Science? HA

What is wrong with this show?

They pass themselves off as scientist, but the most scientific thing they have done is show they know how to drive cars

They advertise this show as scientific, yet there are just so many variables in their "experiments" that they don’t even bother to try to fix, and then after that all they do is blow crap up for no reason except its supposed to be funny.

Every time this show comes on i find myself getting angry with the creators, i wanted to like this because i generally find British humor smarter than us humor and i used to believe the brits where also smarter, but after this pile of trash i think i am going to go start watching things like friends as i have now lost my faith in the brits

/end rant


The show clearly isn't about incredibley accurate test results that may change the world, it's about taking basic science and dicking around with it for a laugh!



wrong, it proved you can't shave while being electrocuted.
The show's whole goal is to make science interesting, and it suceeds, in the uk its been showing roughly four times a day on 2 different channels, if the show was that bad then why would Sky air it so much.
the point is to take random bits of "science" and make them interesting, yeah they have women in bikini's doing pointless things (such as which fruit floats, and will it bounce or break) but they are the worst part of the show and serve as filler material between for ad breaks,
and you missed the mark with the whole "i can do science me", its ORDINARY people asking questions, these aren't scientists they are common people getting a chance to find out things thanks to the show.


Liam, man... I can't even begin to grasp why anyone would ever take this show so seriously. Or 'science' for that matter.

"Science is NOT a toy. Anyone who takes science and plays around it should NOT claim they are scientist [sic]."

Are you being serious? Because if you are, that would mean nobody could joke about anything anymore. 'Guns are NOT toys, so Elmer Fudd trying to shoot Bugs Bunny is horrible television'.



Jesus Christ, get a grip! It's not supposed to be taken seriously! Who wrote the law that every tv programme has to be serious, educational, have a point even? Why can't you just sit back and be entertained? They're not calling themselves scientists, and they're not trying to make people believe that the conclusions they come to are true- I mean, If your house gets broken into by manics who want to kill you, grab a wok. RUN OUT OF THE HOUSE!! Everyone knows that. Take the whole programme with a barrel of salt, sit back and laugh. It's COMEDY!

Darth Scouser approaches



Brainiac Science Abuse has as much to do with science as it's spin off has to do with History (and since I'm an experimental archaeologist I can quite catagorically say that this is abolsutely nothing).

It's bloody good fun to watch them though.

And everyone saying Mythbusters is better is actually wrong, if Mysthbusters is the same show as the one I saw where they 'proved' that Archimedes Death Ray wasn't possible, using possibly the most flawed experimental protocol I have ever seen.

An excellent example of a single show managing to put me off an entire series!
