return to live with him at the end and I'm usually more of an "optimistic realist" I like to say so tragic death usually works great in films, unpredictable death, because life indeed is so fragile. Your life in a gunfight could be determinded by a gust of wind, or that guy who got his arm pinned in the rock ledge. Look at Game of Thrones, kills all kinds of people though I will say some people have to make it from beginning to end and killing Jon Snow, which I don't think will have happened I mean his entire story arc beyond what little we know about the legless kid bran? he is the Wall, He is the fight against white walkers. To kill Jon Snow is bull *beep* But I digress, and apologize for going off on that tangent there if you stick it out.


I just watched the movie.

Yeah, from the moment he said "Do you really wanna leave?", I knew there would be a trick in there. And in the moment she was found dead, I said "That's also a trick, he is faking her death so they can leave".

I pretty much figured out the whole twist right from the beginning. And I usually suck at figuring out those things.


Yeah I also figured it out when he said do you really want to leave with me, I knew he would set something up. Not the first film I have worked out the twist before it was revealed eithier like The Sixth Sense it didn't take me long to realise the Bruce Willis character was dead!!

"I'll set my course by you my northern star"


I only got it when I saw him wrapping that vial with the dark liquid. Sort of reminded me of Polanski's Romeo and Juliet in many ways. Definitely enjoyed watching this and "The Prestige" the last couple of nights!


It took me until the Prince said that he could of taken the gems out during his trick with the sword but I felt that was too easy. Still enjoyed the film.


It took me until the Prince said that he could of taken the gems out during his trick with the sword but I felt that was too easy. Still enjoyed the film.


To be fair they probably wanted people to figure it out, they left plenty of clues for everyone to catch and the ending isn't really played out like a big reveal. Like someone here said, maybe you didn't know exactly how it would play out it was quite obvious that they staged her "murder".


*Raises hand* I did. So predictable.
